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" The greatest service which can be rendered any country is, to add a useful plant to its culture, especially a bread grain ; next in value to bread is oil. "
Second Nature: A Gardener's Education - Pagina 224
di Michael Pollan - 2007 - 320 pagine
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Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies: From the Papers of ..., Volume 1

Thomas Jefferson - 1820 - 486 pagine
...have become almost general, and is highly prized. Perhaps it may answer in Tennessee and Kentucky. The greatest service which can be rendered any country is, to add an useful plant to its culture ; especially, a bread grain ; next in value to bread is oil. Whether...
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Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies from the Papers of T ..., Volumi 1-2

Thomas Jefferson - 1829 - 990 pagine
...have become almost general, .and is highly prized. Perhaps it may answer in Tennessee and Kentucky. The greatest service which can be rendered any country is, to add an useful plant to its culture ; especially, a bread grain ; next in value to bread is oil. Whether...
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Memoirs, Correspondence, and Private Papers of Thomas Jefferson ..., Volume 1

Thomas Jefferson - 1829 - 490 pagine
...have become almost general, and is highly prized. Perhaps it may answer in Tennessee and Kentucky. The greatest service which can be rendered any country is, to add an useful plant to its culture ; especially, a bread grain ; next in value to bread is oil. Whether...
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Memoirs, correspondence and private papers of Thomas Jefferson, ed. by T.J ...

Thomas Jefferson - 1829 - 984 pagine
...have become almost general, and is highly prized. Perhaps it may answer in Tennessee and Kentucky. The greatest service which can be rendered any country is, to add an useful plant to its culture ; especially, a bread grain ; next in value to bread is oil. Whether...
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Life of Thomas Jefferson: With Selections from the Most Valuable Portions of ...

B. L. Rayner - 1834 - 820 pagine
...be planted, by way of experiment in South Carolina and Georgia. « The greatest service,' says he, 'which can be rendered any country is, to add a useful plant to its culture ; especially a bread grain ; next in value to bread, is oil.' These plants were tried, and are now...
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, with appendix. Correspondence

Thomas Jefferson - 1853 - 660 pagine
...have become almost general, and is highly prized. Perhaps it may answer in Tennessee and Kentucky. The greatest service which can be rendered any country is, to add an useful plant to its culture ; especially, a bread grain ; next in value to bread is oil. Whether...
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The Republic, Or, A History of the United States of America in the ..., Volume 3

John Robert Irelan - 1887 - 560 pagine
...have become almost general, and is highly prized. Perhaps it may answer in Tennessee and Kentucky. The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add an useful plant to its culture; especially a bread grain; next in value to bread is oil. " Whether...
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: 1795-1801

Thomas Jefferson - 1896 - 544 pagine
...have become almost general, and is highly prized. Perhaps it may answer in Tennessee and Kentucky. The greatest service which can be rendered any country is, to add an useful plant to its culture ; especially, a bread grain ; next in value to bread is oil. Whether...
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The Life and Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Including All of His Important ...

Samuel Eagle Forman - 1900 - 494 pagine
...of the wet rice which renders South Carolina and Georgia so pestilential through the summer. * * * The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add an useful plant to its culture; especially, a bread grain; next in value to bread oil. (11) Whether...
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The Life and Writings of ...

Thomas Jefferson - 1900 - 498 pagine
...of the wet rice which renders South Carolina and Georgia so pestilential through the summer. * * * The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add an useful plant to its culture; especially, a bread grain; next in value to bread oil. (11) Whether...
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