INTRODUCTION. So many editions of SALLUST and CICERO have already been published for the use of schools, that any addition to the number may be thought superfluous. It has, however, frequently occurred to me, that the four beautiful Orations against Catiline, if read in immediate connection with Sallust's account of his conspiracy, would increase the interest of the narrative itself, and receive, at the same time, a degree of illustration in turn. Under this impression, the present volume has been prepared in which the Jugurthine War is appended without notes; as it may fairly be presumed that by the time the student enters upon it, such assistance will have become comparatively unnecessary. I have kept the same object in view both in this publication, and in the EXCERPTA EX OVIDIO; viz. to ground the learner thoroughly in the fundamentals of the Latin language, in order to a complete and familiar acquaintance with it. In the Introduction to the Excerpta ample rules will be found for construing and parsing, which it is therefore needless to repeat. It may be adviseable to notice, however, a peculiarity of construction for which Sallust is remarkable, as well as for the constant omission of conjunctions, particles, and the verb substantive, in common with the historians generally, and some other writers; I mean the use of the infinitive mood, instead of the indicative. Instances of this usage are frequently pointed out in the notes; and it is to be observed, that in all these cases, the verb is to follow the nominative case precisely in the same way as in ordinary sentences, though it is supposed to depend upon incipiebat understood. Still it is by diligent parsing alone that an accurate acquaintance with Latin, and all its idioms, can be acquired; and it will not therefore be amiss to subjoin an elementary praxis, which may serve as a guide in this essential exercise. The passage selected for analysis is the former part of the fifth section, which commences the actual narrative; and the words are arranged in the English order, as each word depends upon that which precedes it in the sense. Lucius Catilina, natus nobili genere, fuit (vir) magnâ vi et animi et corporis, sed ingenio malo pravoque. Intestina bella, (et) cædes, (et) rapinæ, (et) civilis discordia, fuere grata (negotia) huic ab adolescentiâ: ibique exercuit suam juventutem. Corpus (ejus fuit) patiens inediæ, (et) algoris, (et) vigiliæ, supra quàm est credibile cuiquam: animus (ejus fuit) audax, (et) subdolus, (et) varius: (ipse fuit) simulator ac dissimulator cujuslibet rei: appetens alieni (et) profusus sui (negotii: et) ardens in cupiditatibus: (ei fuit) satis eloquentiæ, (sed) parum sapientiæ: vastus ani mus (ejus) semper cupiebat immoderata, (et) incredibilia, (et) nimis alta (negotia). Lucius (2. decl.) Catilina (1. decl.) pr. n. Nominative case to the verb fuit.-Natus, part. perf. of vb. dep. 3. conj. nascor, nasceris, or ere, natus sum, &c. [Rule, Verba in or, &c.] Nom. sing. masc. to agree with Catilina. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.]-Nobili, adj. 2. term. from nobilis, e. [Rule, Sub gemina, &c.] Abl. sing. neut. to agree with genere. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.]—Genere, noun subst. 3. decl. from genus, eris. [Rule, Est neutrale, &c.] Abl. sing. governed by natus. [Rule, Natus, prognatus, &c.]-Fuit, verb subst. from Sum, es, fui, &c. [Rule, Sum, fui, habet.] Perf. 3. sing. to agree with its nominative, Catilina. [Rule, Verbum personale, &c.]-Magná, adj. 3. term. from magnus, a, um. [Rule, At si tres, &c.] Abl. sing. fem. to agree with the substantive vi. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.]-Vi, noun subst. fem. 3. decl. from vis, vis, vim, vi. [Rules, Nomen non crescens, &c.; Integra vox vis, &c.] Ablative of the quality. See note. [Rule, Adjectivum in neutro genere, &c.]-Et, conj.Animi, noun subst. m. 2. decl. from animus, i. [Rule, In us quoque mascula, &c.] Gen. sing. latter of two substantives. [Rule, Cum duo substantiva, &c.]—Et, conj.-Corporis, noun subst. n. 3. decl. from corpus, oris. [Rule, Est neutrale, &c.] Gen. sing. coupled by et with animi. [Rule, Conjunctiones copulative, &c.]-Sed, conj.-Ingenio, noun subst. n. 2. decl. from ingenium, i. [Rule, Omne quod exit in um, &c.] Abl. case, coupled by sed with vi. [Rule, Conjunctiones, &c.]-Malo, adj. 3. term. from malus, a, um. [Rule, At si tres, &c.] Abl. sing. n. to agree with ingenio. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.]-Que, conj. Pravo, adj. 3. term. from pravus, a, um. [Rule, At si tres, &c.] Abl. sing. n. coupled by que with malo. [Rule, Conjunctiones, &c.]—Intestina, adj. 3. term. from intestinus, a, um. [Rule, At si tres, &c.] Nom. pl. n. to agree with bella. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.]-Bella, noun subst. n. 2. decl. from bellum, i. [Rule, Omne quod exit in um, &c.] Nom. pl. to the verb fuere-Cades, noun subst. f. 3. decl. from cædes, is. [Rule, Nomen non crescens, &c.] Nom. pl. coupled by et (understood,) with bella. [Rule, Conjunctiones copulativæ, &c.] -Rapinæ, noun subst. f. 1. decl. from rapina, œ. [Rules, as for cædes.]-Civilis, adj. 2. term. from civilis, e. [Rule, Sub geminá, &c.] Nom. sing. f. to agree with discordia. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.]-Discordia, noun subst. 1. decl. from discordia, a. Nom. sing. [Rules, as for cædes.]—Fuere, verb subst. from sum, es, fui, &c. [Rule, Sum, fui, habet.] Perf. 3. pl. ind. to agree with the nominatives bella, cades, &c. [Rule, Verbum personale, &c.]-Grata, adj. 3. term. from gratus, a, um. [Rule, At si tres, &c.] Nom. pl. n. to agree with negotia, or the like, understood. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.]~~ Huic, pronoun relative, from hic, hæc, hoc. Dat. sing. m. to agree with the antecedent Catalina, and governed by the adjective grata. [Rules, Relativum cum antecedente, &c.; Adjectiva quibus commodum, &c.]-Ab, preposit. governing an ablative case. Adolescentia, noun subst. f. 1. decl. from adolescentia, a. [Rule, Nomen non crescens, &c,] Abl. case, governed by ab.-Ibi, adv.-Que, conj.-Exercuit, verb act. 2. conj. from exerceo, ces, cui, cere, citum. [Rules, Es in præsenti, &c.; Quod dat ui dat itum.] Ind. perf. 3. sing. to agree with hic, understood. [Rule, Verbum personale, &c.]-Suam, pron. adj. 3. term. from suus, a, um. [Rule, At si tres, &c.] Acc. sing. f. to agree with juventutem. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.]—Juventutem, noun. subst. f. 3. decl. from juventus, tutis. [Rule, Nomen crescentis, &c.] Acc. sing. after the verb exercuit. [Rule, Verba transitiva, &c.]-Corpus, as above; nom. sing. to the verb fuit, understood.-Patiens, part. pres. from patior; or rather, perhaps, adj. 1. term. from patiens, entis. [Rule, Adjectiva unam duntaxat, &c.] Nom. sing. n. to agree with corpus. [Rule, Item omnia fere, &c.]-Inedia, noun subst. f. 1. decl. from inedia, a. [Rule, Nomen non crescens, &c.] Gen. sing. governed by patiens. [Rule, Adjectiva quæ significant, &c.]-Algoris, noun subst. m. 3. decl. from algor, oris. [Rule, Mascula in er, ceu crater; or, &c.] Gen. sing. coupled by et (understood,) with inedia. [Rule, Conjunctiones, &c.]-Vigilia, as inedia, and coupled with algoris.-Supra, prep. used adverbially. [Rule, Præpositiones cùm casum, &c.]-Quàm, conj. -Est, verb subst. from sum, es, &c. Ind. pres. 3. sing. to agree with negotium, understood. [Rule, Verbum personale, &c.]-Credibile, adj. 2. term. from credibilis, e. [Rule, Sub gemina, &c.] Nom. sing. n. to agree with negotium, understood. [Rule, item omnia fere verba, &c.]-Cuiquam, compound pron. rel. from quisquam, quæquam, quidquam, dat. sing. after credibile. [Rule, Verbalia in bilis, &c.]—Animus, as above. Nom. sing. before fuit, understood. [Rule, Verbum personale, &c.]-Audax, acis, adj. 1. term. [Rule, Adjectiva unam, &c.] Nom. sing. m. to agree with animus. [Rule, Item omnia, &c.]Subdolus, a, um, adj. 3. term. [Rule, At si tres, &c.] Nom. sing. m. coupled by et, understood, with audax. [Rule, Conjunctiones copulativæ, &c.]-Varius, as subdolus. Simulator, noun subst. m. 3. decl. from simulator, oris. [Rule, Mascula in er, ceu crater; or, &c.] Nom. sing. after the verb fuit, understood. [Rule, Verba substantiva, &c.]—Ac, conj.—Dissimulator, as simulator, with which it is coupled by ac. [Rule, Conjunctiones copulativæ, &c.]-Cujuslibet, compound pronoun from quilibet, quælibet, quodlibet. Gen. sing. f. to agree with rei. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.]-Rei, noun subst. f. 5. decl. from res, rei. [Rule, Nomen crescentis, &c.] Gen. sing. latter of two substantives. [Rule, Quum duo substantiva, &c.]-Appetens, part. pr. from the verb act. 3. conj. appeto, is, ivi, ere, itum. [Rules, Peto vult formare petivi; Vi fit tum, &c.] Nom. sing. m. to agree with vir, understood. [Rule, Adjectiva, participia, &c.] Alieni, adj. 3. term. from alienus, a, um. [Rule, At si tres, &c.] Gen. sing, n. (agreeing with negotii, |