| Charles Davies - 1859 - 130 pagine
...references to the " Grammar" at every step. INTRODUCTORY LATIN BOOK. I2mo, cloth. 162 pages ..... 87 cents Intended as an elementary drill book on the inflections and principles of the language. This work gives a distinct outline of the whole grammar. INTRODUCTION TO LATIN COMPOSITION. I2mo, cloth.... | |
| 1867 - 428 pagine
...the last Thursday of each month, to see what new thing the teachers of San Francisco are thinking of. AN INTRODUCTORY LATIN BOOK, intended as an Elementary...on the inflections and principles of the language, and as an Introduction to the author's Grammar, Reader, and Latin Composition. By Albert Harkuess,... | |
| 1867 - 830 pagine
...edition, with a new system of pronunciation. New York: D. Appleton <t Co. 1867. 12rao. pp. xxxii; 188,112. An Introductory Latin Book, intended as an elementary...on the inflections and principles of the language, and as an introduction to the author's Grammar, Reader, and Latin Composition. By Albert Harknexs,... | |
| 1867 - 656 pagine
...with brilliant fancies and resonant melodies, Buchanan has a large amount of such witchcraft in him. An Introductory Latin Book, intended as an Elementary...on the Inflections and Principles of the Language, and as an Introduction to the Author's Grammar, Header, and Latin Composition. By A, HARKNEBS, Professor... | |
| 1867 - 826 pagine
...Grammar," an approved and popular work, edited and enlarged by Charles 1). Morris; Prof. Harkness's "Introductory Latin Book, intended as an Elementary...on the Inflections and Principles of the Language ; " Part II. of "Principia Latina," by William Smith, LL. D., and Henry Drisler, LL. D. In Legal Science... | |
| 1867 - 678 pagine
...BATTLE-PIECES and Aspects of the War. By Herman Melville. New York : Harper A Brothers. 1866. 12mo. pp. 272. AN INTRODUCTORY LATIN BOOK, intended as an Elementary Drill Book on the Infiections and Principles of the Language, and ns an Introduction to the author's Grammar, Reader,... | |
| 1868 - 828 pagine
...Grammar," an approved and popular work, edited and enlarged by Charles D. Morris; Prof. Harkness's "Introductory Latin Book, intended as an Elementary...on the Inflections and Principles of the Language ; " Part II. of "Principia Latina," by William Smith, LL. D., and Henry Drisler, LL. D. In Legal Science... | |
| 1873 - 684 pagine
...classical institutions of every grade, both of school and college. It comprises the following works : An Introductory Latin Book, intended as an Elementary...on the Inflections and Principles of the Language. Price, $1.25. Prof. 0. Howes, Shurtleff College, 111; 'This is undoubtedly the best book of Us kind... | |
| Cornelius Nepos - 1878 - 418 pagine
...NEDL TRANSFER t ^^^k CLASSICAL WORKS. LATIN TEXT-BOOKS. Harkness's Introductory Latin Book, intended as an Elementary...on the Inflections and Principles of the Language. • Latin Grammar, for Schools and Colleges. Revised Edition. Elements of Latin Grammar, for Schools.... | |
| Ernst Steiger - 1878 - 346 pagine
...KBffiH, AM. $0.28 Petites causerios; or, Elementary English and French Conversations. $1.UO Latin. HARKNESS'S SERIES OF LATIN TEXT-BOOKS. An Introductory Latin Book. Intended as an Elementary Drill-Book on the Inflections and principles of the language. $0.87 A NI-W Latin Grammar. Revised edition.... | |
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