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Hymns of Heaven; or the Songs of the Saints in Glory." This book is published by S. W. Partridge; is ushered in with a preface full of confidence, and happy anticipations of the blest employment of the heavenly citizens, and furnishes five chapters on the songs of saints and angels around the throne in glory. Mr. Grant has furnished brief expositions of some parts of the Revelation, and a few specimens of ancient and modern hymnology. Altogether, a neat and sweet little manual of the high and holy anthems of all who safely reach the heavenly shores.

This is not so much a controversial as it is a consoling book, and, thrown to the winds as we sometimes have been in this valley, we gladly read any book which tends to carry us "Beyond, beyond, these lower skies,

Up where eternal ages roll,
Where solid pleasures never die,

And fruits immortal feast the soul."

And where we hope to know, even as we are known; and see the King in His Beauty, and all the redeemed family at home with the Lord for



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While the Ritualistic showmen are rocking the people into deep deceptions and hiding the glories of the Gospel, it is cheering to see such a smart and pungent writer as the author of "St. Dorothy's Home coming out with a series of stinging tracts, exposing Mr. Rome-Papal, and his near neighbour Mrs. Pu-Ritual, in such a spirit as can hurt nobody; yet so plainly as to enlighten all who read. In all parishes and districts where Ritualism is overspreading the people, Christian men and women should freely circulate Mrs. Brown's Tracts. They can be had at any of our offices, or of G. J. Stevenson, in Paternoster row.

THE STRICT BAPTISTS' FRIEND is Mr. William Stokes, of Manchester. The second edition of his History of Baptists and their Principles Century by Century to the Present Time, is a volume of more real worth, than thousands imagine. We really think the Strict Baptists have been asleep long enough; and two or three great guns have been firing into them, thinking to destroy them altogether.

But surely, this cannot be! And, yet, if there is not more union, strength, zeal, faith, fervent practical effort, and decided action in defence of their principles, it seems to us, they will be greatly weakened by the Jesuit-like course now taken against them. We ask the friends of the New Testament Church, to read, and to let their families read, and to have read in their schools, this little volume of Mr. Stokes.

One hundred and fifty numbers of the Gospel Guide have now been successively issued. This weekly penny paper is calculated to publish a consecutive history of the progress of the Gospel in connection with those churches and ministers who hold fast the great principles of the New Covenant salvation of the Church of Christ. No such weekly issue is to be found upon the face of the earth, except the Gospel Guide; and to aid its usefulness, corresponding agencies should be appointed in all our leading districts.

We have received two new works from the pen of William Taylor, who from California has come to London to shew men "How to be saved." He is a clever penman, and is full of information; but the study of his works as yet greatly perplexes us. We shall review them shortly.



MY DEAR BROTHER CHARLES, One line to say, I do not forget you, nor the mercies which have gathered and kept you. I am up this morning, as every morning, at six a.m.; yet then I have no time to throw away; but I shall find time and inclination all the day to breathe upwards, with desires that the dews of grace and love may descend from the heavenly hills, and refresh you greatly in body, and soul, and family, and church, and general ministry. With this assurance, I must beg you to remember me to each and every one of yours and mine own flesh; and especially remember me at the throne of grace. Many happy returns of the day, prays your affectionate brother,

February 9th, 1867.


Our Churches, Our Pastors, and Our People.


ON FRIDAY, April 19, 1867, two services were held in the New Surrey Tabernacle, Wansey street, Walworth road. In the afternoon, Mr. James Wells, the pastor, delivered an excellent and truly spiritual discourse, to a large audience. Tea was then bountifully supplied to nearly one thousand persons. In the evening, a public meeting was holden. Sometime previous to the commencement of the proceedings, the spacious edifice was filled in every part, and when the pastor opened the service, and the mass of listeners rose and sang, with a will, the enchanting lines of Isaac Watts, penned in the year 1709,

"Come let us join our cheerful songs
With angels round the throne,"

the scene was sufficient to raise a cheerful song in the heart of every Christian, and a very grateful song in the heart of a pastor whom the Lord had so signally blessed and so largely prospered. Mr. Cowdry offered prayer, asking for a continuance of the blessings upon the minister and church in that place.

After singing another verse,

MR. WELLS said he desired most gratefully to acknowledge the goodness of God towards them as a Church and people for such a number of years. He had that afternoon preached a sermon on raising the topstone; and now, he having done his part, it was for the friends to do theirs: that was to complete the payment of the cost of the erection; and he felt sure they would do that, for if they failed, their enemies would joyfully exclaim "There is schism between the minister and the people." It was forty years ago this spring since he began preaching the gospel. Having been made deeply sensible of his own lost condition, and having realised, in his own soul, the great and eternal love of the Saviour, he felt a strong and irresistible desire to tell to others the love of that Saviour. It was in the year 1827, at 6 o'clock in the morning, at the Broadway, Westminster, that he commenced preaching, without the least idea of ever becoming a minister of the Gospel. At the age of twenty-two, the Lord called him by his grace, and from shortly after that time he had preached the Gospel, in which he had been greatly blessed, and was still so favoured. But his object in now rising was to propose that their tried, firm, decided, and faithful friend, Mr. Thomas Pocock, should preside over that meeting. This proposal being seconded and unanimously adopted,

The CHAIRMAN said he considered it a great honour conferred on him in presiding


over a meeting which he anticipated would be the closing up and finishing of the important matter of erecting the noble building in which they were then gathered. Had he to preach a sermon he should choose for a text one short word, for he believed that had erected the building and nearly paid the cost-that word was "Love." The Chairman then gave an interesting and plain statement of the reasons that induced the Church to decide on building; and followed it up with a sketch of their proceedings from the meeting held three-and-a-half years ago up to the present time. [As this statement has appeared in substance in this magazine (see the E. V. for Oct., 1866), it will not be necessary here to repeat it.] The Chairman, in closing the history, remarked he liked to see the hand of the Lord in every movement; and he could truly say, he had watched it in the erection of that place. At their first meeting his brother Carr said, "Faith laughed at impossibilities." The other Sunday, their pastor was discoursing on faith, and he then showed that faith without works was dead. was reminded of an incident touching this point he recently heard. A traveller in Scotland had to cross a river. Being a careful man, and it being a rough and rather dangerous part to cross, made him the more careful in the choice of his ferry and ferryman. Having satisfied himself on this particular, they proceeded on their journey, and in course of conversation the traveller discovered that the ferryman knew something not only of the river they were crossing, but of the "river that maketh glad the city of God." It is both refreshing and cheering thus unexpectedly to meet a brother who loves and recognized the Saviour, as we are moving on our journey through life. It is a bright star in the darkened horizon; it is an oasis in the midst of a dreary desert; it is a "lift by the way," the remembrance of which revives our sorrowful spirits, and causes us to renew our journey with fresh vigour and increased energy. As they were proceeding, the traveller observed that on one of the oars which the waterman was plying was engraved a large bold letter F.; and on the second oar was an equally prominent letter W. What could these two letters signify? Not being able to solve the question himself, he asked his companion to explain the same. The explanation was given practically. The boatman withdrew from the water the oar that was marked with the letter W., and laying it quietly in the boat, commenced plying the other vigorously with both hands, whereupon the boat began to go round, and the traveller was amazed, and anxiously enquired the meaning of such a course of action, seeing that no progress

was being made to the shore. The boatman's object being thus gained, in showing that with the oar F. no progress was made in their journey, again took the oar marked W., and having placed it in the water, plied the two together, and onward towards the shore they proceeded. What did it mean? "You see, sir," said the boatman, breaking the silence that he had maintained for some time, "This oar marked F. I name Faith; and the one marked W. is Works: use one alone, and we make no progress, but the two in active use will, with God's blessing, accomplish our object. In the raising of that house there had been strong faith and energetic working, and the desire of their hearts had been completed. It was just three years and six months that evening, that their first public meeting was held, when Mr. Foreman and some other ministers spoke to them; and, in looking back from that day to the present it was truly wonderful what they had accomplished. He knew of no church that had raised a building costing so large a sum, and paid for it themselves in so short a period. In three years and a half, ten thousand pounds had been collected for the building, and this had in no way interfered with their charitable and other objects; and last Good Friday they added £500 to it in the shape of a present to their pastor. To-night their object was the completion of the payment of the debt. He was quite sure in his own mind that would be accomplished. Mr. Butt would now inform them of the position of the building in that respect.

Mr. EDWARD BUTT, who on rising was warmly received, said he had no written statement to read to them on that occasion, for they thought it unnecessary, as they now looked upon it they were nearly at the end of their journey. As a Church they now looked upon the Good Friday services as their annual gathering; and it was pleasing to look back upon their history as a church and people. At no period in that history had they had larger manifestations of the Lord's goodness to them than at the present time: the word was greatly blessed; sinners were brought in; the saints were fed, comforted, and refreshed; the minister was assisted in the ministry of the word, and in the delivery thereof was greatly blessed in his own soul. The Gospel delivered there from time to time met the necessities of the children of God; they came up there cast down, sorrowful, burdened, and perplexed, with the cares and anxieties of the way; and the Gospel had cheered, had comforted, had refreshed, and had removed their burdens. Mr. Butt then referred to the great pressure that had occurred in the monetary and commercial world during the past twelve months, and it had been doubtful if they should accomplish the object they had set their hearts upon, of finishing the debt. And in anticipating the end of their labours in that point, he did not look upon it they were to be idle; for he believed

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year of . £511 15 8 collected and devoted to the object of relieving the poor. They had no wish to parade this abroad, but it was desirable to let the friends know that these charitable objects had in no way suffered by the building fund. In reference to the question of the building debt, at their meeting held in September, last year, they were left with a debt of £1,550. It was then urged that on this day (Good Friday), it should be cleared off. It was suggested at that October meeting (continued Mr. Butt) that I should try and raise £500 towards it by to-night. I promised to do my best. In March sent out circulars to our friends, and 1 am truly astonished at the response I have received to my application; and (turning to the chairman, Mr. Butt said), 1 have to ask you to-night. sir, if you will accept of me £540 for the £500 I promised. It has not been accomplished without much labour. Often, after the toils of the day have I returned home, and commenced to labour again for this cause. But I have been refreshed in these labours; and the Saviour has been made very dear to my heart, while thus engaged in the Lord's work; for they had not built that place for themselves: it was a great blessing to know that when they were gone, there would still be a "seed to serve Him." In the congregation there was a large number of young people, and it was pleasant to find the work of the Lord going on among them. Thus, they had much cause for gratitude in every respect.

Mr. Carr, the Treasurer, could hardly realize the position they had placed him in. They had kept him well supplied with funds-so that all he had to do was to dispense them. He had seen the hand of God toward them: many had borne sweet testimony to the good they had received: it had been said by some there was leprosy in the walls there; he could bear testimony that lepers within the walls had been cleansed; the blind had there received Gospel sight; and the lame had been made

to leap for joy. For all these mercies they had great cause for thankfulness. As to the remainder of the debt, he was confident that would be obliterated.

The Chairman said there were a number of ministerial brethren present whom they were anxious to hear, but he was sure they would listen to them much better if the business part of the proceedings was concluded first. He should therefore propose that the collection be now made; and then while they were singing the brethren would ascertain the amount.

Several friends then handed in various sums, and the collection was made through the building.

The Chairman next proposed a cordial vote of thanks to the ladies, for the great service they had rendered to the cause in continuing the weekly offerings; which being seconded, was carried unanimously.

Mr. Wells paid a high compliment to the Building Committee, who had very carefully watched over the matter. In the erection of the place they had carefully examined the materials, and also the workmanship; and much time in this way had been spent by them.

Mr. C. W. Banks gave a short address on the "Gospel of the Grace of God."

The deacons having by this time returned to the platform, after ascertaining the amount of the collection and donations,

Mr. Pocock, the Chairman, said he was now in a position to furnish them with the result of the collection; but before doing so, he might just tell them of a little private meeting they held in the vestry on a recent Thursday evening. Looking forward to the Good Friday meeting, he was anxious to know how they should be situated with respect to clearing off the debt. He saw his friend Butt, and they arranged to have a private meeting. A few notices were issued to some friends, and forty-two of them met when he (Mr. Pocock) laid the matter before them, and the forty-two at that little Thursday night meeting subscribed £330; that with Mr. Butt's £540, and the collections made that day had SWEPT THE DEBT AWAY, and left them with £18 balance. The noble building was now free. All glory be given to the Lord alone.

The announcement was received with intense feeling, great cheering, and pleasing satisfaction, by the meeting; and as soon as Mr. Baugh could be heard, he moved the following resolution:

"We, the visitors and friends from other churches, offer Mr. Wells, the deacons, and church, our hearty congratulations on their new Tabernacle being free from debt."

Mr. Thomas Stringer seconded the same, and it was unanimously adopted.

Mr. Wells, in replying, said he had known them for many years, and they had known him. Some people had said they would never accomplish the undertaking, but they did not know the Surrey Tabernacle people as well as he did, or that re

mark would not have been made, for they never yet undertook anything they did not accomplish. He had faith in the people; he was a congregational man; and was sure if ministers trusted the people more it would be far better. The existence of that noble building was a proof of the fact. He congratulated the friends on the completion of the same. Some one sent a Wesleyan minister there to hear him, and he went away and wrote to say they were all fools there; well, they were fools enough to raise such a building, and fools enough to pay for it. He was astonished at what had been accomplished; and he trusted he might be spared many years longer, to minister unto them.

Mr. Messer, in rising, shook Mr. Wells heartily by the hand, congratulated him on his position; truly he might say to him,

The lines have fallen unto you in pleasant places," and "You have a goodly heritage." In the course of a warm address, Mr. Messer strongly urged upon Mr. Wells, now the chapel debt was paid, to set about having a glorious Sunday school established there; and the remark was warmly received by the meeting.

Mr. Stringer offered some pleasing remarks on the success and prosperity of the cause; and was truly glad to find the Lord was so abundantly blessing the ministry the Word in that place.

Mr. Wells proposed a cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman; Mr. Butt seconded the same, and Mr. Carr supported it.

In replying, Mr. Pocock acknowledged the Lord's goodness to him in having, for three-score and five years, maintained him in that borough in integrity and usefulness. His greatest joy and happiest hours were those spent in the Lord's service, and doing what he could to help forward the cause of Christ, and in rendering help to the poor of "the household of faith."

The multitude rose and sang,

"Hail, mighty Jesus, how Divine
Is Thy victorious Word," &c.

Mr. Wells pronounced the benediction, and the proceedings closed.

In writing this report, we have purposely avoided any remarks on the warmth and energetic spirit manifest at this gathering; we have let the facts speak for themselves. In taking a review of the past three and a half years of this church's history, we are shown what a people may accomplish where unity and a cordial co-operation exists. If we calculate the amount raised by this people in that period it will stand in figures somewhat as follows:

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TO THE EDITOR OF "THE EARTHEN VESSEL. SIR,-We see in your "VESSEL" and Gospel Guide for February some misrepresentations which we shall be obliged if you will correct, and insert the following statements. You say it is not long since you had to record the formation of a new Baptist church in Artillery Street, Bishopsgate Street under the ministry of Mr. Blake. This is not correct. The church was formed by Mr. Crowther, of Gomersal, at Zetland Hall, Mansell Street, July 1861, three years before Mr. Blake came to London, of part of the church which were turned out of Zoar Chapel, Great Alie Street, forty-three in number, and some others, because they could not agree to the theory of the eternal generation of the Divine nature of the Son of God. Mr. Crowther was not allowed to fulfil his engagement, although he had served the church as a supply for ten years. After this, our kind friend and brother Harris bought the chapel in Artillery Street of the Congregational body, had it repaired and fitted up for Divine worship, and the church removed there the beginning of September in the same year; and Mr. Crowther very kindly came up from Yorkshire on the first Lord's day in the month, preached and administered the ordinances to us free of all expense, such was his untiring love and kindness to us as a Church, and still continues to be so. You say the congregation so increased under Mr. Blake's ministry that the chapel became filled; this is not true. The truth is this: Mr. Blake's ministry was much blessed to seve

ral young friends in bringing them from darkness to light, and uniting them to the Church and to the comforting instruction and encouragement of others; but through various circumstances, many of the congregations and the Church left; so by the time Mr. Blake left us we have greatly decreased in numbers. You say the Church, with the exception of three, would not accept the resignation (that is, of the meeting then present); but half the Church were not present at the meeting, as the Church consisted of upwards of one hundred members. Two of the deacons were laid aside by the afflicting hand of God; and when Mr. Blake found the Church would not receive his resignation, he (contrary to order, as a month's notice is required by us as a rule previous to anything coming before the Church), he proposed that a committee be formed to confer with himself to take another place, and to see how many would go with him; so he had the majority of the meeting, and removed to Dalston, leaving the remainder as sheep without a shepherd. You say that the news that Mr. Blake had resigned, or was about to do so, soon got abroad, and invitations were received by him from two Churches in the country, to become their pastor. The truth is, one of them had wanted him for years, according to his own statement; and he had left us three Lord's days in three months to go and supply other Churches in the country, which the deacons did not approve of, and remonstrated with him on the subject, so he said he would resign, though he had agreed with us verbally to give six months' notice. He then divided the Church, and left us in less than a fortnight, and said it would kill him to stay there. We should not have made these things public had it not been for the misrepresentations in your "VESSEL," which sails through all the world. There is always two sides to a question; and every man is right in his own cause until his neighbour comes and searches him out. Now, to show that Mr. Blake did not take all the Church with him except three. On the 3rd of March, Mr. Crowther reformed those that were left at Artillery Street into a Church, which numbered fifty-two members; the four deacons we re-elected, and remained with the Church-Samuel Mills, George Apted, John Woolard, R. Gould.

Mr. Editor, we are pleased you took notice of what Mr. Gadsby said in his periodical. We beg to say Mr. Blake neither believed nor preached eternal generation; neither has any gone back to Zoar that was turned out on that question, but one that has gone occasionally.





COLCHESTER CHAPEL CASE.Dear Brother-In reference to the Colches

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