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sale or denied by Mr. Corbitt? Let them that know of one, tell it out plain; and like honest persons, give their names and addresses in full, and not act like a familiar spirit, whispering out of the dust. I feel certain Mr. Corbitt is able and willing to come forward in defence of the truth which he preaches as well as his own character, and meet his accusers face to face.

The" Bird" saith further in reference to Mr. Corbitt, "Our brother's movements are not satisfactory to any." Now that is equally false; this, the hundreds who attend give a practical proof to the contrary. When Mr. Corbitt first came with us, we were but few in number; since that period the congregation was increased more than three fold. It is true we have had some few who appeared as though they were one with us at first, and for some reason best known to themselves, have left. All we can say is, they are gone out from us, they say, because they are not of us. And for certain, not one rule has been altered since the formation of a Strict Baptist Church at Trinity.

As to Mr. G. Dowdney's death being our gain, we should be only too glad to have ten times as many, and hope soon to have some of them join in church fellowship.

My close connection with the church and congregation at Trinity, as well as my high esteem for Mr. Corbitt, whose character 1 feel bound to vindicate, demands of me to be prompt in asking the favour of a small space in your VESSEL to raise a plain and straightforward defence for the cause of God's Gospel at Trinity Chapel.

I have no wish to reflect on editors, but I do think when men write to depreciate any sect or cause so personally as in the case of Mr. Corbitt, and the cause at Trinity, they do wrong to publish the same without the name of the parties thus writing being given.

For what can be more annoying than an anonymous letter? Such letters are more like the actions of serpents or snakes than


men, and as such we leave them, until we see who they are, and to whom they bare a resemblance.-I am, dear Mr. Editor, yours faithfully,


Plymouth, June, 1867.

[In all parts of the country we have been questioned as to the real position of the church at Trinity now. We could not answer; although we have always been persuaded Mr. Corbitt was a man too determined and too decided ever to sacrifice any principle or practice which he knew to be according to the mind and will of the Lord But from whence the rumours have arisen, we cannot tell; all our correspondents we do not know.-ED.]

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while the high way to Romanism is becoming broader and broader still, we will leave contemplation of these things for a brighter picture and step into a conveyance to visit a portion of that sect which is everywhere spoken against, choosing rather to suffer affliction in the wilderness, with our brethren and sisters in the Lord, than to dwell in Egypt with all its worldly splendour. For the wilderness shall blossom as the rose, manna shall be found there, water from the rock shall flow there, our God shall be our guide, and at the end of the journey lies the promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey. The last few miles of our journey was over the common or heath, on either side of our road sterility, but beyond, a beautiful landscape of fertility. In the midst of this wild and desolate tract and on the top of a hill we noticed a spring of water, which seemed to steal gently for some distance down to a valley which was "Clothed with living green."


We thought how like the heart of man is this heath, what is it but a desert and a waste, unless a "well of water" is made to spring up? life is then seen as the result, the blossom and the fruit soon follow, and the earthly is transformed to the image of the heavenly. When we arrived at West End we wondered how a cause of truth came to spring up here, with just a house here and there; surely this is "a handful of corn upon the top of the mountain." spring of water arises out of the everlasting hills to water it, and the God of Abraham is the husbandman. The chapel was full on this occasion, notwithstanding there were two other anniversaries the same day about four miles off, and the pastor of the Surrey Tabernacle, Mr. James Wells, preached three times; in the morning from Rev. v. 10; in the afternoon from 1 Cor. xv. 10; and in the evening from Judges v., part of 20th ver., "Oh my soul, thou hast trodden down strength." Mr. Wells was happy in his work, he was enabled to make the portions of Scripture plain by Scripture, so that the wayfaring people could understand, and the hearts of many were made to rejoice, and the good wine was kept until the last. The 28th of May will be remembered we believe at West End by Mr. Lambourn and church, Mr. Hetherington of Cove, the friends, who came from London, Uxbridge, Hounslow, Kingston, Blackwater, &c., as a day when they could say,

We pitched our moving tent, A day's march nearer home. And we were also led to exclaim, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever." "Eat, oh friends, and drink, oh beloved," is the language of him who cannot err. Dear reader, do you know anything of this? If not, thou art a stranger to the joys of a believer in the Gospel of the grace of God." They sang as it were a new song." Bless

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his dear and precious name, Zion's songs are always new, new on earth, new in heaven, and when ten thousand times ten thousand millions of years have rolled along they will sing no other song "and praise redeeming grace." Our good esteemed brother Lambourn informed us it was a good day in every respect, the best anniversary they have had for years, and the best collection. We were glad also to participate in the good day, join in the new song, and drink of the wine of the kingdom. CORRESPONDENT.

EAST BERGHOLT. - JIREH BAPIST CHAPEL Anniversary services were held Whit-Wednesday, June 12th. The service commenced by singing

"Saviour, visit thy plantation,

Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain,.
All will come to desolation,
Unless thou return again.

Lord, revive us;

All our help must come from thee. This was sung with much feeling, and the hearty prayer for a spiritual revival of pure and vital godliness ascended with the voice from many a dear child of God. Mr. Smith, of Hadleigh, read 103rd Psalm, and prayed earnestly. Our dear brother, C. W. Banks, preached from Ezek. xxviii. 25, 26, a very earnest and encouraging sermon upon the Lord gathering his people. There were many outward circumstances calculated to cast a gloom over the meeting; in the first place it had been announced that Thomas Pickworth, Esq., would preside over the meeting, but on arriving at the station at Manningtree, our dear brother Banks received a letter from that worthy gentleman stating that affliction had entered his family and prevented his being with us. Although we felt the bitter disappointment, yet knowing it was our Father's hand that had done it we could say, it is well. Some of our own friends were prevented being with us through affliction; but we had the presenee of our King Immanuel, and a nice little number of God-fearing, warm-hearted loving saints, who vied with each other in exalting the Lord Jesus in their conversation, and in love one to another. A happy party sat down to a good tea at five. All seemed

to enjoy themselves; peace, harmony, and goodwill pervaded the whole company. At half-past six the public meeting commenced. Mr. Joseph Poock, of Ipswich, read and prayed; and our esteemed brother Banks having been voted to the chair in the absense of Mr. Pickworth, he commenced by reading a very kind Christian letter from that gentleman stating the reason why he could not be with us, and requesting Mr. B. to place a sovereign on the plate for him. He kindly offered to come and see us some Lord's day. Of this we were very glad. Brother Banks spoke of the warm interest he always felt in this little struggling cause of truth. He regretted our pastor, Mr. Wm. Churchyard, could not be with us. He was not absent from want of will. He

has laboured in this cause for six years in the most disinterested manner, receiving nothing for his services. The Lord had made him a blessing to many of the saints, and they esteemed him highly. For some time past, it has been felt and mourned over by pastor and people that there has not been success attending our work. Mr. Banks said, in East Bergholt they want a man of truth to come and live in the place. and go in and out among the people, and hold week evening services, and go into the villages round, and there is little doubt but with God's blessing a good congregation would be gathered. Our beloved brother Churchyard cannot do this, having to labour all the week for the support of himself and family. Our good brother urged us to commit our way unto the Lord, and continue instant in prayer. Mr. Smith, of Hadleigh, addressed the meeting. Next came our friend, James Andrews, deacon of Bethesda chapel, Ipswich, and one of our trustees. It did us good to see his kind honest face, all radiant with smiles, and to hear him speak out of the abundance of his heart that which divine love had spoken in. He said he was heartily glad to meet his brother Banks and the dear friends on that occasion. He referred back to the time when the effort was first made to establish a cause of truth here, and he said he could not see the way at all, and he often said things that tended to discourage rather than encourage those engaged in the great work; but still he found from time to time that prayer was made, and that faith was given, and finally, he was obliged to acknowledge that the hand of the Lord was in it, and then he went to work with all his might. Himself and his brother James Churchyard were the two first that offered to become trustees, and took an active part in erecting the chapel and in forming the church, and he felt great pleasure in visiting his brethren and sisters, and his prayer for them was that they might abound more and more in love to God and to each other. Our true hearted and long tried friend, James Churchyard, spoke cheerfully and encouragingly. He reminded us of what great things the Lord had done for us, and he recognised us as a little handful of the corn that shall help to fill the heavenly garner; and concluded by ascribing all the glory to God in the beautiful language of the 72nd Psalm 18, 19, "Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone doeth wondrous things, and blessed be his glorious name for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen." Mr. Banks called upon our friend and deacon Mr. Joseph Pittock, to speak in the absence of our pastor. He did so in a very earnest manner, blessing the Lord that he had brought him amongst the saints at Jireh. Then Mr. Banks called upon our dear young brother Mr. Steggall to address the meeting. He is a member with us. He said although he could not meet with us as in days gone by, yet he was one in heart

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I read several others to him; and he asked me to sing to him of heaven and glory. I told him I could not sing while seeing him suffer so much. But I must try and give you a little account of the very happy visit of our much loved cousin, Joseph Cartwright, on last Lord's-day, which will not be forgotten by some of us. In the morning, a prayer-meeting was conducted by cousin Joseph Cartwright, cousin William Mason, and Mr. Brown, one of the ministers who kindly came from Reading to preach to us. Mr. Cartwright preached the funeral sermon in the afternoon from Genesis v. 24, "And Enoch walked with God, and he was not; for God took him." He said he had three motives for coming to us; first, out of respect to his dear departed uncle, the old patriarch, Benjamin Mason. Secondly, to stir up the minds of the friends on the importance of the subject of death and eternity. Thirdly, he also prayed that some poor soul might be led that day, if it was the Lord's will, to the footstool of mercy; seeking pardon and forgiveness through the blood and merits of our once crucified, but now exalted Saviour. He took up his text in the following manner. 1. What is intended by walking with God? 2. What might be understood by "he was not ?" 3. What was implied in "God took him?" Mr. Cartwright was very happy, and said much on his own soul's experience; on walking with God, in the doctrines of distinguishing grace, in the ordinances of his house, and in sweet communion and meditation. He told us there were no signs of life unless we knew something of this blessed secret; he believed the testimony of his dear uncle would prove that he enjoyed much of this communion with God. The sermon was heard with much feeling and profit, we hope good was done. Mr. Cartwright preached again in the evening, on the

company of horses in Pharaoh's chariot. He spoke particularly on the necessity of union among Christian brethren. Considering the unsettled state of things at Knowl Hill, the attendance was very good all day. May the kind admonitions delivered be put into practice, so that peace and love, and all the grace of the Spirit, may be revived and carried out in this little garden of the Lord. Yours very truly, MARY ANN WATTS.

[We have a photograph of the late patient pastor of Knowl hill; and hope some day to give it in the EARTHEN VESSEL. It is the good old man's soul in his face exactly.-ED.]

WOBURN GREEN.-On Whit-Monday, June 10th, the anniversary services of Ebenezer Baptist chapel were held, C. W. Banks preached well in the afternoon from Micah ii. 13. The Lord opened the mouth of his servant to proclaim the truth in a way and manner that caused many to rejoice in the God of their salvation. The suitability of the ministry to meet the cases of trial and difficulty in which the Lord's living family are found, was ably set forth, drawn from the mission and character of Micah. Truly it was a happy season as all such times are, when the word is blessed, and the hearts of God's elect comforted. Tea was provided by the ladies in a way that reflected great credit; a goodly number sat down showing the goodwill of neighbouring churches for which the authorities are thankful. In the evening Mr. Banks took for his text Judges vi. 17, from which he delivered a Christ-exalting sermon; the sound was clear, distinct, and certain, and calculated under the power of the Spirit of God to produce good results. The attendance at both services was good and the friends responded liberally to the appeal. made on behalf of the cause. Ministers present were Mr. Brunt of Wycombe, Mr. Miller of Wycombe, Marsh and Mr. Kaye, and Edgerton of London. The church meeting here have had to experience dark days, but brighter ones are They have a prosperous Sunday school and a good staff of young people, a clean and respectable chapel, and a fervent desire to extend instrumentally the kingdom of Christ in that locality. All they want is a man full of faith and the Holy Ghost to preach the truth to them such a one may God send them.



SHARNBROOK, BEDS.-BETHLEHEM CHAPEL.-On Lord's-day, June 16th, anniversary sermons in connection with the above named chapel, were preached by J. Steed, of Rehoboth chapel, Victoria st., Shadwell. We had an excellent day, good attendance of Gospel hearers, and a good collection; in short, Jehovah's smile was visibly upon us, in sending so many to hear. the glorious truths of a yea and amen Gospel. Mr. Steed was enabled by God to

preach the truth, the whole truth, and no thing but the truth. He blew the Gospel trumpet with a clear, distinct, and certain sound. The sound reached the hearts of the living in Jerusalem, and to such it was a pleasant sound, a Christ-exalting sound, a sinner debasing sound. Thus we heard Mr. S., and hope to hear him again tell of the wondrous everlasting love of God in the choice of a people before the "morning stars sang together," or earth's foundations were laid, and that in covenant engagement Christ stipulated to bear their sin and curse to satisfy justice and bring in complete salvation. And in the fulness of time according to the predestined favors of God, we shall all be brought by irresistible grace to know the Lord, and the glory of his power; finally, to be presented faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding great joy. May the great Head of the church send many such labourers into the vineyard, who shall faithfully, unflinchingly proclaim the "whole counsel of God." Praying the Lord will yet comfort Zion and build up her waste places, I beg to subscribe myself in behalf of the church,


NEWTON ABBOT, DEVONSHIRE. -On Tuesday, June 4th, two sermons were preached to respectable and attentive congregations in the old Baptist chapel (strict communion), by Mr. John Webster, of Cave Adullam, Stepney. The weather, previously stormy, cleared, and friends from Ashburton, Torquay, and other distant places, attended. Tea was prepared and a numerous company collected to partake of it, in the commodious schoolroom belonging to the Independent chapel kindly lent for the occasion. The ladies with their usual liberality, furnishing the tables, representatives from all the congregations in the town, attending to express their sympathy and respect to our brother Mr. Fred. Pearse, who, we are glad to find, is so highly esteemed in the town for his Christian and consistent adherence to principle. On Wednesday, we visited Torquay; and on Thursday, Mr. Webster again preached at Newton, and on Friday, returned to London. We regret that he was suffering from a recent attack of bronchitis. The collections were liberal.

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chapel, Walworth, the scene of his former labours. Brother Alderson preached two soul-enlivening sermons. Souls comforted; God glorified; friends cheered; and some temporal good done. We observed brother Faulkener, of Soho, brother Whittle, and other occasional labourers. About thirty friends left East Lane in an omnibus, and quite enlivened the villages; on their arrival at Orpington, many came from the neighbouring villages, and the chapel was full.-ONE WHO WAS THERE.

STEPNEY.-Dear Brother Banks,-The Lord has again visited this garden to gather his lilies. The church in Cave Adullam has lost three dear sisters within the last fortnight: all left behind a good profession. The first, sister Cousins, aged seventy-four, recently dismissed from brother Milner's, (Keppel street); the second, Mrs. Sarah Evans, aged thirty-seven, leaving a numerous family; and on Saturday last, our aged sister Andrews, mother to brother Winslow, of Wadhurst, at whose house she fell asleep in Jesus. Dismissals to the triumphant church of the Lord Jesus are always safe and satisfactory; but other dismissals are sometimes written with fear and trembling. The Lord bless you, my dear brother, in person and ministry, is the prayer of yours affectionately, JOHN WEBSTER.

June 19th, 1867.

SOUTHWARK.-TRINITY CHAPEL SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The anniversary services of these schools took place on Lord'sday, June 9th. Mr. E. J. Silverton preached with his usual animation morning and evening; and Mr. Crowther in the afternoon delivered an excellent discourse from Psalm xxii. 30, "A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation." The attendance on each occasion was good. The collections all that was required; being an advance of one fifth on the year preceding. The children sang well; the teachers and friends took tea in the vestry; and united in prayer till the time for the evening service, after which some expressed their minds by saying "they had spent a most happy day." May there be many more such "happy F. J. HUDSON.


BROSELEY, SHROPSHIRE. -- The Baptist church in this town have invited our brother George Reynolds for three months. We are glad to find our esteemed brother's ministry is so acceptable among them, and have no doubt that he will make a useful and faithful minister of Jesus Christ.



West Ham, Essex

Bethel, High street, Poplar...

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A Leaf from the Note Book of a Physician.

"These things write we unto you that your joy might be full.”—1 John i. 4. REFERRING to 1 John ii. 2, we find it thus written: "And He is the propitiation for our sins." Comforting truth! Jesus died for your sins and mine, brother. "Let our joy be full." Again, it is written (chap. ii. 1, “If any man sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous;" yes, "Let our joy be full;" we have an advocate-the Lord our Righteousness-the Lord Jesus Christ, who hath entered into the holy of holies with His own blood to appear before God for us, able and willing to save to the uttermost all that come unto God through Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for us. Again it is written (chap. i. 9), "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Yes, "Let our joy be full ;" for Jesus ever lives to sanctify us through His truth— His word is truth-to make us holy, by filling us daily with His Holy Spirit, to make us meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. We read again in chap. iii. 1 of the same epistle, "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God! therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not." Yes, our joy may well be full, that God is our Father, Christ our elder Brother; that you and I, believers in Jesus, followers of Jesus, are justified-in some measure sanctified-adopted into God's dear family, sons of God, joint heirs with Christ of an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away. Lastly, we read (chap. iii. 2), “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He (Christ) shall appear, we shall be like them, for we shall see Him as He is." Here we get a glimpse into the future state of the believer. That we shall be like Him (Christ), body and spirit; at death, the spirit of the Christian, absent from the body, is present with the Lord; but when the Lord Jesus descends into the air for this Church; and when the dead in Christ shall rise first, and we who are alive and remain are caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air, and so be for ever with the Lord" (1 Thess. iv. 16, 17); then we shall be like Him. For He will change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body. Will not this be a large item in the future glory of the saints, to be delivered from a body which is ever tending to weakness and decay, which hinders the operation of the mind, fetters the spirit, and proves an inlet of defilement to the soul, and to be clothed upon with a body, the immediate product of Divine skill and power, endued with immortal vigour, indestructible perfection and unfading beauty, the glorified organs of which will open up to the enraptured mind unsearchable treasures of knowledge, and supply inexhaustible themes for holy adoration and increasing love to the Author of our blessedness? And not only shall the saints be clothed in glorious bodies like unto their Lord, but their spiritual being will undergo a transformation corresponding to the corporeal change of which we have spoken. "It doth not yet appear"—that is, it has not yet been manifested "what we shall be,

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