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Old and New Surrey Tabernacle, and to the continued increase the Lord had blessed them with as a church, then spoke of the presents about to be made to the ladies; the twenty-five Bibles had been especially bound for the occasion, and on the inside cover an inscription had been very neatly printed, and on the page facing it were printed a fac simile of the autographs of the minister and deacons; it was not the intrinsic value of the present, but its great worth, as God's Word that would attach to it a value in their estimation above any other present that could be made.

The inscription in each of the Bibles was as follows:

"This Bible is by the minister, deacons, and congregation, of The Surrey Tabernacle, Walworth road, presented to*

-as a memorial of her faithful and devoted services, as one of the collectors from the commencement in 1864, until the debt, £10,500 was paid, on Good Friday, April 19, 1867.

JAMES WELLS, Minister.


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Mr. Wells then presented the Bibles separately to each lady, remarking, he hoped the Lord would bless them, and the book to them, or some other appropriate observation.

At the conclusion of this interesting presentation, a warm vote of thanks was presented to Mr. Wells, which was acknowledged; the company rose and sang, "Praise God," &c. prayer was offered: a blessing pronounced; and the happy friends dispersed with grateful feelings. R.

* Here the collectors name is inserted.

NEWPORT PAGNELL.- Newport Pagnell Baptist chapel anniversary was held Thursday, July the 18th, when two sermons were preached by Mr. W. Bull, of Wellingborough Tabernacle. That in the afternoon from 68th Psalm, 18th verse; in the evening from Nehemiah, the 8th chapter, the last clause of the 10th verse. Our esteemed brother preached to us on this occasion blessedly we were edified and refreshed thereby. The living in Jerusalem were both fed and comforted. The dear Lord has evidently held and supported brother Bull many years as a bold and faithful defender of the faith; and we follow him, from the services of to-day, with earnest prayer to God that he may be spared

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yet many years as an eminent and faithful ambassador of truth. A public tea was provided in the school-rooms. The heat and quality of the tea contributed great praise to the ladies, and withal our comfort. The collections were quite satisfactory; the day fine, the attendance good. For all favours, we, as a Church, desire to thank God and take courage.


DALSTON. ALBION HALL BAPTIST CHAPEL.-A tea and public meeting was held on Tuesday, June 4th, to commemorate the pastor's birthday, and report progress of the cause. A goodly number assembled to tea, and a larger company were present for the evening meeting. Blake gave a very encouraging report, which proved the church to be increasing, and the cause progressing. A Sunday school and servants' Bible class have also been established. A sum of £12 10s. was presented to the pastor; in acknowledging which he said, that many of his people went to the sea-side during the summer, but did not like to go without their minister doing the same, and, therefore, had a kind habit of giving him a present for the purpose. Several ministerial brethren addressed the meeting, and a very pleasant evening was spent. We have still to bless the Lord for keeping us in peace and unity, and hope to have yet further cause to praise him for ever, bringing us to Albion hall. [This is certainly a pleasing report. Mr. Blake's friends have given the churches a fine example. We shall be glad to hear other pastors have received the same kindness.-ED.]

BEXLEY HEATH.---A public meeting was held in the Baptist chapel on Thursday, the 27th of June, on behalf of the new chapel. After tea, Alderman Abbiss, of London, took the chair. After the report was read by the secretary, the chairman gave a most excellent address, and was followed by brethren Teall, Sturge, Camp, Gibson, Derby, and others. During the evening, donations were solicited in aid of the new chapel; and including £10 10s. of the chairman, £124 was given in donations and promised during the evening, which, with what had been collected before, made about £480, beside £160 paid for the freehold ground. This, in one year, is greatly encouraging; and together with large spiritual prosperity, calls for expressions of devout gratitude.

On Tuesday, July 16th, the 44th anniversary was held, when brethren Wale and Glaskin preached two excellent sermons; but as the day was unfair, we had not so many as usual.

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Heaven Secured to the Believer in Christ.



BELOVED, there is nothing can prevent your entering heaven if you are a believer in Christ. What says a poor soul, nothing? Nothing. Methinks I hear some of you saying, why everything seems against me. Ah, that is the general way of the redeemed to talk as if they would be overcome by the enemy. But it is a peculiar mercy, that God's children never overcome one difficulty, nor one trial, nor one temptation, but as they stand in union with the Lamb of God, they are more than conquerors; and in the warmth of my heart, and according to God's word, I must say it, we are as great conquerors as Jesus Christ. How? For all His conquests are put down to our account. When the Lord brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, there were mountains on either side, Pharaoh's host behind, and the sea in front of them; there appeared no way for their escape. It is a dear position for a child of God to be brought into, and I will tell you why, for there is a secret learnt in that position, that though you are so encompassed round about, there is nothing to prevent you directing your prayer to God, and looking up (always take care you direct your prayers aright): thus you lay hold of the strength of the Omnipotent God, and tread on the high place of your enemies. I trust we shall daily go on in the strength, that you began with in your song

"Christ exalted is our song."

And well may we sing, whatever may be said against it

"With His spotless vesture on,
Holy as the Holy One."

Yet how that dear truth is spoken against by professors, the Church's complete holiness in the Holy One; for it is written, "Because as He is, so are we in this world." It is a marvellous truth, reason can have nothing to do with it, and it is not tangible to intellectuality, but the Eternal Spirit brings us into a knowledge of the importance of it, and confirms our souls in it, that we stand before God in Christ Jesus without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. Now for the text; but I shall not get over its dear features to-night.


"Now our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work."-2 Thess. ii. 16, 17.

I have been speaking some Sabbaths on this dear text, and have come as far as Loved us. That is our every-day subject, our every-day mercy, and our every-day blessing; and there is a sweet suitability in the expression "every day," as the children are brought into exercises, afflictions, and temptations; it is for the development of this truth, that amidst all our trials, amidst all the temptations of Satan, amidst all the rebellion of human nature, with all its corruption, "Nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." And it


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appears to me, beloved, in meditating on the truths of God concerning the Church in itself, that however numerous they were that John saw, and whom no man could number, yet they all stood in the love of God; and for the development of that love in its eternity, durability, and fulness, God took His Church into union with Himself. And we have

the manifestation that God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him. All our security, blessing, blessedness, and standing, all our life and salvation, is wrapped up and compressed in one word, and it is Love. Love is eternal, because God is love.

I shall drop you one hint before I come to the everlasting consolation; and do take a little notice of what I say, as you are led on day by day in your dealings and vocations, and just for a minute or two reflect on the subject, amidst all your trials, troubles, and exercises, that a child of God can subscribe, however trying things may be to flesh and blood, as a witness for God, that it is all in Love. What! in all things? Yes, and let me tell you in the belief of the truth, however bitter the cup may be, however long the trial may last, and however trying the temptation may be, mind you, love is underneath all, love runs through all, love is the beginning, and love is the ending.

Mark another sweet feature of truth, and this is what I call real experience of a child of God, just to be settled here amidst all that is going on within or without, that a child of God would never have these various exercises did he not dwell in love, and was he not in oneness with his most glorious Christ, was he not a member of His body, the travail of His soul, the purchase of His blood, and the gift of His Father; for was it not so, he would be going down the smooth stream of time, in all manner of abomination, without the slightest hindrance from the devil. But although I am the subject of temptation and trials in myself the same as before regeneration, yet now I know the certainty of the truth as it is written, "We dwell in God, and God dwells in us.” These truths received and believed in produce a sweet effect in the mindnamely, tranquillity of soul, reliance in the Lord, confidence in the God of Jacob, and happiness in the Lord, so that come what may, the language from the heart is, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him." These are what I call immortal mercies; these are the secrets that transpire between God and His Church; these things are only known by living in them, and it is sweet in the contemplation of the subject, "That He cannot love us more, nor will He love us less." Nor is that all, but in loving me, Himself He loves. I wonder how many there are here know the reality of that truth, that in the Lord loving me, Himself He loves. Not only so, "He abideth faithful, Himself He cannot deny."

And there is another truth I would desire you to notice, which is often passed over by God's children, who think but little of its vast importance and the divine properties of it: you find it in the closing up of Eph. i.: "Which is His body, the fulness of Him that filleth all in all," made a glorious Church,-the Church here is the fulness of Christ,— who is the fulness of it; Christ is our glory, and the Church is the glory of Christ, and it is always the same, no separation, nothing intervenes, nothing can come between; it is as the poet beautifully sings—

"One glorious Head, one body there,
Who shall at last our glory share."

"And," says Christ, "the glory Thou hast given me I have given them, that they all may be one, as Thou, Father, art in Me and I in Thee, that they might be one in Us." So we live in union to Christ, oneness in Christ, perfect in Him, and have salvation in Him with eternal glory. And I add, and I speak to you in love and affection; what you cannot find in yourself, you are sure to find it in Christ, therefore do not get distressing yourself about yourself and feelings, for you only get comfort when you are brought to look to Jesus. It is of no use to be always living in Egypt, for there is nothing there more than you can procure, gathering straw to make bricks, and I am certain that gives no satisfaction. Our all is in Christ, and it is most blessed to have a right understanding of the truth in the mind, and to be able to talk about His own word. He saith, in Isaiah xlv., " He saith, in Isaiah xlv., "Surely shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength," not in yourselves, not in your experience, not in your frames and feelings, but in the Lord. Yet here are God's children thinking they must have it in themselves. No, says the Lord, it is in Christ. Reason and unbelief says, I do not believe it is there. I tell you, if you are looking for anything that is good, short of what is in Christ, you will be disappointed. It is all in Christ, and by the knowledge of these things it will be found that all man's excellences, all the wisdom of the creature, and all our plans and stratagems will be swept away. Why? That Christ alone may be exalted. I do really love to talk to poor sinners about a precious Christ, and what they have in Him. And this manifests the love of the Church to have their all in Christ, and nothing in themselves. You may say, you are speaking very free. A free man always speaks freely, and they cannot help speaking free, for Jesus saith, "Ye shall be free indeed." Those that are in bondage have all their religion in themselves, you generally find them speaking about their darkness and doubts. But God's children being called into liberty, are living in the immensity of God's love to them in Christ, and rejoice in consolation. We are aware from experience by the Divine teachings of the Holy Ghost, that consolation in its importance is very blessed to God's dear children, and God does not keep His children long without some consolation or other. But when we come to the testimony in our text, it is an everlasting consolation, consequently, what is everlasting is without change; therefore, it is our mercy to know that we have an everlasting consolation given to us by God. If you were to judge from your experience, you would say, I cannot be a child of God; because you do not enjoy consolation as you wish. Beloved, you must have lights and shades, hots and colds, ups and downs, a little mountain work and a little valley work, sometimes in sorrow and doing business in deep waters, and sometimes at your wit's end. But, saith the poor soul, that cannot be consolation. Oh yes, everlasting consolation even then. Methinks I hear another poor tried exercised child of God saying, Everything is against me, and I am come to the conclusion, I have neither part nor lot in the matter.

Stop a minute, hear what I have to say, and then draw your inferences, never judge till you hear the whole of the subject; now, beloved, just look with me, concerning this everlasting consolation. know many of you have been led by God into the secret. In Luke ii. 25, you will find this recorded, "There was a man in Jerusalem whose

name was Simeon, a devout man." What was he about? for the consolation of Israel."


That is our everlasting consolation. What? God Incarnate, God with us. "God was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, justified in the Spirit, and received up into glory." Therefore Christ is our everlasting consolation. Now let me observe, that the man was in possession of the consolation before he enjoyed it. I want you just to think these things over; the blessedness you stand in possession of, before you joy in it, or before you experience that joy. "He went into the temple." Was he disappointed? Nay, for God had told him "That he should not see death until he had seen the Lord's Christ." Now mark the importance of the subject, there are some, God declares, shall not see life, but here is a man, God declares, who should not see death.

Now, on what side do you stand, I do not ask about your religion, are you reconciled to God in Christ Jesus? Well then, the child was brought into the temple. There was the consolation he waited for, and it was an everlasting and unchanging Christ. If you are looking for a consolation short of Christ, I would not give a rush for such a consolation. The blessedness was when the everlasting consolation, Jehovah Christ, was made manifest to him; then the enjoyment of it was manifested also, not in the abstract, not merely by taking a retrospective or prospective view of Him; but, as some of our old divines say, it was a closing with Christ. How did he do it? “He took Him up in his arms "who was the everlasting consolation, and in the possession of it he said, "Lord, now lettest Thy servant depart in peace according to Thy word."

Take a friendly hint, you that know the Lord, in the dealings of God with you, that you never desire one thing but what is according to God's word. There is vitality here, may God help you to consider the matter, according to Thy word. But why now, 66 Mine eyes hath seen Thy salvation which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people," a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel. Come, cheer up, beloved, I know you have some glimpses of this everlasting consolation, seeing the salvation of God produces consolation while we are in the wilderness, and having such an everlasting consolation, it is unchangeable; it is "Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever." Now, are you living in the blessedness of it day by day? Methinks I hear many of you saying, Bless God, I am a witness of it.

Now, another remark, the cry among men and professors is, how they shall die and when they shall die; and some trouble themselves, thinking they shall die without consolation. But I am not afraid, our life and consolation is in Christ Jesus our Lord, He is our everlasting consolation, I am certain of that. He also is our everlasting life, our God, our glory. Why, beloved, I was going to say it is worse than nonsense for God's people to be troubling themselves about dying; for if you believe you belong to Christ, and you know Christ is yours, and you being in Him, then we have nothing without Him, and because you are in Christ, Christ is in you the hope of glory. And, as I before remarked, as nothing can come between Christ and the members of His body, the mercy is, as we are believers, not to trouble ourselves about passing things, but as we are led on in the truths daily to be thinking over

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