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labor improbus, which men have learnt to associate with Shrewsbury φιλομαθεῖς.

If you see here a just advance on the first-fruits of my pen, I shall feel more at home in the Sparta founded in your honour and adorned by the genius of the editor of Lucretius.

I am,

My dear Dr Kennedy,

Ever gratefully yours,



THE notes on sat. X were written, and nearly all stereotyped, in the summer of 1871; those on great part of sat. VIII in 1872, the remainder to the end of sat. XIII in 1877; the last three satires have been added in the last two months.

I give these details, partly to explain any apparent neglect of materials lately brought to light, and partly as an example of the use of our long vacation. Many of us are unable during term to engage in any work requiring prolonged attention. Even in Bentley's time, Cambridge could only make hay when the sun shone1.

I have to thank several friends for help. Mr Munro supplies many notes (marked H. A. J. M.) and some emendations. I have also profited by communications from the late Professor Conington (J. C.), the Rev. H. R. Bailey (H. R. B.), the Public Orator (J. E. S.), and my brother (J. B. M.). I have, as will be seen, examined the manuscript notes of Stanley, Hadr. Beverland, John Taylor, Markland', Böttiger and John Mitford". From

1 Praefatio to Hor. p. xv=xxII qualiacumque vero haec sunt, aestivis tantum mensibus (ita tamen ut uno alteroque biennio fuerint prorsus intermissa) et primo impetu ac calore sine lima curisve secundis descripta, sic madida fere charta (ut nemini hic meorum non compertissimum est) ad typographos deferebantur.

2 Prof. Garrod kindly answered my zoological queries.

3 These three in Cambridge university library.

4 In St John's college library.

5 These two penes me, the former bought at O. Jahn's sale, the latter at Mr Mitford's sale, where a noble collection sold for an old song.

the friends of Otto Jahn I learn that his commentary was only completed for a few satires, and that he intended to re-write the whole. In general he trusted to memory, but for Juvenal and Persius had formed collectanea. It is much to be hoped that his labours will be given to the world, for few scholars have ever lived so well furnished with the historical and antiquarian learning required in an editor of Juvenal: his library was perhaps the best working collection that the world has seen in its depart


I give elsewhere (bibliographical clue to Latin literature Cambr. 1875 96-97) a list of the principal commentators and dissertations. Prof. Bernays', I am glad to see, does justice to the few notes of N. Rigault. Is. de la Grange (Grangaeus) is a commentator akin to Cerda or Passerat, widely read especially in the poets. France also contributes the notes of Adr. and Charles de Valois (published by Achaintre). The essays of Martha, Boissier, Widal, Nisard, are all more or less worth reading.

Italy supplies the commentary of Silvestri de Rovigo, the life of Juvenal and occasional notes by Borghesi; Denmark the two dissertations of Madvig and a treatise on the poet's style by Kiaer.

Critical readers of my book will possess Otto Jahn's two editions (the larger with the scholia and full critical

When at Gotha, I examined G. H. Plathner's ms. commentary and found Ruperti's censure justified.

1 In the magnificent volume which greeted Mommsen's sixtieth birth-day 'commentationes philologicae in honorem Theodori Mommseni. Berol. 1877' p. 566. The admirers of Heinrich may be surprised to read (p. 565) der gute Ruperti, immer noch der einzig Neuere, der einen "fortlaufenden Commentar" zu Juvenal geliefert hat.'

apparatus Berl. 1851; the smaller with Persius and Sulpicia and select critical notes in Weidmann's series Berl. 1868). A few tracts by Friedländer, who is employed on an edition of Martial, are of value; but his Sittengeschichte almost supplies the place of a commentary both to Martial and Juvenal; the same may be said of Marquardt's Alterthümer and (in an inferior degree) of Forbiger's Hellas und Rom (left unfinished by his death at a great age a few months ago).

I have on all the satires collections on the same scale as the fullest here printed and hope to publish as a basis for a commentary on satires II. VI. IX. the substance of ms. notes by the scholars named above and by others (e.g. Casaubon). In course of time, when I have cleared off other arrears, I propose to prepare a critical text founded on a new collation of P (cod. Pithoeanus or Budensis saec. IX, once in the library of Matthias Corvinus, now in the bibliothèque de l'école de médecine at Montpellier n. 125) with the early mss. in this country.

A bibliographical catalogue, with biographical notices, of all English works, printed or manuscript, on Juvenal to the year 1850, a reprint of scattered translations to the end of the 17th century, and a dissertation on Roman satire and satirists', are tasks which I have in view, but cannot promise to undertake for several years. A smaller edition for schools, in three parts, will cost little labour, and may, I hope, be completed by the end of 1879.

1 A learned divine (Keim Gesch. Jesu v. Nazara 1 381) generously plumps up the meagre list: 'ein später römischer Satiriker des 4. Jahrh. Makrobius.' Oddly enough, in the next line the words 'aus Versehen' The source of this 'Versehen' is all too obvious.


In my notes I have endeavoured at once to meet the wants of English students (in general little accustomed to consult original authorities and debarred from the best and latest books of reference) and also to supply new materials for the grammarian, lexicographer and historian1. Following the steps of Casaubon and Gataker, Scaliger and Hemsterhuis, I have drawn materials from writers, accessible to me, of every race and creed. I see only a riddle in the taste, which, allowing Libanius, lays Chrysostom under ban; scouring the world for an inscription, while blind to a vast literature ready to hand. Were Philo a pagan, his historical tracts would assuredly rank as priceless evidence respecting the early empire. Even lexicography has suffered by the stigma cast on men, who had served many philosophies before they bowed their necks beneath the cross; for it might then be said, fiunt, non nascuntur Christiani.

I have purposely abstained from consulting any English edition of Juvenal.

ST JOHN'S, Sept. 9, 1878.

J. E. B. M.

1 I know not why Mr A. Palmer (Hermathena 1 391) should suppose that Ov. m. vIII 283 had 'escaped my notice'. It is printed at length, in both editions, in the note on Iv 27, and this note is cited on v 147, the verse which Mr Palmer is discussing; see too Dobree advers. II 387. The other quotation should be not 'met. x. 38. v. 1' but v 381, which, with this correction, I gratefully accept. If Mr Palmer will consult the ind. under sed, he will see other authorities. He does not observe that Ribbeck corrupts both lines by the same cheap nostrum, nec for sed (iv 27 nec maioris se). Bergk's warning (speaking of the Teubner Gellius Jahrbb. CXIII 1876 276) is certainly opportune: 'wenn dies so fort geht, so wird, ehe nochmals dreissig jahre verflossen sind, jeder mann von bildung und geschmack sich mit widerwillen von den in Deutschland erschienen neuen ausgaben lateinischer schriftsteller abwenden.'


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