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great suffering and great trial. I was not ignorant that such it would assuredly prove itself to be, but I troubled not myself with the thought of it. I have all along felt that it was required at my hand to make the sacrifice of everything to God; but I have had some such feeling as was suggested by Abraham to his son Isaac, when he was on his way to the altar, with the wood on his back whereon he should be offered, that though thus palpably going to the fiery ordeal, yet God would provide for himself a lamb for the sacrifice. The truth is, I could in anticipation cast all my care so entirely upon the Lord, that I took no other care but to ascertain that it was his will that I should thus serve him, assured that in the hour of my need he would strengthen my heart, and be with me to sustain me. Have I then been taken unawares? No. Have I been disappointed? No. The hour has come; and though I have never painted to my mind all that I should have to encounter, yet I am not any the less unprepared for the trial, because I have not to grapple with it in my own strength, nor to prepare myself for the encounter. I verified this yesterday (Sunday) morning in a remarkable manner, whilst engaged in reading the 12th of Romans. God's Holy Spirit engaged my soul in fervent prayer for grace to help me. I was led to offer up my body as a living sacrifice unto God, and with my whole heart consenting, with my entire will

prostrate and subjected to the will of God, that I might prove what is His good, and acceptable, and perfect will. I surrendered myself into the hand of the Lord Jesus, with so complete a trust in him, and love to him, as it was indeed delightful to feel; and how shall I praise the mercy and grace, and condescending goodness of God! I felt a sensible manifestation of God to my soul, accepting my offer. My heart was broken by a sense of God's love, that streamed in upon it, and my tears and upheaving breast alone could speak my gratitude and praise. Praise, praise to the Lord!


To-day, Monday, December 2, after a somewhat more favorable night, though making but little headway, at eleven o'clock we were off Cape Hall, Cape Good Success bearing north (true), and we now expect to weather Cape Pio, and this afternoon make Picton Island.


Tuesday, December 3.-Made little advance upon yesterday, the wind being right ahead.


Wednesday, December 4.-Since Monday, we have been making laborious efforts to weather Cape Pio, in Slogget Bay, but until this evening we have been unsuccessful, the wind blowing right ahead, and wearing ship and tacking about being both in vain. This evening we have, however, succeeded, and but for hazy weather we might soon have our anchor down. Each day has been cold and squally, with hail and sleet and rain; the sun has only occasionally been visible: at sunset he has been

most conspicuous, and last evening it was as splendid and brilliant a sight as any we have witnessed during the voyage. The land along the shore has still the same general characteristics, bold and mountainous, dark and frowning. The men have been sadly harassed at their duties ever since we hove in sight of this land of storms. Exposed to drifting snow squalls, and huge seas like cascades pouring their volumes of water upon them, their plight has been really pitiable, and they, as well as every one else, have been anxiously expecting to get to Banner Cove. But if all the rest have felt the disappointment, I have reason to bless God. Yesterday and to-day, but more especially to-day, have been the brightest for spiritual enlargement and joy in God of any I have known since I have been on board. Graciously, indeed, has the Lord blessed me, taking away every doubt, removing every fear, confirming my hopes, and strengthening my heart. By his grace I have been able cheerfully and willingly to subject myself into an entire obedience, and to yield myself up to him, for him to do with me whatsoever it pleaseth him. I have seen clearly that all has been ordered of God, and that he will abundantly crown the work with success. Plainly have I seen that he who said, And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come,' hath required it at our hands, to plant his gospel in this the

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uttermost end of the world. And, blessed be God, I have experienced sensibly this day that I am a son of God-the Holy Ghost witnessing and shedding abroad the love of God in my heart. Sweetly have I realised that I am one with Christ, and have the Spirit which raised up Christ from the dead. Now do I feel how merciful the Lord is, and how tender is his compassion; and now am I able, in some poor degree, to comprehend with all saints, what is the love of Christ, which passeth all knowledge. Now do I feel that the Lord has blessed me, and prepared me for his work, giving me the whole armour of God. Now I can rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Now can I say that the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keeps my heart and mind; and that


"Not a cloud doth arise

To darken my eyes.

Thursday, December 5.-At eleven o'clock this morning, we cast anchor in Banner Roads, having by the mercy of God arrived safe at our destination. The whole of last night was foggy, with a heavy drizzling rain, and the wind still ahead. The Captain made short tacks, and with scarce any possibility of telling whether we made any progress, or how we were moving. When about four o'clock it became clear enough to see, our position was happily and providentially found to be greatly in advance of our expectations, with every certainty of continuing to make way to our anchorage ground.

About nine, whilst drifting on past Picton Island, we observed lying off Garden Island three canoes, which presently put off to us, each one containing a Fuegian and his family, more or less numerous. In each there were two women and children, in one an infant at the breast, in another a poor decrepit old man. Whilst scarcely discernible with the naked eye, we heard their stentorian voices, shouting 'Yammer schooner' [Give me] :—amazing indeed is the power of their voice. As they severally hove in sight, they gesticulated and shouted with every wild and remarkable expression, one man in particular being very garrulous, and full of vivacity. The impression they made on my mind, as they became distinctly seen, first by the telescope and afterwards by the naked eye, is one which can never be effaced. It seemed incredible they could be human beings. You observed a lop-sided strange uncouth thing on the water, not to be called a boat, and not realising our ideas of a canoe, but so deep, that just the heads of the Fuegians could be seen in it. As these dark masses of hair, like so many mops, drew nearer, we were able to discern the features, which were, indeed, surprising to us. On a nearer inspection, however, I could trace in many of them, indeed I may say in all, the lineaments of the noblest humanity, and features expressive of benevolence and generosity, though, as it were, buried deep in deplorable ignorance and abject want. One woman had a remarkably prepossess

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