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O. Gillet, B. S., principal, elementary school, University of Chicago. The contents of this book are based on the natural interests of children. The volume contains a series of school room situations, so built up as to give pupils delightful experiences in speaking and writing good English. The situations used include child life and the heroic aspects of mature life, fairies and fairyland, and the outer world, particularly animal life. Around these interests as motivating centers there group themselves numerous exercises, drills, games, and lessons of great variety, many of them calling for animated physical activity, pantomime, and dramatization. The book abounds in oral work adapted for both grades, three and four, but written work is also gradually introduced. This book should prove an ideal text because of its great variety of drills and exercises, all of which will interest if not captivate the child mind. Cloth, 279 pages +XXX, illustrated, price 76 cents. Ginn and Company, Boston, New York, Chicago.

THE WINSTON SIMPLIFIED DICTIONARY, including all the Words in Common Use Defined so that they can be easily understood, edited by William D. Lewis, A. M., Pd. D., deputy superintendent of public instruction, state of Pennsylvania and Edgar A. Singer, Ph. D., professor of philosophy, University of Pennsylvania. It is a new and original work and not an abridgment or an adaptation from a larger work. This volume represents careful scholarship and wide pedagogical experience, and the fundamental principle followed throughout is to is to make the meaning of every word so clear and simple that a child could not fail to understand it. It contains a large and carefully selected vocabulary of over forty thousand words. Each word stands out in bold type and is followed by the pronunciation and definition.

This dictionary will be widely used because it is so practical. It will not only be an aid to teachers in the elementary and high schools of the country, but will be of particular value in vocational and continuation schools, and in Americanization classes, where older men and women are endeavoring to get a command of the language to fit them for intelligent citizenship. The volume includes a glossary of business terms, a pronouncing dictionary of mythological and classical names, a dictionary of foreign words and phrases, a table of prefixes and suffixes and other special features. Cloth, 824 pages, 800 illustrations, price $1.36. The John C. Winston Company, Philadelphia, Chicago.

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