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THE ART OF CONVERSATION, a series of twenty lessons based on the text of Roger Boswell. This booklet adequately discusses the uses, advantages, and pleasures of conversation and offers invaluable suggestions as to how the art of pleasing conversation may be acquired. The author points out what the proper objects of conversation are, namely: To make people like us and think well of us; and when suitable opportunities occur, to instruct and improve ourselves and others. By attention to the hints and rules so luminously presented in this booklet, all persons may avoid a good many faults that impede pleasant social intercourse and cause possible offense to others. Lord Bacon pointed out that conversation makes the ready man and all persons who wish to possess the ability to quickly adapt themselves to any social situation should aim to be masters of the art of entertaining and effective conversation. This excellent and practical treatise should be placed within reach of the young and merits a place on the shelves of every private and public library. Bound in heavy board covers, 38 pages, price $1 postpaid. District Publishing Co., Southern Bld'g, Washington, D. C.

EVERYDAY CHEMISTRY, by Alfred Alfred Vivian, Dean of the College of Agriculture of the Ohio State University. The ordinary high school course in chemistry in the past has consisted of a condensed treatment of the subject of inorganic chemistry, which was intended to prepare for the further study of that subject in college. The reaction against the old type of high school course in chemistry has resulted in the publication of a new type of textbooks for secondary schools. In these the authors have gone to the other extreme by attempting to

present the applications of chemistry to daily life without any ground work in the fundamental chemistry of the ele ments, a knowledge of which is necessary to the understanding of chemical compositions and reactions. This text follows a middle course, and while the outstanding feature is its treatment of the applications of chemistry, inorganic and organic, the presentation is based on a brief study of the elements and their important compounds and reactions. The contents of this volume are arranged in three sections: Part I treating of inorganic chemistry; Part II of organic and applied chemistry, and Part III, soils and fertilizers. The small high schol which can not afford expensive equipment has been constantly in mind during the preparation of this text. While laboratory work and the performance of laboratory experiments are called for, these exercises will require no complicated apparatus. Most of the experiments in this text may be conducted with equipment which is at hand. Suggestive questions and exercises are given at the end of each chapter. This text is practical throughout and will give the student not only an understanding of the essential facts. and theories of chemistry but a full appreciation of the many and varied applications of chemistry in industry, agriculture, foods and almost every field of everyday life. This book is especially suitable for use in the vocational, in agricultural and home economics courses which are being introduced in many high schools. Cloth, 250 pages, price $1.64. American Book Co., New York, Boston, Chicago.

A FIRST FRENCH COURSE, by Louis A. Roux, A. B., Officier d'Academie, Head of French Department, Newark Academy, Newark, N. J. Illustrations by George H. Whitney. This book includes

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all the rudiments of grammar that should be studied during the first year of the senior high school or two years of the junior high school. It may be used also to advantage with beginners in college classes. Nearly all of the 44 lessons of the course have been tested by the author in his own classes, both with pupils of high school age and with college students. The lessons are not based on theory only but on actual experience in the class room. The author has prepared in this volume a practical, progressive and attractive course, presenting a minimum amount of grammar and vocabulary and a maximum of drill. Each lesson contains a vocabulary, French text, a questionnaire on the text, a grammar lesson, class room expression and direct method exercises. This book will appeal to all teachers of French who believe in quality of work and a thorough mastering of the fundamentals of grammar. Cloth, 364 pages, price $1.40. The Macmillan Co., Boston, New York, Chicago.


HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, by. Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard. This volume is intended as a new high school text in American history. The authors have purposely omitted much of the traditional material found in elementary text-books covering this subject. such as the time-honored stories of exploration, the biographies of heroes, all descriptions of battles and other material not essential to a connected and basal treatment of the story of our great country. This volume possesses several distinctive and constructive features. It presents the subject matter topically and adequately treats those historical topics which help to explain how our nation has become what it is to-day. The authors treat fully the social and economic aspects of our history, especially in relation to the politics of each period.

They have given special attention to the history of those current questions which must form the subject matter of sound instruction in citizenship. Part seven, the concluding section of this volume, treats of progressive democracy and the World War and thus completes the narrative up to the present time. The authors have aimed throughout at not merely filling the pupils' mind with facts and subject matter calling for memory work but rather to stimulate habits of analysis, comparison, association, reflection and generalizationhabits calculated to enlarge as well as to inform the mind. References, suggestive questions and lists of research topics are added at the end of each chapter. The appendix contains a topical syllabus which will be found valuable for review purposes. Cloth bound, 663 pages with index, copiously illustrated, price $2. Macmillan Co., New York, Boston, London.

CRAM'S MODERN REFERENCE ATLAS OF THE WORLD. This new unabridged complete atlas contains large scale double page maps (15" by 22"), including separate maps of each state in the United States, the provinces of Canada, all the countries of Europe and other grand divisions and continents. The latest geographical changes in boundaries caused by war, discovery, research and political activities, are completely indicated. Among its distinctive features worthy of special mention are its unabridged index of 250,000 places with latest population figures and key to locations, new and revised maps of the principal cities of the United States, valuable statistical maps and tables, descriptive gazeteer of each state and foreign country, and a chronological story of the World War with large scale colored maps and beautiful illustrations taken from original photographs. This


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PROS AND CONS, a newspaper reader's and debater's guide to the leading controversies of the day. (Political, Social, Religious, etc.), by John Bertram Askew. Sixth edition, revised and rewritten by Hilderic Cousens, B. A. The object of this little book is to place in the hands of the everyday readers and debaters, in as fair and impartial a manner as possible, a concise, yet more or less comprehensive, statement of the opposing arguments advanced by the partisans of the several rival schools or theories which are at the present day striving to catch the ear of the public, whether in social, political or religious spheres. The author includes in the long list of mooted topics many of the live questions of the hour, such as total abstinence, prohibition, daylight saving, league of nations, Monroe doctrine, Sunday closing of public amusements, etc. Cloth, 200 pages, price $1.50. E. P. Dutton and Co. ,New York.

ENGLISH IN BUSINESS. For students in commercial and general secondary schools, by Dudley Miles, Ph. D., chairman of department of English, the Evander Childs high school, New York City; instructor in business English, New York Chapter, American Institute


of Banking. This new text is for use in high schools, continuation, and corporation schools. In its selection, arrangement, and presentation of material it enables educators to bring into their schools the most advanced ideas in the teaching of business English. This volume has the following distinctive features: The saving of time by the omission of non-essentials, the emphasis on minimum requirements, development of ability to criticize one's own work and the emphasis placed on oral composition and commercial correspondence. contents are grouped in three parts: Part I deals with the use of English in the simplest situations; Part II takes up the use of English and expressing ideas for effective business communication; Part III presents the fundamentals of good English wherever used. It gives a clear exposition of the essential grammatical principles, the uses of punctua tion, and a glossary of words frequently misused, with examples illustrating correct usage. The questions and review exercises are so arranged as to give adequate and well adjusted drill work and review. Altogether this new book offers the result of much constructive thought and is unique among text-books on business English. Teachers of the subject will welcome this timely and usable volume. Cloth bound, 449 pages with index, price $2. The Ronald Press Co., 20 Vesey St., New York.

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RANGERS or On the Trail of the Border
Bandits, by Frank Gee Patchin, author
of "The Pony Rider Boys in the
Rockies," "The Pony Rider Boys in
Texas, "The Pony Rider Boys in
Montana," "The Pony Rider Boys in
the Ozarks," "The Pony Rider Boys on
the Alkali," "The Pony Rider Boys in
New Mexico," "The Pony Rider Boys
in the Grand Canyon," "The Pony

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