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could pretend themselves dearlings of heaven more than others, or to have a greater share in the divine love, before that men themselves by transgressing introduced the discrimination. Wherefore since we be all alike, it is but reasonable that we sympathize with one another in our several conditions, being fellow feelers of what our brother suffers, as well as rejoicing at his prosperity. Let me also move you to be merciful to your neighbor for God's sake, whose image he bears.

For as he who affronts the king's picture will be adjudged to have designed treason against his person, so kindness done by you to men, shall God interpret as done to himself.

4. Because if we be just and generous in time of our prosperity, it will cause a like affection in others to us.

Now seeing that the best of men are but men, and what is one man's condition may become another's; and because riches, honors, and whatever gives you pre-eminence over your mean brother, are obnoxious to change, and bottomed on unstable foundations, it will be as politic as religious to be beneficent and kind in distributing your wealth; for this very reason, that should you meet adverse fortune, the same mercy to you might be hoped for from others: whereas in the fall of a proud person, it is his greatest misery not to be pitied: so also if the cruel man comes to have his own days shortened, men believe it is the issue of justice, that he should taste of the bitterness of the sword, who therewith had made the mother childless, and surfeited himself in quaffing innocent blood.

Thus likewise the griping chuff may by common calamity. or force (for else will he carry them along with him to the ground) change his bags and treasure for poverty, without raising any melancholy concern in the beholders; inasmuch as there is no cause why they should lament for his loss of that gold, with which, when in his possession, he never did good.

But contrariwise the man of bounty and generous principles, who used to deal out his bread to the needy, and disperse his riches among the indigent, who conveyed of his liberality into the remotest corners, that he might succor the comfortless, can hardly sink in his estate without the regret and sorrow of most who see or have heard of him; neither will they suffer him to starve, who was so ready to clothe the naked, and to

give food to him who was an hungry; it is cause of general grief, to behold him in prison that was always so busy in ransoming the captive; and that he should become a scorn and derision to others, who himself used to cover both the shame and infirmities of his brother.

Therefore let us carefully remember, whoever are distressed, to conceive ourselves in the same state and condition with them; and hereby having assumed their persons on us, whatsoever we would have done by our neighbors and friends in the like circumstances, the very same let us do unto them in their misery: which is true compassion; for, as I have said, seeing we are men, we must therefore consider that no human calamity is exempted from us, and thereby learn to commiserate other men in adversity, as if the like misery were already, or may be on our own persons.

5. Did we use other men as we expect or desire to be used at their hands, it would be the best and greatest security of our lives, honor, reputation, riches, and power.

For did we all as heartily wish for the preservation of these things in them, as we do in ourselves, then should we with equal pity weep over the misery of others, and with like concern defend and advance their happiness as our own; the effect of which would be a catholic love, meekness, humility, patience, amity, and universal peace spreading itself over the face of the whole earth; so advantageous is our religion to our interest, and so agreeable to our reason.

Lastly, let us be moved to this duty by the consideration of that reward, which for our obedience we shall receive of God hereafter.*

Did we but spend more thoughts on our future state, considering that as now we behave ourselves, we must inevitably live in heaven or in hell for ever, (which as I believe there is none here but doth readily acknowlege, so I wish they more

And this is to make to yourselves friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness, that when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.' Luke xvi. 9. That is, so bountifully scatter your goods among the needy and indigent, that when your strength fails, God of his mercy may receive you into the heavens.

unfeignedly would consider it, and it would be enough to keep us from weighing our own and our neighbor's concernments in such differing balances) and that notwithstanding our now healthy bodies, active minds, and braving estates, we shall ere long be summoned to a strict account, it would be sufficient to make us serious in our religion, and careful in the most important affairs of our soul.

So also the consideration of the reward to be had of God hereafter, would be enough to make us bear up against the greatest reproaches and indignities wherewith men invade our reputation for being religious, and make us think it no hard exchange to part with our lives for the sake of the blessed Jesus; because the life you are to receive for it will infinitely surpass that you lay down; and it is but prudence to part with a corruptible for an incorruptible, a finite for an everlasting, a miserable for a happy state: instead of being clothed with rags, you shall put on the long white robe of Christ's righteousness; not only your tears shall be done away, but your mourning shall be changed into joy, your weeping into laughter; instead of penitential psalms you shall sing songs of deliverrance; all the ravishing delights your souls are capable of, all the satisfaction which rational beings can have, you shall receive of God for evermore.





PRELIMINARY observations. Objections made against the doctrine stated. General answer to these objections first given, and probability of the resurrection pointed out. Particular answers given to the objections, which were stated against the doctrine. Remarks on identity, and on the flux continually going on in our corporeal frame, &c. Necessity of this doctrine of the resurrection to the establishment of Christian faith, and vindication of our reason in embracing it. The resurrection easily effected by the power of God. Encouragements to us proceeding from this doctrine. 1. To run our

Christian course with patience and resolution. 2. To pay the greatest possible measure of gratitude and thanksgiving to our blessed Saviour, who has done so much for us who deserved so little. 3. To lead a life strictly suitable to the certainty of the doctrine itself. Animadversion on a great error committed by some, who suppose that there will be a resurrection for the good, but not for the wicked. Conclusion.




But some man will say, how are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?

THE words of the text are an objection which the subtilty of man, or malice of the devil, had started among some backsliding Christians, to fasten them in their unbelief, and to confirm them in that fond principle, that there was no resurrection. But some man will say,' &c.


That is, say they, seeing that this our carcass, when once bereft of life, will not only consume away in rottenness and stench, but yield up all its beauty to corruption, melting away by degrees and mouldering into dust; how is it possible that such a body should be ever again restored to its former state and condition?

This I take to be the full scope of what is objected, as will in due time appear from the Apostle's pertinent and most apposite answer: but here in this place I think it not amiss to take notice of some other difficulties, urged against the doctrine of the resurrection by some of the daring, conceited wits of the age; and after that, in order, give some concise refutations of them all.

1. It is objected that some bodies are torn in pieces by wild beasts; others pickled in the sea are portioned out to fishes; or falling under the merciless rage of fire, are either evaporated into smoke or calcined into ashes, whilst these ashes are per

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