Ex-ante evaluation of home-grown school feeding in Senegal: General equilibrium models of different food procurement modalitiesFood & Agriculture Org., 13 apr 2023 - 50 pagine Home-grown school feeding programmes have seen a considerable growth around the world. These programmes play a key role in supporting the improvement of child health and facilitating access to education, as well as in stimulating economic development through local procurement. The rigorous evaluation of the effects of these programmes on children and local economy poses several challenges due to the presence of multiple treatment arms,complex targeting criteria and the difficulties from lack of treatment randomization. This report presents the results of a simulation analysis of different food procurement modalities employed by Senegal’s current school feeding programme (SFP) by using local economy-wide impact evaluation (LEWIE). The LEWIE methodology was designed to capture both the direct and the indirect impacts of a wide range of governmental programmes and policies in local economies. The findings suggest that SFPs in Senegal have significant positive impacts on production and income within a 10-km radius of beneficiary schools. These impacts grow as SFPs increase their sourcing from local traders and food producers. |
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areas of schools BASF beneficiary schools benefits businesses and households cash-based catchment areas cereals CFAF 1 spent confidence intervals crops sold economy economy-wide impact evaluation Education's school feeding elaboration equilibrium model estimated Family labour farmers Filipski food expenditure food to schools funds HGSF programme home-grown school feeding Household expenditure household groups household incomes households and businesses households in catchment households spend income and production income spillover ineligible households inputs Kenyan shilling livestock livestock production local food locally produced micromodels Ministry of Education's multiplier effects National Ministry Non-food expenditure non-SF group numbers parameters probit production activities PRODUCTION FUNCTIONS HOUSEHOLD programme’s purchase food real income multiplier receiving cash assistance retail school feeding programme school feeding vouchers schools receiving cash schools spend SÉDHIOU Senegal SF LEWIE model SFP schools SFVS CMNESF simulations sourcing food Table 9 Taylor Total production traders type of SFP United Nations variables World Food Programme