Bangkok Review, Volume 2,Edizione 5Bangkok Review, 1935 |
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2 pagine corrispondenti a Suez Canal in questo libro
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Abyssinia Addis Ababa Africa Anglo-Foreign Trading anyway army BADMINTON Bangkok Review believe better Blue Nile British British Somaliland China Chinese cigarette colonies CONQUERING coun Council of Regency court culture defence door drawled drink Elizabeth Barrett Browning England ephone Ethiopian empire eyes feet FIRST-PERSONALLY SPEAKING forget Gandhi give Government Grace hand happiness head heart Hongkong House India inform the Assembly Italian Italo-Abyssinian Italy Japan King Prajadhipok looked love thee Luang Dhamrong Luang Pradit Manchukuo married matter military milk Minister never Ogaden pajamas Phya Bahol plane police political Press Prince Anuvatana Prince Svasti Queen Ramsay MacDonald Rogers Royal Household Sammy Secre Shin Siam Simien sinia smiled Somaliland soul Sudan Suez Canal tell thing thought tion troops truth United Artists Webi wish write YESTERDAY'S GIRL Zero จงอม จงอม