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of my fortitude, after the loss I have sustained, in facing Glasgow this winter. I thought to myself, this third proposed election will be a novelty; it may produce discord; it may put an inglorious termination to a connexion between my constituents and myself which has not sunk them in the world's estimation, and has raised me higher in its opinion. I had therefore seriously determined to write to the students in Glasgow-imploring them not to be offended with my anticipating the refusal of a yet unoffered honor, but begging them to accept of my resignation next month, without thoughts of re-election. I slept and woke upon this resolution, and was about to write to you, my dear Secretary Tennent.

"Believe, &c., &c.

T. C."

To another friend, warmly interested in his re-election, Campbell thus reverts to the question :

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"LONDON, November 9, 1828.

66 I have had some correspondence with one who officially wrote to me, on the part of the students of Glasgow, and requested me to say whether, if elected, I would for the third time come down to them. I hesitated for some time, but at last yielded to the impulse of dealing as frankly as possible with the boys. I thought it improper to keep them in any state of uncertainty; and I still think that I may be of some possible use to them; and that, if they wish for me, I ought to be for this more at their service. I need not assure you, for I think you know my mind already on the subject, that the event is nearly indifferent to me on any other score than my affection for them, and my wish to show them that no cooling of our mutual good-will shall begin on my side: so, though it was throwing myself a good deal on their candor, I told them that, if elected, I should certainly come, and that immediately. If I should not be elected, I empower you most strongly to assert my right to say that my personal ambition is not disappointed; and that if they are satisfied, so am I; for in that event they will have got somebody in whom they can confide; and if so, I shall be saved a journey, as well as the probability of reproach, that I have not meant and offered to do everything in my power for them. If I should be elected, have the goodness to inform me by that day's post. T. C."

This resolution on the part of the students produced great excitement. A strong opposition was set up; but the stronger

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the opposition, the more determined were Campbell's supporters to carry the re-election; and, knowing what his presence among them at such a moment would accomplish, they entreated him to show himself once more in the field. On receipt of this invitation, he writes :

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Tuesday, 19th.-The students of Glasgow who had given me a majority of votes for the third year's rectorship are in a state of ferment at the Vice-Rector's setting up Sir Walter Scott;* and have sent for me express, to come and consult with them. I am just setting off.-Four o'clock."

His arrival in Glasgow is thus briefly announced to his sister:-" Offer to Mr. Clason my best and most grateful remembrances, for all his friendly attention to you, and his invitation to me. All that I can say is, that, as soon as I can be in Edinburgh, I shall make no other roof than his my home, where I had so much happiness in meeting him and his enchanting friend Dr. Chalmers. But, really, I am so enveloped in business at Glasgow, that I cannot predict when I shall be free, and when my friends may expect me in Edinburgh."

From Glasgow he was summoned to Edinburgh, where his sister lay dangerously ill. In the following letter to a private friend, the state of his mind and feelings is thus frankly disclosed:

"EDINBURGH, November 27, 1828.

"I write to you from beside the sick-bed of my poor sister Mary, whose late attack of palsy was an aggravation to my afflictions. I am otherwise suffering; but I contrive to suffer so well, that the world gives me credit for being in a state of health and cheerfulness. But, inwardly, my heart is bleeding. Everything and every face in Glasgow is a stab to my recollections of the past. I left my son in a very ticklish frame of mind; and I have the prospect of not long possessing the dearest and nearest of my earthly relatives. I left Glasgow to spend yesterday and to-day with her. . . . I thank God she is somewhat better; but it is clear she cannot endure very long. Perhaps I should rather envy her than anticipate regret for her

"The nomination of Sir Walter was carried by what the 'Campbellites' considered an unfair election. A deputation of them, therefore, went off to Edinburgh, and, waiting upon him, expressed themselves to that effect. The consequence was that Sir Walter sent word to the Professors that he declined the proffered honor."-Notes of the Election.

loss. Yet I cannot but feel deeply; for her friendship to me has been deep, and tender, and generous.

"As to the election, it is yet to come-I believe on Tuesday. I was brought thither by the sense of duty, and the fear of being chargeable with moral fear and inconsistency. I had said to the students, that whilst I had life, I should be ready to serve them. They asked me, first, whether, if elected, I would come? I disdained to send a whining excuse about sensations, and scenes, and melancholy recollections, or indelicately to hint at the nature of my domestic calamity; and I could say nothing else than 'Yes; I am ready to come, if you think I can do you good by coming.' I came. I told them to reconsider if they ought still to have me. They said they were determined. And was it for me to fly back from them, or refuse to lead them on? . . . . All this time, people talk to me of the honor of the appointment. I am sick of the honor-I hate the honor, inasmuch as it is a pageant. All that consoles and upholds my grief-wrung heart is that I have not set an example to young men of faithlessness and cowardice. . . . God bless and preserve you and yours. I leave Edinburgh without seeing a friend but my two poor sisters: the third one, and my other friends I hope to see when the election is over.


T. C."

On the Tuesday following, the election was triumphantly carried; and, for the third time,-a rare and almost unprecedented honor,--Campbell found himself Lord-Rector of his native university.*

On his way homewards-and with his mind full of "Univer

* On his third election Campbell thus addressed his constituents:-"I return you my best thanks for this appointment, as a token of your confidence and regard. But, if I were to thank you for the pageantry and publicity of the office, I should regard a sentiment to which my heart is at this moment an utter and disdainful stranger. For supposing-what is anything but the case-that in the present circumstances of my life, I was much alive to vain-glorious feeling, still your Rectorship, honorable as it is -if I had been without an affectionate interest in my native Universitywould have been but a sorry bribe to my most selfish calculations. Ånd if I had gone on these, I could not now have had the honor of addressing you. But I had no selfish or ignoble motives; and for your crediting this assertion, I palter not with suspicions-I appeal to whatever is honorable in your own bosoms-and I demand your belief. No, gentlemen! I come to you in a frame of mind, not indeed crushed, though chastened by calamity; but still in a frame of mind little coveting any new sprig for my mere vanity, to be interwoven with this crape."



ET. 51.] sity schemes"—he writes from the seat of his generous friend, Mr. Thomson :

"Dec. 13th.--After passing two days in Edinburgh, I proceeded southward, and reached the abode of my dear old friend Thomson, of this place-in the midst of his cotton-printing manufactory. It is a stately pile of buildings, which I am trying to persuade him to turn into a University! there being room enough for twenty lecture places, besides a common hall, and a house that would be admirably convenient for the Rector's residence!! . . .

"Thomson has already got home from the sculptor in London, Baily, a marble bust, similar to the original of which you have a cast in your house, which he intends to present to the students of Glasgow, and has authorized me to tell them so. . . . C."*


In commemoration of Campbell's third election to the Rectorship of Glasgow, it was proposed by the more advanced students, and unanimously resolved, to institute a literary association, to be entitled "The Campbell Club." To a letter from the Secretary of the Committee, soliciting the Rector's sanction to their proceedings, the following answer was returned:


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'LONDON, March 3, 1829.

I beg you to communicate to your brother students, who are named in the letter which I have this moment received, my deep sense of the kindness, and honor, which they intend to confer upon me, by the institution of a Club bearing my name. And of course I cannot refuse to give, what you and they are pleased to call, my patronage to any association of friends so deservedly possessing my regard. But I will treat you with that frankness and freedom, as well as with that unceasing regard to your Academical interests, which I have ever studied to make the rule of my conduct towards you. And, in considering the possible effects of this Society being immediately instituted, I must confidently own

*Extract from a letter to John Richardson, Esq.

The founders of this Club were John Tennent, Esq., and John Ralston Wood, M. D., both prizemen of their College, under his Rectorship, and greatly esteemed by the Poet.

that I fear it might stand in the way of my fulfilling all the little good, which it is my object to effect, in behalf of the students. The institution of such a Society after I have resigned office-independent of its proud gratification to my feelings, as an unpurchaseable honor-possibly may be also of service to the general cause of independence in the University; and I should come down and take my seat as patron-(though friend would be a better title)-with still more pride than as your Rector. But, whilst I am Rector, I put it to your good sense, my dear young friends, whether it might not at this time leave it liable to be malignantly said, that your Campbell is the Rector, not of the whole students, but of a self-elected Club! A select Society it ought to be; but selection implies rejection; rejection carries stings and mortification.

"On my return, in a few weeks, I shall have to consult the collective sense of the students, respecting what I ought to do, or not to do, for their interests; and I anticipate that, with my best intentions, I shall be obliged, in giving them an account of my stewardship, to depend on their exercising candor, as well as scrutiny, towards me. Now, it is easy to foresee that all refused students for the Club, would, in the first place, be but cool adherents to any public measure which I might propose as Rector; and without wielding the general body of students, I could do nothing officially. Or supposing, as Mr. Joseph Hume tells me is the case with himself, as Rector of Aberdeen-it should be found advisable to take no such step as that of holding a Rector's Court, till the Royal visitation is concludedsupposing, I say, that I had to tell this to the assembled students-I anticipate clearly what would be said :- Oh, my Lord has been with his Club, and we are to be ruled by his oligarchy of favorites.' In the character of ex-Rector, I should care not a pin for such remarks; but, whilst Rector, I wish all students who can be at all managed, to be brought by every possible means into coalition for two grand purposes: 1st, for deciding, on calm and friendly deliberation, what steps I ought to take for the general good; 2dly, to settle, as far as the point can be settled, what candidate is to be my suc


"Let me put the case in another light: the rejected candidates suppose they take it into their heads to create a new Club? I must either refuse with a bad grace, or diminish the value of our Club, by dividing myself. If I were ex-Rector, I should of course feel pledged to the one, first projected, associ

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