362 GAY (J.). Polly. With drawings by William Nicholson, 4to. 1923. Limited edition of 380 numbered copies, signed by the illustrator. 18s. 363 John GAY. Biography. Edited by the late W. H. Kearley Wright. The Fables. Illustrated with 68 wood engravings from drawings by William Harvey, 4to. £1 8s. 6d. 364 GESTA ROMANORUM, Cum applicationibus moralisatis, ac misticis. Printer's device on title, post 8vo., original vellum. Paris, Jehan Petit, 1521. £2 10s. 365 GIBBON (Edward). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Portrait, 12 vols., 8vo., contemporary scored calf, gilt. 1819. £1 16s. 366 GIBBS (Dr. James). A Consolatory Poem Humbly Address'd to Her Roval Highness. Upon the much lamented Death of His Most Illustrious Highness, William, Duke of Gloucester. Folio, old style half calf, marbled sides. London, Printed for John Hartley, 1700. £3 10s. THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION of Dr. Gibbs first work. It has the leaf of Hartley's publications at the end. GIBBS (Dr. James). --See South. 367 GISSING (George). The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft. Cr. 8vo., exlibrary copy, a little worn and with a label on the front cover, FIRST EDITION. 1903. 35s. 368 GLAPTHORNE (Henry). The Tragedy of Albertus Wallenstein, late Duke of Fridland, & Generall to the Emperor Ferdinand the Second. FIRST EDITION, sm. 4to., half levant, with marbled sides, VERY RARE. London, Printed by Thomas Paine for George Hutton, 1640. " £9 9s. Portraits, 2 vols., 8vo., 369 GOETHE. His Life and Works, by G. H. Lewes. newly bound half green morocco, gilt tops. Bound in is a long, interesting Autograph Letter from G. H. Lewes mentioning G. Fliot's Jubal," and stating that he considers it " one of her very finest works." It ends "Mrs. Lewes continues to mend and has even got to work again, though feebly." 1855. £5 5s. 370 GOFFE (Thomas). The Raging Turke; or, Bajazet the Second. A Tragedie written by Thom. Goffe, Student of Christ-Church in Oxford, and Acted by the Students of the same house. FIRST EDITION, sm. 4to., polished calf. London, Printed by August Mathewes, for Richard Meighen, 1631. Some leaves cropped at foot. title-page, 4to., boards. 1772. £8 8s. 371 GOLDSMITH (Oliver). The Deserted Village. The Seventh Edition, vignette 17s. 6d. Extracted prin£4 4s. 372 [GOLDSMITH]. The Life of Richard Nash, of Bath, Esq.; cipally from His Original Papers. Portrait, 8vo., original calf. 1762. A FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. 373 GOLDSMITH (Oliver). Works, edited by Peter Cunningham. 4 vols., 8vo., engraved titles, (damp-spotted). 1854. 374 GOSSE (Sir Edmund). £4 4s. New Poems. Cr. 8vo., a NICE COPY of the FIRST £1 5s. 375 GOSSE (Sir Edmund). On Viol and Flute. Cr. 8vo. New York, 1883. £1 15s. Inscribed by Sir Edmund Gosse to a friend" from his friend the Poick." The American edition contains eight poems not in the English one. 376 GOSSE (Edmund). The Letters of Thomas Lovell Beddoes. Post 8vo., FINE COPY. 1894. Only 600 copies printed. A SCARCE ITEM. £2 377 GOSSE (Edmund). The Life of Algernon C. Swinburne. Frontispiece, FIRST EDITION, 8VO. 1917. 15s. 378 GOZLISKI. The Accomplished Senator. In Two Books. Written Originally in Latin, by Laurence Grimald Gozliski, Senator and Chancellor of Poland, & Bishop of Posna or Pozen. Done into English from the Edition Printed at Venice, in 1658. By Mr. Oldisworth. 4to., contemporary crimson morocco, gilt, AN EXCEEDINGLY £7 10s. 379 GOZZI (Count Carlo). The Memoirs of, translated into English by John Addington Symonds, with Essays on Italian Impromptu Comedy, etc. Portrait, 6 etchings, and 11 plates [illustrating Italian Comedy, coloured by hand, 2 vols., roy. 8vo., leather backs, faded and one damaged by nail. Nimmo, 1890. £2 2s. 380 GRAHAM (R. B. Cunninghame). Aurora La Cujini. A Realistic Sketch in Seville. Sm. 4to., wrappers, one of 500 copies printed. 1898. 381 GRAHAM (R. B. Cunninghame). Charity. Cr. 8vo., FIRST EDITION. 18s. 1912. 15s. 382 GRAHAM (R. B. Cunninghame). A Hatchment. Cr. 8vo., rubber stamp mark neatly removed from title, FIRST EDITION. 1913. 15s. 383 GRAHAM (R. B. Cunninghame). Hernando de Soto. Together with an Ac-. count of one of his Captains, Goncalo Silvestre. Cr. 8vo., FIRST EDITION. 1903. 35s. 384 GRAHAM (R. B. Cunninghame). The Ipané. Cr. 8vo., FIRST EDITION, FINE. 1899. 15s. 385 GRAHAM (R. B. Cunninghame). Mapirunga, by Gustavo Barroso. Translated and with an explanatory preface by R. B. Cunninghame-Graham. 12m0. 1924. 10s. 6d. 1905. Edition limited to 350 copies, signed by Mr. Cunninghame-Graham. 386 GRAHAM (R. B. Cunninghame). Progress, and other Sketches. Cr. 8vo., FIRST EDITION, NICE COPY. 25s. 387 GRAHAM (R. B. Cunninghame). His People. Cr. 8vo., FIRST EDITION, FINE. 1906. 18s. 388 [GRAY]. An Elegy written in a Country Church Yard. The Sixth Edition, corrected. 4to., old-style calf. London, Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-mall; and sold by M. Cooper in Pater-noster-Row, 1752. £12 10s. 389 GRAY. Odes by Mr. Gray. 4to., old style calf. Printed at Strawberry-Hill, for R. and J. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1757. [SEE ILLUSTRATION]. GRAY.See OXFORD TYPE-FACSIMILE REPRINTS. £25 390 GREEK FOLK POESY. Annotated translations from the whole Cycle of Romaic Folk-Verse and Folk-Prose by L. M. J. Garnett, with Essays on the Science of Folk Lore, Greek Folk Speech, and the Survival of Paganism by J. S. Stuart Glennie. £1 1s. 391 GUISE (Henry, Duke of). Memoirs, relating his Passage to Naples and heading there the second revolt of that People. Englished Sm. 8vo., calf. 1669. 15s. 2 vols., 8vo. 1896. 392 The GUNPOWDER-TREASON: With a Discourse of the Manner of its Discovery; and a Perfect Relation of the Proceedings against those horrid Conspirators... Now Reprinted. A Preface touching that Horrid Conspiracy, by the Rt. Rev. Thomas, Lord Bishop of Lincoln. And, by way of Appendix, several Letters of Sir Everard Digby, Never before Printed. 8vo., calf, rebacked. 1679. £1 1s. 393 L'Histoire de GUSTAVE ADOLPHE dit Le Grand, et de Charles-Gustave Comte Palatin Roys de Suede. Et de tout ce qui s'est passé en Allemagne depuis la mort du Grand Gustave, jusqu'en l'an 1648. Par le Sieur R. De Prade. Fcap. 8vo., morocco, gilt, VERY NICE COPY. Paris, Chez Daniel Horthemels, rue de la Harpe, 1686. £2 2s. With the bookplates of Alfred Gelis and of Maurice Hewlett. 394 HAEFTENO (D. Benedicto). Regia Via Crucis. Full-page emblematical engravings throughout, post 8vo., morocco, gilt edges. Antwerp, 1728. £1 105. 395 HALFORD (F. M.). Dry Fly Entomology. A description of leading types of insects serving as food for trout and grayling. Coloured and other plates, signed Edition de LuXE of 100 copies, Vol. II. of which consists of 100 actual artificial flies in sunk cardboard mounts. 2 vols., 4to., morocco, backs faded. 1897. £8 396 [HALLECK (Fitz James Greene)]. Alnwick Castle, with Other Poems. 8vo., half blue levant extra, with arms on sides. New York: published by G. & C. Carvill, 108 Broadway, 1827. £7 10s. Inserted is a page of manuscript (a poem) by the author. 397 HAMERTON (P. G.). Man in Art. Studies in Religious and Historical Art, Portrait and Genre. 46 plates in mezzotint, etching, wood engraving, etc., folio. 1892. £2 2s. 398 HAMILTON (Count A.). Memoirs of Count Grammont. Edited by Gordon Goodwin. 2 vols., fcap. 8vo., half calf, a very well printed edition, illustrated by a number of fine portraits. Edinburgh, 1908. £2 10s. 399 HANKEN (St. John). Plays. With an Introduction by John Drinkwater. 2 vols., 8vo. 1923. 12s. 6d. 400 HARDY (Thomas). Jude the Obscure. FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo. 1896. £1 15s. 401 HARISON (William). Woodstock Park. A Poem. Folio, old style half calf. London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1706. £2 2s. THE FIRST EDITION. Harrison, a protege of Addison and Swift, continued (in 1711, with the latter and St. John) the "Tatler." "Woodstock Park" is in Dodsley's Collection. 402 HARRINGTON (James). The Common-Wealth of Oceana. Dedicated to His Highnesse the Lord Protector of The Common-Wealth of England, Scotland & Ireland. Folio, original calf. N.D. £2 2s. 403 HARVARD CLASSICS. [Famous Works in Prose and Verse]. Edited by C. W. Eliot, LL.D. Illustrated, 50 volumes, cr. 8vo. 1910. £5 5s. HASLEWOOD BOOKS. - See BACON; THE ELIZABETHAN HOME; COACH AND SEDAN; HERO AND LEANDER. 404 [HAYWARD (Sir John)]. The First Part of the Life and Raigne of King Henry the III. Extending to the end of the first yeare of his raigne. Sm. 4to., mottled calf, gilt, NICE COPY. London, Printed by John Wolfe, 1599. £3 15s. The author suffered imprisonment for the publication of the above, Queen Elizabeth considering that it criticised her policy. 405 HAYWARD (Sir John). Of Supremacie in Affaires of Religion. 4to., old style calf. London, Printed by John Bill, 1624. £3 10s. THE FIRST EDITION. An argument in favour of the royal supremacy, suggested by a conversation in which Hayward took part at house of Tobias Matthew, then Bishop of Durbam. 406 HEARN (Lafcadio). Two Years in the French West Indies. Illustrated, cr. 8vo., front end-paper severed at the joint otherwise very good copy, FIRST EDITION. 1890. 10s. 407 HEARN (Lafcadio). Japan. An Attempt at Interpretation. Cr. 8vo., fly-leaf written upon. New York, 1905. 7s. 6d. 408 The HEPTAMERON of the Tales of Margaret, Queen of Navarre. With an Essay upon the Heptameron by George Saintsbury, M.A. 73 full-page engravings and 150 head and tail pieces, 5 vols., 8vo., polished half calf. 1922. £6 6s. The Navarre Society's limited edition. 409 HERALDRY. Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquesses, Earls and Viscounts of this Realme of England, since the Norman Conquest. Collected by Ralph Brooke. Huudreds of woodcuts of arms, folio, calf, slightly repaired. 1622. £3 3s. 410 HERBERT (George). The Temple Sacred Poems. Portrait, 12th edition, post 8vo., green morocco, gilt edges, (a blot of ink has run down the fore-edge and marked some of the pages). 1703. £1 1s. 1924. 411 HERO AND LEANDER. Begun by Christopher Marlow and finished by George Chapman. 8vo. 15s. The Haslewood Books. Limited to 825 numbered copies. 412 HEWLETT (Maurice). Last Essays. FIRST EDITION, cr. 8vo. 1924. 6s. 6d. 413 HEYLYN (Peter). ΜΙΚΡΟΚΟΣΜΟΣ. Α Little Description of the Great World. Augmented and revised. Sm. 4to., vellum. Oxford, Printed by John Lichfield, 1625. £1 10s. 414 HISTORICAL PORTRAITS. Engravings from rare prints, including the Collections of Richardson, Rodd, Caulfield, and others. With historical and descriptive text, 432 plates, 3 vols., large 4to., half morocco. 1876. £4 4s. 415 The HISTORY OF THE LEAGUE. Written in French by Monsieur Maimbourg. Translated into English according to His Majesty's Command, by Mr Dryden. Frontispiece, thick 8vo., old calf. 1684. £1 10s Margins cut in two places, apparently to serve as a thumb-index. 416 HOBBES (Thomas). Leviathan; or, The Matter, Forme, & Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civill. EDITION, folio, contemporary panelled calf. 1651. From the Earl of Portsmouth's collection. Frontispiece, FIRst Issue of the First £4 10s. 417 HOBBES (Thomas). Philosophicall Rudiments concerning Government and Society. Engraved title, post 8vo., original calf, FINE COPY. R. Royston, 1651. Printed by J. G. for £2 10s. From the library of the Earl of Portsmouth, with his autograph. 418 HOBSON (R. L.). The Wares of the Ming Dynasty. With 128 illustrations, Limited to 256 numbered copies, signed by the author, and with an extra colour plate. 419 HOGG (James). Mador of the Moor; a Poem. FIRST EDITION, 8vo., contemporary half calf. Edinburgh, 1816. £2 10s. The Inserted is an autograph letter from the author to Sir Walter Scott. Hogg, Ettrick Shepherd," wrote, in addition to much poetry, the Private Life of Sir Walter Scott 420 HOLBEIN's PORTRAITS of Illustrious Personages of the Court of Henry VIII., engraved in imitation of the original drawings. 82 tinted plates including Holbein and his Wife, folio, half morocco. 1828. £10 421 HOLLAND. Marken and its People. Illustrated by G. W. Edwards, 8vo., half green morocco, newly bound. 1912. 7s. 6d. 422 HOLLES (Denzil, Lord). Memoirs, 1641-48. [An apology for that Party who took up Arms, not to destroy the King, or alter the Constitution, but to restore the last, and oblige the former to rule according to Law]. Portrait, 8vo., calf, mended. 1699. 10s. 423 The Odyssey of HOMER. Done into English Prose by S. H. Butcher and Andrew Lang. With twenty plates in colour after the water-colour drawings of W. Russell Flint, A.R.A., 4to., buckram, (published £6 6s. net.), FINE COPY. Limited edition of 530 numbered copies, signed by the artist. HOMER.- See PROCTOR'S GREEK TYPE and POPE. 1924. £4 10s. 424 All HORACE His Lyrics, or His Four Books of Odes, and His Book of Epodes Englished. Post 8vo., original sheep. London, Printed for Henry Herringman at the Anchor in the New Exchange, 1653. £2 2s. |