ALL THE BOOKS IN THIS CATALOGUE ARE IN THE PUBLISHED BINDING UNLESS OTHERWISE DESCRIBED. THEY ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION, AND FAULTS, WHERE ANY, ARE FULLY NOTED. I [ABBOTT]. Flatland: a Romance of Many Dimensions. With illustrations by the Author, A Square. FIRST EDITION, sm. 4to., original wrappers, SCARCE. 1884. £2 15s. ACKERMANN'S LONDON.–See COLOURED PLATES. 2 ADDISON (Joseph). The Campaign: a Poem, To His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. The Third Edition, folio, boards, with leather label. 1705. 12s. 6d. 3 ADDISON. The Works of the Right Hon. Joseph Addison. With Notes by Richard Hurd, D.D. Portrait, 6 vols., roy. 8vo., calf, gilt. 1811. £4 15s. Large paper copy. ADDISON. - See BASKERville Press. 4 The ADVENTURER. FIRST EDITION, 2 vols., folio, contemporary calf, gilt, FINE COPY. 1753. £14 Edited by Dr. John Hawkesworth, actively assisted by Dr. Joseph Warton and Dr. Johnson. The latter contributed to the paper "Sleep" (in part 39) and probably other essays. 5 AEGESIPPI Historiographi Fidelissimi ac disertissimi et inter Christianos Antiquissimi Historia. De bello ludaico. Sceptri sublatione. Judecorum dispersione. Ét Hierosolymitano Excidio. A divo Ambrosio Mediolanen. Antistite e Graeca Latina facta. Cum eiusdem Anacephaleosi. Et Tabellis congrientiarum cum Josephi libris etiam de gestis Macchabeorum. Premisso jam primum indice: Alphabetica serie ab Ascensio collecto. Woodcut (of an early printing press) on title, and printed capitals, several of the latter having been illuminated in gold, 4to., old calf, well rebacked. [1510]. £3 10s. From the Library of the Earl of Eglinton, with his bookplate. 6 AESCHYLI Tragoediae VII. Quae cum omnes multo quàm antea castigatiores eduntur, tum verò una, quae mutila et decurtata prius erat, integra nunc profertur. Roy. 8vo., crimson morocco, gilt edges, FINE COPY. Ex Officina Henrici Stephani, 1557. £2 2s. 7 ALDUS. Demosthenis Orationum. 3 vols., 12mo., morocco (binding a little rubbed). Venice, Paulo Manutio, Aldi Filio, 1554. 8 ALDUS. Della Vicissitudine O' Mutabile Varieta delle cose nell' Libri XII. Di Luigi Regio Francese, Tradotti Dal Kr. Hercole Cato. boards, with vellum back, and leather labels. In Venetia, Presso Aldo, Prefixing the text is a three-page list of Aldine publications. £2 2s. universo Sm. 4to., 1592. £2 2s. 8 ALDUS. Il Libro del Cortegiano del Conte Baldesar Castiglione. FIRST EDITION, folio, early calf, with gilt back and painted edges. In Venetia nelle case d'Aldo Romano, et d'Andrea d'Asola suo Suocero, 1528. £16 "Belle et rare édition." - RENOUARD. ALDUS. See QUINTILIAN. 9 ALMANACH DE COCAGNE pour l'an 1920. Calendrier Gastronomique. Woodcut illustrations by Sonia Lewitzka, Tobeen and others, post 8vo., half red morocco, newly bound. Paris, 1920 10s. 10 The ALPS, described by W. Martin-Conway and painted by A. D. McCormick. 70 coloured plates, sq. 8vo., half morocco, newly bound. Black, 1904. 15s. 11 AMERICA. DOMENECH (Abbe E.) Seven Years Residence in the great deserts of North America. Map and 58 full-page woodcut illustrations (mostly coloured) of views, costumes, etc., of the Indians, portraits of Chiefs, plates of ancient Indian Music, &c., 2 vols., 8vo., used copy, newly rebound in half calf, extra. 1860. £3 3s. 12 AMERICA. The Golden State, a history of the Region West of the Rocky Mountains, from earliest times, with a history of Mormonism and the Mormons, by R. Guy McClellan. Numerous illustrations, thick 8vo., cloth. 1874. 10s. 13 AMERICA. History and Government of the United States, by the greatest authorities, with introductory article by President Roosevelt. Illustrated, 6 vols., large 8vo., cased half morocco, few pencil notes in margins. 1905. £1 10s. 14 AMERICA. The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America. Giving a particular Account of the Climate, Soil, Minerals, Animals, Vegetables, Trade, Manufactures, Commerce, and Languages. Illustrated by maps and plans of the principal places, engraved by T. Jefferys, folio, marbled boards, with calf back. 1760. £16 16s. FINE COPY, with uncut edges. 15 AMERICA. A New Discovery of A Vast Country in America, Extending above Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico. With a Description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants, and Animals. Also the Manners, Customs, and Languages of the several Native Indians; and the Advantage of Commerce with those different Nations. With a Continuation giving an Account of the Attempts of the Sieur De la Salle upon the Mines of St. Barbe, etc., the Taking of Quebec by the English with the Advantages of a Shorter Cut to China and Japan. Both parts illustrated with maps and figures. By L. Hennepin. 8vo., original calf. Printed for M. Bentley, J. Tonson, H. Bonwick, T. Goodwin, and S. Manship, 1698. AN UNUSUALLY FINE COPY. £45 16 AMERICA. SMITH (William). Discourses on Public Occasions in America. 8vo., original boards, rebacked in calf, LARGE COPY, with uncut edges. 1762. Presentation copy from the author, with inscription on the fly-leaf. £3 15s. 17 AMERICA. A Survey of the Spanish West Indies, by Tho. Gage-An account of the Spanish navigation thither their ports, commodities, negros, Indians, etc.; also his voyage from Spain to S. John de Ulbua, and of his abode XII. years about Guatemala. Map missing, 8vo., calf (mended). 1702. 15s. 18 AMERICA. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws. By William Bartram. Copper-plates, 8vo., calf, gilt, well rebacked. 1794. £2 5s. 19 AMERICA. TUCKER. Cui Bono? or, An Enquiry what Benefits can Arise either to the English or Americans, the French, Spaniards, or Dutch, from the Greatest Victories, or Successes, in the Present War ? being a series of Letters, addressed to Monsieur Necker, late Controller General of the Finances of France. Second Edition, Corrected. With a Plan for a General Pacification. By Josiah Tucker, D.D., Dean of Gloucester. 8vo., old style calf. Gloucester, 1782. £6 6s. RARE. Tucker anticipated some of Adam Smith's arguments against monopolies. He also maintained the desirability of separation from the colonies. In a postscript to the above work he says: a total separation from America would be one of the happiest events that hath ever happened to Great Britain." " 20 AMERICA. A Voyage to South-America: describing at large The Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, etc., on that extensive Continent. Interspersed throughout with Reflections on the Genius, Customs, Manners, and Trade of the Inhabitants, together with The Natural History of the Country, and an Account of their Gold and Silver Mines. Undertaken... by Don George Juan, and Don Antonio De Ulloa. Translated from the Original Spanish. Illustrated with copper Plates, 2 vols., 8vo., contemporary calf, gilt, with double labels on back. 1758 £6 15s. AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY, the folding plates being untorn at the folds, and beautifully clean. 21 AMERICA. The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the World intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary to which is added the Voyage Shipwreck and miraculous preservation of Richard Castelman, Gent., with a description of the city of Philadelphia and the country of Pensylvania. Frontispiece, 8vo., old calf, damp spotted throughout. 1726. £3 10s. AMERICA.- See ROOSEVELT, COLUMBUS, MACKENZIE and WHITMAN. 22 ANACREON Cristianus, Hoc est Parodiae duae Anacreonticae, et alia Poemata, Psalmique aliquot Davidici, Omnia Anacreontis Stylo & Metro Graecè et Latinè, Donata Per Josuam Barnes, S.T.B. 12m0., old style half calf. Cambridge, 1705. £2 10s. He also wrote dramatic pieces both in English with illustrations in colour by Edmund Dulac, £3 10s. Joshua Barnes also translated Homer. and Latin. 23 ANDERSON (Hans). Stories from; 4to., vellum, gilt. 1911. Edition de LUXE of 750 numbered copies, signed by the Artist. 24 APIANUS (Petrus). Inscriptiones Sacrosanctae Vetustatis, non illae quidem Romanae, sed totius fere orbis summo studio ac maxi. Fine woodcuts and borders to every page, thick folio, calf, gilt (a little damaged), the arms of a Cardinal on sides, gilt edges. Ingolstadt, 1534. Interleaved throughout with the same paper on which the book is printed. £5 15s. 25 The ARABIAN NIGHTS. Tales from the Thousand and One Nights. With coloured illustrations by E. J. Detmold, 4to., vellum, gilt. 1924. Limited edition of 100 copies, signed by the Artist. £2 17s. 6d. 26 ARABIAN NIGHTS Entertainments. Translated, with notes, by E. W. Lane. Hundreds of illustrations by W. Harvey, 3 vols., roy. 8vo., polished calf, gilt backs and sides. 1841. £2 2s. 27 ARABIAN TALES: being a cortinuation of the Arabian Nights, containing a better account of the Customs and Manners of Eastern Nations than is to be met with in any work hitherto published. Frontispieces, 4 vols., post 8vo., newly bound in polished yellow calf, gilt backs, one title slightly mended. Edinburgh, 1792. £2 2s. 28 ARCHITECTURE. Parker's Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic Architecture. Fourth edition, with Supplement, 1,500 illustrations, 3 vols., 8vo., damp-spotted in places. Oxford, 1845-6 18s. 29 ARISTOTLE. Epitome Doctrinae Moralis, Ex decem libris Ethicorum Aristotelis collecta, pro Academia Argentinensi, per Theophilum Golium. original calf. Cambridge, 1634 12mo., 15s. 30 ARLEN (Michael). The Green Hat: a Romance for a Few People. Cr. 8vo., FIRST EDITION, FINE, in dust wrapper. 1924. £1 10s. A copy signed by the Author. 31 ARMORIAL FAMILIES. A Complete Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage, and a Directory of some Gentlemen of Coat-Armour, and being the first attempt to show which arms in use at the moment are borne by legal authority. Compiled by A. C. Fox-Davies. EDITION DE LUXE, large thick 4to., morocco. 1895. £2 10s. 32 ASHENDENE PRESS. The Faerie Queene disposed into Twelve Bookes fashioning XII. Morall Vertues. By Edmund Spenser. Folio, pigskin, with morocco back, as published. 1923. £28 One of one hundred and ninety-two copies, printed at the Ashendene Press, Chelsea. FINE COPY. 33 ASHENDENE PRESS. Il Libro di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio, Cittadino Fiorentino Chiamato Il Decameron Cognominato Prencipe Galeotto nel quale si Contengono Cento Novelle in Dieci di Dette da Sette Donne e da Tre Giovani Uomini. Folio, boards, with linen back, as published. 1920. £27 Printed at the Ashendene Press, Shelley House, Chelsea. FINE COPY in a specially made padded cloth case. 34 ASHENDENE PRESS. The XI. Bookes of the Golden Asse containing the Metamorphosie of Lucius Apulieus interlaced with sundry pleasant and delectable Tales: with an excellent Narration of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyches set out in the fourth, fifth and the sixth bookes, translated out of Latine into English by William Adlington. Folio, boards, with linen back. Chelsea, at the Ashendene Press, 1924. Limited edition of 181 copies. 35 ST. AUGUSTINE. De Civitate Dei contra Paganos, with introduction and appendices, by Dr. J. E. C. Welldon. £8 10s. Libri XXII. Edited, 2 vols., 8vo. 1924 £1 4s. 36 AUSTEN (Jane). Sanditon. Fragment of a Novel, written January-March, 1817. Now first printed from the manuscript. Facsimile frontispiece, 8vo. 1925 One of 250 copies printed on hand-made paper. 37 Idem. The Ordinary Issue. FIRST EDITION, fcap. 8vo. 1925 38 AUSTEN (Jane). Love and Friendship and other Early Works. printed from the original MS. With a Preface by Gilbert K. Chesterton. frontispiece, 8vo. 1922. EDITION DE LUXE of 260 numbered copies. £1 7s. 6d. 8s. 6d. Now first Facsimile £1 7s. 6d. 39 AUSTEN (Jane). Five Letters to her niece, Fanny Knight. Printed in facsimile. 4to. 1924. Limited to 250 copies, 200 being for sale. £1 1s. 40 AUSTEN (Jane). Novels. The Text based on Collation of the Early Editions, by R. W. Chapman. With Notes, Indexes, and illustrations from contemporary sources. 5 vols., 8vo. £5 5s. 1923. LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 1,000 sets. No longer obtainable from the publishers. 41 [AUSTEN (Jane)]. Northanger Abbey: and Persuasion. By the author of "Pride and Prejudice," ," "Mansfield Park," etc. With a biographical notice of the author. FIRST EDITION, 4 vols., fcap. 8vo., contemporary half leather, with marbled sides. 1818. £7 10s. 42 AUSTRALIA. FLINDERS (Matthew) A Voyage to Terra Australis ; undertaken for the purpose of completing the Discovery of that Vast Country, & prosecuted in the years 1801, 1802, and 1803 in H.M.S. The Investigator." Frontispiece, 2 vols., 4to., calf. 1814. £4 4s. Lacks the atlas volume. 43 BACON (Francis). History Naturall And Experimentall, Of Life and Death. Or, Of the Prolongation of Life. Written in Latine by the Rt. Hon. Francis, Lord Verulam, Vis-Count St. Alban. 12mo., calf. London, Printed by John Haviland for William Lee, & Humphrey Mosley, 1638. £6 15s. With a note by William Rawley, D.D. 44 BACON (Francis). Essayes, Religious Meditations, Places of Perswasion and Disswasion. From the First Edition of 1597. Portrait and facsimile of the original title-page, 12mo. 1924. The Haslewood Books. Limited to 975 numbered copies. 7s. 6d. 45 BACON (Francis). The Naturall and Experimentall History of Winds, etc. Written in Latine by the Right Hon. Francis Lo: Verulam, Viscount of St. Alban. Translated into English by R. G. Gent. Engraved portrait, 12m0., original calf, FINE COPY, VERY RARE. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1653. £17 10s. 46 BACON. Resuscitatio; or, bringing into Public Light several Pieces of the Works, Civil, Historical, Philosophical, & Theological, Hitherto Sleeping, of the Rt. Hon. Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. The Third Edition, with his Lordship's Life, by William Rawley. Portrait and plate, folio, original calf. 1671. £2 10s. |