430 MOORE (George). Esther Waters. 8vo. Privately Printed for subscribers only, 1920. £3 10s. This edition consists of 750 copies, numbered and signed by the author. 421 NONESUCH PRESS. - DONNE (John). Love Poems. With 1923. 433 NONESUCH PRESS. The Death of Christopher Marlowe. By J. LESLIE HOTSON, Ph.D. Facsimile plates. 8vo. 1925. 15s. THE FIRST EDITION. 434 NONESUCH PRESS. - MARVELL (Andrew). Miscellaneous Poems. Portrait. Roy. 8vo., decorated boards, as issued. 1923. 435 NONESUCH PRESS. Songs of the Gardens. Peter Warlock. Title-page designed by Stephen Gooden. parchment, as issued. 1925. Limited edition of 875 numbered copies. £3 Edited by Roy. 8vo., £1 10s. 436 NONESUCH PRESS. Prospectus of forthcoming books on appli cation. 437 ORPEN (Sir William, R.A.). Stories of Old Ireland and Myself. Full-page plates, 4to., buckram, gilt. 1924. £1 11s. 6d. 438 OVID PRESS.- [POUND (Ezra)]. Hugh Selwyn Mauberley. Limited edition of 100 numbered copies. 8vo., boards, with linen back. 1920. 6s. 6d. Limited edition of 165 copies. 439 Ville de Lyon. Impressions de LOUIS PERRIN et quelques Livres Lyonnais du XVIe. Siècle. Préface de Marius Audin. Facsimile plates. 4to., wrappers, as issued. Lyon, 1923. 7s. 6d. 440 PETRONE. La Matrone D'Ephèse. With original etchings by L. E. Fournier. Roy. 8vo., half blue levant, gilt extra, with original silk wrappers bound in. FINE COPY. £1 15s. One of 425 numbered copies on Dutch paper. 441 William PICKERING, Publisher. A Memoir & a Hand-list of his Editions by Geoffrey Keynes, F.R.C.S. 4to. 1924. £1 15s. Limited edition of 350 copies. 442 Specimen des Caracteres employes dans L'Imprimerie PLANTINIENNE. Avec une Préface par Max Rooses. Text in French and Dutch. 4to., wrappers, as issued. Antwerp, 1905. 15s. 443 PRINTING. Report of the Committee appointed to Select the Best Faces of Type and Modes of Display for Government Printing. Folio, wrappers, as issued. 1922. 6s. 444 PREVOST (Abbé). Aventure d'un Désespéré, suivi de l'Aventure utile et de l'Histoire d'un Caprice sans exemple. Frontispiece and plate in two states, 12mo., half calf, extra, original wrappers bound in. VERY NICE COPY. Paris, 1913. Limited edition of fifty numbered copies. 445 RACKHAM PLATES. £1 4s. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by LEWIS CARROLL. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. With Proem by Austin Dobson. 4to., original white buckram, gilt. [1908]. Limited edition of 1,130 copies, numbered. 446 RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE. £2 2s. La Petite Laitière. With coloured Lithographs by Lubin de Beauvais, and a portrait of the author by Dochy. Roy. 8vo., half brown levant, extra, original wrappers bound in. FINE COPY. Paris, 1911. Limited edition of 500 numbered copies. £2 2s. 447 RICCARDI PRESS. APULEI Psyche et Cupido cura Ludovici C. Purser. 8vo., boards, with linen back, as issued. 1910. Number 126 of 147 copies printed. 15s. 448 RICCARDI PRESS. The King who Knew not Fear: a Tale of Other Days. By O. R. 8vo., boards, with linen back, as issued, 1912. £1 15s. Limited edition of 500 numbered copies. The first book printed in Riccardi type. £1 1s. 449 RICCARDI PRESS. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles). Atalanta in Calydon. 8vo., natural grain parchment. 1923. Limited edition of 1,000 copies, printed on hand-made paper. 450 De SAINCT PIERRE ET DU JONGLEUR. Fabliau du XIVe Siècle. Illustrations and decorations coloured and illuminated by H. Malatesta. Roy. 8vo., half calf, gilt, original wrappers bound in, Paris, 1914. Limited edition of 250 numbered copies. Second Edition. Portrait. £1 15s. 451 SAPPHO. Memoir, Text, Selected Renderings and A Literal Translation, by H. T. Wharton. Sm. 4to., parchment, gilt top. 1887. £2 10s. THE SECOND AND BEST EDITION, LARGE PAPER COPY, numbered and signed by the translator. and limited to twenty-five copies. 452 The SCARLET RUNNER. A Quarterly. Illustrations by E. A. Abbey, R.A. Contributions by Nigel Playfair, Maud Diver, Maurice Woods, H. E. D[aniel], Dominie Sampson, and others. 3 parts, sm. 4to., original red paper covers. Oxford, 1899-1900. April and July, 1899 and February, 1900. 5s. Cr. 8vo., 453 SCARRON (Paul). Le Chatiment de L'Avarice. With frontispiece, in two states, one hand-coloured, and plate, by Evilio Lorent. half crimson levant, extra. FINE COPY. Paris, 1913. One of fifty copies printed on Japan vellum. £1 10s. 454 SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). Epipsychidion. Well printed in red and black, with facsimile title-page of the first edition. 8vo., boards, as issued. 1921. Limited to 500 copies. 7s. 6d. 455 STANTON PRESS. The Game of Chess. Done into English from the Latin of M. Vida. Introduction by R. C. Lambert. Decorated with woodcuts by Nell Lambert. 4to. The Stanton Press, 1921. Limited edition of 250 numbered copies. 15s. 456 The Journal of the Printing Office at STRAWBERRY HILL. Now first printed from the MS. of Horace Walpole. With notes by Paget Tonybee, M.A., D.Litt. 4to. 1923. Printed at the Chiswick Press in a limited edition of 650 copies. £1 15s. 1909. 4to. 457 SWINBURNE (A. C.). Songs Before Sunrise. 1909. Original half vellum, slightly soiled. 10s. One of 650 numbered copies on hand-made paper, printed in red and black by the Florence Press. 12s. 6d. 458 SWINBURNE (A. C.). Selections from, edited by Edmund Gosse and T. J. Wise. 8vo. Parchment, gilt. 1919. Limited edition of 525 numbered copies. 459 TROLLOPE (Anthony). The Noble Jilt: a Comedy. Edited with a Preface by Michael Sadler. Limited to 500 copies. 8vo. 1923. 15s. 460 VALE PRESS. De Cupidis et Psyches Amoribus Fabula Anilis. Textum recensuit C. J. Holmes. Folio. Boards, with linen back, as issued. 1901. £3 10s. Limited edition, printed in the "King's" type. 461 The VALE PRESS. A Bibliography of, printed in three types: "The Vale," "The Avon," and "The King's. graved by C. Ricketts after a painting by C. H. Shannon. Vale Press under the supervision of C. Ricketts. 8vo. linen back, as published. 1904. Printed at the Frontispiece en 8vo. Boards, with 8vo. 462 YEATS (W. B.). The Trembling of the Veil. ADDENDA. With a portrait £3 10s. Privately Printed £1 10s. 463 ARCHER (W.). The Old Drama and the New. FIRST EDITION, 1923. NEW. 10s. 6d. 464 The ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW. 9 vols., June 1899-Sept. 1901, 4to., original full calf, richly gilt. FINE SET. £6 6s. An interesting collection of contributors make this periodical (if one may so term a publication so richly produced as this) a very desirable one. SWINBURNE, BEERBOHM, HUGH Clifford, LANG, MAETERLINCK, CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM, Davidson, Gissing, Stephen CRANE, GOSSE, G. B. SHAW, and many other brilliant writers contributed original mutter to its pages, and there are many photogravure reproductions of famous pictures. Each volume is bound in a reproduction of an old binding, each of which is selected for its beauty. Altogether the "Review" forms a handsome and desirable item. 465 BELLOC (H.). Caliban's Guide to Letters. FIRST EDITION, 1903. Wrappers. NICE COPY, but covers slightly faded. 10s. 6d. 466 BENNETT (A.). Anna of the Five Towns. FIRST EDITION, 1902. NICE COPY. £22 Presentation copy, signed, from the Author to Joseph Conrad. Of the greatest interest, linking, as it does, two eminent contemporary authors. 467 BRILLAT-SAVARIN. The Physiology of Taste; or, Meditations or Transcendental Gastronomy: Newly Served up in English. With an Introduction by Arthur Machen, and a Biographical Note. Portrait of the Author and forty designs by Andrew Johnson. Roy. 8vo., marbled boards, with vellum back, gilt, 1925. £2 2s. Limited edition of 750 numbered copies. 1 W 468 The CAMBRIDGE A.B.C. Numbers 1 to 4 (all published), June 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th, 1894. Cover design by Aubrey Beardsley. In one volume, sm. 4to., green crushed levant, inside dentelles (by Riviere). FINE COPY. £45 The contributors and co-editors of "The Cambridge A.B.C." were Maurice Baring, R. Austen Leigh and Hubert Cornish. The particular copy catalogued is of unique interest, being that which actually belonged to the Hon. Maurice Baring. It has the initials of the various contributors to the journal pencilled by him after their respective writings. It has also his bookplate (designed by Hilaire Belloc). Inserted are two original letters from Aubrey Beardsley to Maurice Baring. In the first Beardsley accepts the commission to draw the coverdesign for the Cambridge A.B.C." for ten guineas. In the second Beardsley states a preference for the reproduction of his design to be in blackand-white, and not in red, which was apparently proposed and which he States would spoil the picture. |