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All Prices are Net.

Cash on receipt of books. New customers are respectfully requested to send cash with order or London references.

3. Any book may be returned within two days of receipt if not as described in the catalogue.

4. All books are London published, 8vo., in format, in original binding and in good condition, FOREWORD.

HIS is the first catalogue of our winter season.



We, ourselves, feel that it is among the most interesting have we issued. Its include interesting books in almost every class of literature and the rarity of many of the items is by no means their sole attraction for the



It is not without regret that we state that many of the most interesting items from our stock never make their appearance in any of our catalogues. They are sold before there is time to issue a catalogue of them. Even as we go to press with this catalogue we are constantly under the necessity of removing desirable items from it because they have been sold.

We take a great deal of pains to report against lists of desiderata of our clients, and any of them who have the time and who feel inclined to send us a short note of their special wants, or of subjects and authors in which they are interested, will find the trouble well repaid.

Every single list of such kind which is sent to us is personally handled by one or other of our directors within whose sphere it falls, and book-collectors have thus the security and wide range of a long-established firm, combined with the personal and expert attention which is usually accorded them only by the small specialist.

This catalogue is divided into three sections as indicated in the list of contents overleaf, and we would draw the special attention of collectors to the interesting material connected with Mr. LIAM O'FLAHERTY which they will find at the end of






0 I




[ABBOTT]. Flatland: a Romance of Many Dimensions. With illustrations by the author, A Square. FIRST EDITION, sm. 4to., original wrappers. SCARCE. 1884. £2 A'BECKETT (G. A.). The Comic History of England, and The Comic History of Rome. With coloured and other illustrations by John Leech. 2 vols., 8vo., red cloth. NICE COPIES. £5


3 ABOUT (E.). Les Mariages de Paris. Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. Paris, 1887. VERY FINE COPY, elegantly bound in full buff morocco, gilt, all edges gilt, with original wrappers bound in. In a plush-lined etui case £5 5s One of 100 numbered copies with the name of the subscriber printed in each. Printed on papier de chine. Inserted is a 4 pp. A.L.s. from the author of considerable interest, written to some person unknown, criticising a volume of his poems and giving him valuable literary advice.

12s. 6d.

4 ADDISON (Joseph). The Campaign. A Poem, To His Grace the Duke of Marlborough The Third Edition. Folio, boards, with leather label.



ADDISON (J.). Cato. A Tragedy, as acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Fifth Edition. Small piece cut from half-title and names written on; also few stain spots on first fen leaves. Sm. 4to., boards, rebound. Tonson, 1713


Salvini. Sm. 4to., calf. Firenze, 1725

6 ADDISON (J.). Cato. A Tragedy. With translation (parallel) into Italian by A. М. 10s. 6d.

Hurd, D.D. Portrait. 6 vols., roy. 8vo., calf, gilt. 1811

7 ADDISON. The Works of the Right Hon. Joseph Addison. With Notes by Richard £4 15s

8 The Works of the Rt. Hon. Joseph ADDISON. A new edition, with notes by R. Hurd. 6 vols. Portrait. 1811. Contemporary half calf, gilt backs, with red labels £2 10s.

ADDISON. See also 67.

9 ADDISON (Lancelot). West Barbary; or, a short Narrative of the Revolutions of the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco. With an account of the present Customs, Sacred. Civil, and Domestick. Post 8vo., half calf, a very small blue stain (perhaps ink) on the tot margin of most pages. Printed at the Theater in Oxford, and are to be sold by John Wilmct 1671


10 ADIMIRI (Lodovico). Poesie, Sacre e Morali. Folio, vellum, somewhat wormed. Ir.

Firenze, 1696.


AESOP. See 1030.


AGASSIZ (Prof. and Mrs.). A Journey in Brazil [accompanied by a Conchologist, Geologist, and an Ornithologist). Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1868



AGRICOLA (George) de Re Metallica quibus Officia, Instrumenta, Machinae, etc., describ. Ejusdem de Animantibus Subterraneis. Hundreds of woodcut illustrations. Folio. old half calf, title slightly mended. Basil, 1621

£3 3s.

13 AKENSIDE (Mark). Poems. First Collected Edition. With fine portrait. 4to., contem

porary calf, back carefully repaired. 1772

£1 15s.

14 ALAMANNI (Luigi). Saggio di Poesie Inedite di... pubblicate per le fauste nozze del sig. cav. Pietro Aldana colla Signora Teresa Biondi. 4to., unbound, uncut copy, with large margins. Firenze, Presso la Stamperia Magheri, 1819.


15 ALBERTINUS (F. de). Opusculum de Mirabilibus novae et veteris urbis Romae, editum.

a F. de A. Sm. 4to., vellum. Rome, 1515

£1 10s. 16 ALBUM AMICORUM. Formerly in the possession of one, Leonard Faber, a German resident in London, apparently attached to the English Court between the years 1598 and 1612. Whatever his position he persuaded the most prominent German visitors of the time to inscribe their names in his album with, in many cases, their coats of arms (of which there are 45) in colours, some of them being heightened in gold and silver. There are also three portraits in colour, one being of Queen Elizabeth (with the amusing inscription in German verse commencing: "This is a virgin of England, a kindly beauty..."), another of James I. and the third of an unknown man. Among the more important and interesting signatures are those of the Ambassador of the Elector Frederick, 1605 (p. 48); Wilhelm, Duke of Curland; of at least three different Dukes of Pommern; Ernst Frederick, Count zu Gall und Reifferscheid; Carl zu Manderscheid; Friederich, Comte de Solms; Hanns von Reibnitz; Hans Saurma von Jeltch; Conte W. di Redern; Baron zu Puttbus; W. Matthia di Kunigsperg; J. E. O. St. Fugger (almost certainly a member of the famous family of merchants and bankers); M. von Slawata; G. von Scharffenberg; H. A. von Buerckheim; R. von Luezeelburg. There is also a signature which, allowing for the difficulty of deciphering the script of the time, seems almost certainly to be that of a Boerries von Muenchausen, a signature identical with that of the famous living German poet. A von Dieppnbroick. A typically graceful inscription of the period is :

"A touts les dames servir
Mais pour une seule mourir."

The volume is bound in contemporary calf with the device of the original owner, his initials and the date 1608 stamped in gilt on back and front. Although the pages are numbered from (1) to 338 there are actually only 304 pages. On the second leaf, besides the autograph of Lenard Faber, the original owner, are those of Fredericus Faber, 1630; the initials of Jonathan Hardy to whom it was given in 1778 and the autograph of Mary Hardy to whom, in his turn, he gave it in 1802. It seems likely that the Faber family to whom this originally belonged is identical with that of Faber du Faur, still a prominent name in the Almanach de Gotha.

Sm. 4to., original calf, rebacked, with arms on sides



17 ALBUM D'UN SOLDAT pendant la campagne d'Espagne en 1825. Paris, 1829. With 40 curious coloured lithographic costume plates. Original boards. FINE COPY £3 3s. 18 Las ALFORJAS. By George John Cayley. Vignette title. 2 vols., 8vo., contemporary

half Spanish calf. London, Bentley, 1853

19 ALGAROTTI (Count).


£1 1s.

An Essay on the Opera. Written in Italian by Count Algarotti,

F.R.S., F.S.A., etc.
An English translation of the original work.

Post 8vo., old calf, joints weak. 1767


ALMANACHS. A Collection of nearly One Hundred Miscellaneous Almanachs for the Years 1741, 1742, 1744, 1745, 1747-1749. Mostly printed in black and red, some having cuts. In seven volumes, sm. 8vo., contemporary crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges.

£10 10s.

The contents of the first volume, given below, are representative of the whole :-
Remarkable News from the Stars; or, An Ephemeris for the Year 1741. By William

Merlinus Anglicus Junior; or, the Starry Messenger. By Henry Coley.

Ephmepis; or, a Diary Astrological, Astronomical, Meteorological. By J. Gadbury.
The Gentleman's Diary; or, Mathematical-Repository.

The Ladies Diary; or, The Woman's Almanack.

Vox Stellarum; or, A Loyal Almanack. By Francis Moore.

Merlinus Liberatus. By John Partridge.

Parker's Ephemeris.

The Coelestial Diary.

By Salem Pearse.

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