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Iquis victoria erigere vellet,quòd feditiofos agriculas deuicerit,is hu iufcemodi rebus vti poterit,quas deinceps dieam. Primò locetur la pis quadrangulus,cuius quodlibet quatuor laterum fit longum decé pedes, & altum quatuor:is plintho cuidam incumbat,quæ latera ha beat viginti pedes longa, alta autem vnum,fit fita in colle aliquo: fuper quaru or erus angulos ponantur vacce,oues, porci,at alia pecora ligata, fed fuper an. gulos quatuor lapidis quadranguli,totidé ponantur corbes,pleni cafeo,butyro, ouis,cepis,herbis,aut quicquid tibi in mente venerit Super húc lapidé,alius adhuc cóftituatur itidé quadrágulus,g latera lóga habeat fepté pedes,& alta vnú, in eius medio locetur capfa auenaria, cuius altitudo fit quatuor pedes, ac inferné vnú latus longú fex cú dimidio,at fupernè vbi fera eft folú fex,fuper oper culum auté lógitudo fiat quatuor,cui impone ahenú inuerfum, tres cú dimidio pedes amplum:fed in fundo fupernè folú tres, huic rurfus gabata in qua cafeus formari folet imponatur, alta dimidio pedis,fupné duobus pedibusá pla,at in fű do folú vno cú dimidio, cá orbiculo cooperi admodú craffo, quiq latis pmi neat:in medio huius orbiculi vas locato in quo butyrú recondi cófueuit altitudinis trium pedú,& in fundo vnius & dimidii, fupernè verò vnius amplum, ro ftrum tamé per quod effundimus arg anfa aliquantulú proiiciátur. Deinde vrceus bene formatus ftatuatur,in quo lac repont folet,cuius altitudo fit duorú pe dú cú dimidio,in vétre auté amplitudo vnius,& fupernè dimidii, at bafim eius infernè largioré facito:in eo vrceo erige quatuor raftros, qbus carbones corradú tur,qui longi Gat quing pedes & dimidiú,circú quos ligato fruméti fasciculum altu pedes quing,ficq raftri fupernè extét per dimidiu:illi rufticorum appéde inftruméta,ligones,palas,furcas,flagella,& alia huiufmodi. Tádé pminentibus raftris fupponatur gallinarú cauea, huic rurfus fidelia butyri inuerfa,cui rufticus triftis atq gladio perfoffus infideat:quéadmodú infernè defignaui. Homi ni ebriofo poffet aliquis hoc pacto fup monumentú memoriá cóftruere.Primò fepulchrú ei, ftatuatur cú epitaphio,quod voluptate ironice laudet. Deinde fuper fepulchrum erigatur dolium vinarium,quod alea fupertegatur.Poftea lock tur duz patina quarum vna fuper alteram fit inuerfa,ex gulam continebuntá fuperiori patina imponatur cantharus humilis, fed admodum capax, duabus anfis, qui orbe coopiatur,fup qué inuertatur poculú vitreú ampliffimú:cuius fú do infideat corbis plen, pane,cafeo,butyro,& aliis efculétis.Cófimiliter ex aliis rebus poffemus diuerfis modis fecundú vitá cuiflibet,fepulchrú eius exornare. Hæc infolétiæ caufa indicare placuit, ac vnà cum cæteris columnis deliniare.





EAST INDIA COMPANY. A True Relation of the Unjust, Cruell, and Barbarous
Proceedings against the English at Amboyna in the East Indies, by the Netherlandish
Governour and Council there. (In three parts).

[ocr errors]

Two woodcuts of atrocities. Third impression. 1632.

(2) A Remonstrance of the Directors of the Netherlands East India Company


and the Reply of the English East India Company...

FIRST EDITION. 1632. (In three parts).

Sm. 4to., original vellum. FINE CLEAN COPIES.

£10 IOS.

Short-title Catalogue, 7453, 7450.

Amboyna was a storm centre between the English and the Dutch East India Companies. It was taken by the Dutch from its discoverers, the Portuguese, in 1607. An English colony was formed in 1612, which was extirpated by the Dutch in 1622 under circumstances of diabolical cruelty. Cromwell obtained satisfaction many years afterwards. The island has changed hands many times since but the Dutch have held possession since 1814.

ELIOT (T. S.). Prufrock.



£3 35.


£3 35.


£2 25.





£I IS.

ELIOT (T. S.). Poems.

FIRST EDITION. Hogarth Press, 1919. Wrappers. FINE COPY.

ELLIS (H.). Kanga Creek.

FIRST EDITION. Golden Cockerel Press, 1922. FINE COPY.

One of only 25 numbered copies on hand-made paper, signed by the author.


With a hand-coloured woodcut frontispiece and initials in gold and colours. NICE COPY.

One of 150 copies printed entirely on pure vellum. This copy is " Retree."

[EVANS (Abel)]. The Apparition. A Poem.

Sm. 8vo., half calf. 1710.


THE FIRST EDITION. SCARCE. The second edition is noted in " Halkett and

The EXAMINER. A Complete Set of the 268 numbered parts.
Bound in one folio volume, contemporary panelled calf. From Thursday, August
3, 1710 to Monday, July 26, 1714.


One of the earliest of the many followers of the Tatler. Swift contributed to it as did many of the other of the literary great ones of the period. With the exception that one or two numbers are browned by age it is in EXCELLENT CONDITION.

The numbers which appeared subsequently to the passing of Harley's Stamp Act have the Revenue Stamps printed on them.


FAITHORNE. The Art of Graveing and Etching, wherein is exprest the true way 118 of Graveing in Copper. Allso The manner & method of that famous Callot, & Mr. Bosse, in their Severall ways of Etching.

Engraved plates. Post 8vo., russia, gilt and blind tooled. Published by Willm. Faithorne, And Sold at his Shop next to ye Signe of ye Drake without Temple Barr,


£25 A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THIS RARE BOOK. The plates throughout are engraved by Faithorne.

[See Illustration No. 10].

119 FARQUHAR. The Beaux Stratagem. A Comedy. As it Acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Haymarket. By Her Majesty's Sworn Comedians.

4to., old-style half calf, with leather label, gilt. Some leaves browned and a few wormed, otherwise a NICE LARGE COPY, with the half-title. FIRST EDITION. N.D. [1707].

£3 35.


FENTON. An Epistle to Mr. Southerne, from Mr. El. Fenton. From Kent, Jan. 28, 1710/1711.

Sm. 8vo. Half calf, gilt. 1711.

£1 55.

THE FIRST EDITION, with the half-title.


NICE COPY. 1911.

£1 55.


FORSTER (E. M.). A Passage to India.

FIRST EDITION. 1924. FINE COPY, in the original jacket. Presentation copy from the author, signed in full and dated 20-24/6/24. Loosely inserted is a card from the author introducing a friend.

£3 35.

123 FROGMORE PRESS. Miscellaneous Poems.


Frontispiece. Sm. 4to., original boards, rebacked. Printed by E. Harding, Frogmore Lodge, Windsor, 1812.

£5 55.

LARGE PAPER COPY. The title-page is repaired and a few leaves spotted. The poems are by Miss Knight, governess to Princess Charlotte of Wales, and authoress of the well-known Autobiography.

GALLUCIUS (J. P.). Theatro del Mundo, y del tiempo... Astrologia, Theoricas de Planetas, conocimiento de la Esphera, Astronomia y instrumentos Astronomicos, Navegacion, &c., trad. de Latin en Romance por Miguel Perez.

Numerous astronomical plates, with moveable diagrams. Thick folio, limp vellum. MS. note on title. Granada, 1612.

£6 6s.

125 GARNETT (D.). Lady into Fox. With woodcuts by R. A. Garnett. FIRST EDITION. 1922. FINE COPY, in the original dust jacket.

126 GAY (J.). The Shepherd's Week. In Six Pastorals.


Frontispiece and five engraved plates. Sm. 8vo., old-style calf, gilt. 1714.

£4 155.

127 GAY (John). The Beggar's Opera. With the Ouverture in Score, The Songs, and the Basses, Curiously Engrav'd on Copper Plates. 1729.

(2) Polly: an Opera. Being the Second Part of the Beggar's Opera. Written by Mr. Gay. 1729.

2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to., early half calf, with marbled sides, rebacked.


£6 6s.

Polly" is the FIRST EDITION, and "The Beggar's Opera" third

128 GISSING (G.). Charles Dickens. A Critical Study. FIRST EDITION. 1898. FINE COPY.

£1 155.

129 GLANIUS (Mr.). A New Voyage to the East Indies-an account of those countries and more particularly of the Kingdom of Bantam-likewise a faithful narrative of the Kingdom of Siam, the Isles of Japan and Madagascar, &c.

Portrait, 12m0., old sheep. 1682.

£5 55.

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