The History of RomeRoutledge, 1854 - 497 pagine |
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Pagina 562
... rest , the night was passed . Nor could the Samnites , though in circumstances so joyous , instantly determine how to act : it was therefore universally agreed , that Herennius Pontius , father of the general , should be con- sulted by ...
... rest , the night was passed . Nor could the Samnites , though in circumstances so joyous , instantly determine how to act : it was therefore universally agreed , that Herennius Pontius , father of the general , should be con- sulted by ...
Pagina 563
... rest , until they have wreaked manifold vengeance on your heads . " Nei- ther of these plans was approved , and Herennius was carried home from the camp . 4. In the Roman camp also , when many fruitless efforts to force a passage had ...
... rest , until they have wreaked manifold vengeance on your heads . " Nei- ther of these plans was approved , and Herennius was carried home from the camp . 4. In the Roman camp also , when many fruitless efforts to force a passage had ...
Pagina 572
... rest concerned , offer our worthless persons , as atonements , for the breaking our engagements , and , by our sufferings , liberate the Roman armies . " 10. Both these arguments , and , still more , the author of them , powerfully ...
... rest concerned , offer our worthless persons , as atonements , for the breaking our engagements , and , by our sufferings , liberate the Roman armies . " 10. Both these arguments , and , still more , the author of them , powerfully ...
Pagina 573
... rest , to the heralds , to be conducted to Caudium . On passing this decree of the senate , it seemed as if some new light had shone upon the state : Postumius was in every mouth : they extolled him to heaven ; and pro- nounced his ...
... rest , to the heralds , to be conducted to Caudium . On passing this decree of the senate , it seemed as if some new light had shone upon the state : Postumius was in every mouth : they extolled him to heaven ; and pro- nounced his ...
Pagina 576
... rest , in beginning the conflict , there should be any delay , in wielding their javelins and then drawing their swords , they threw away the former , as if a signal to that purpose had ⚫been given , and , drawing the latter , rushed ...
... rest , in beginning the conflict , there should be any delay , in wielding their javelins and then drawing their swords , they threw away the former , as if a signal to that purpose had ⚫been given , and , drawing the latter , rushed ...
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Achradina ædiles Æmilius afterwards allies ambassadors Appius Claudius Apulia arms army arrived Atilius attack battle besieged body booty brought Bruttians Caius Campanians Cannæ captured Capua Carthage Carthaginians Casilinum cavalry citadel Cneius colleague command consul Cornelius Decius decree deserted dictator election enemy engaged Epicydes Etruria fathers favour fear fight fleet forces fought Fulvius garrison gates Gauls gods Gracchus guard Hannibal Hasdrubal Hiero Himilco Hippocrates honour hope horse hundred Iberus infantry Italy king land legions lest Lilybæum Lucanians Luceria Lucius Mago Marcellus marched Marcus military mind night Nola Numidians Papirius passed peace persons plebeian plunder possession prætor prisoners province Publius Decius quarter Quintus Fabius rampart received rest returned revolt river Rome Saguntum Samnites Samnium Scipio Sempronius senate sent ships Sicily side siege slain soldiers Spain surrender Syracusans Syracuse taken Tarentines Tarentum temple territory thence thing thousand tion Titus town treaty tribunes troops Valerius victory walls