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begun even in his time (he was born about A. D. 130). And grammarians show us in some places (e. g. 2. 8 transiere or transegere) that the variety of reading with which our MSS. present us goes back to earlier times. To Augustine we owe a sentence 6. 2, a couple of words in 5. 9, and the right reading in 54. 6. The support of the grammarians makes the form senati certain.

The text here given is that of Jordan's second edition of 1876 without any alteration, except that misprints have been corrected. Jordan has kindly given me information as to one or two places in which I was in doubt as to whether the reading was intentional. It should, however, be understood that Jordan does not give out his text as by any means a final text. In not a few places he is of opinion that conjecture is required, but he wisely prefers, as things stand at present, to lay a sure foundation. The notes

which I give at the bottom of the text are also for the most part selected from Jordan; I have, however, added occasionally the readings of the MS. P' from the recension of Wirz (or more accurately his correction of Dietsch's recension) as already stated, and have noted a number of conjectures, all in fact that I know of which deserve consideration. Jordan mentions only a few.

In the adoption of Jordan's text, his orthography is of course included. In this matter P is not always a safe guide, for the MS. occasionally gives us (according to Dietsch) atquae dii vult libet honeri (oneri) michi etc. But such things apart, the well-established reputation of Sallust for archaic forms seems to have

made the writers of manuscripts careful in the matter of spelling, and Jordan follows P where it is reasonable. The reader will find in the text that u is written for i in such words as aestumo existumo lubet lacrumae legitumus novissumus; o for u and e in voltus volgus vorto voster advorsus percontari etc.; and though v is written, ignavos novos in nom. sing.; e for i in neglego intellego etc.; s is always omitted after ex, e. g. exequi execrari. Imperator imperium imperare are always written with m; but the following words sometimes im-, sometimes in-,-imbellis imbecillus impedio impetus impendeo etc., though the majority are written without assimilation. In the same way communis commendo, but conmittere etc. Such inconsistencies as pulcherrimus and pulcherrumus, manifestus and manufestus, and exsanguis (?), which occur thus in P are retained. Dietsch adopts a more uniform system, especially in the matter of verbs compounded with prepositions, but I do not know that he has any MS. authority for this or for such forms as caussa set haut etc., or for e. g. G. Manlius,



P=the Paris MS.-Sorbonianus 500.

p its corrector.

Pl Parisinus 1576.

plits corrector.

C=other MSS. of the first class, whether all or some of them.

z=MSS. of the second class.

V=Vaticanus 3864 (it contains the speeches only).

om. = is omitted by

When a name is bracketed it is meant that the person in question adopts a reading-e. g. Linker (Dietsch) means that Dietsch adopts Linker's conjecture.

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OMNIS homines, qui sese student praestare 1 ceteris animalibus, summa ope niti decet ne vitam silentio transeant veluti pecora, quae natura prona atque ventri oboedientia finxit. sed nostra omnis 2 vis in animo et corpore sita est: animi imperio, corporis servitio magis utimur; alterum nobis cum

dis, alterum cum beluis commune est. quo mihi zabl,meas. rectius videtur ingeni quam virium opibus gloriam quaerere et, quoniam vita ipsa qua fruimur brevis 10 est, memoriam nostri quam maxume longam efficere. nam divitiarum et formae gloria fluxa atque fragilis 4 est, virtus clara aeternaque habetur.

Sed diu magnum inter mortalis certamen fuit, 5 vine corporis an virtute animi res militaris magis 15 procederet. nam et prius quam incipias consulto 6 et ubi consulueris mature facto opus est. ita 7 utrumque per se indigens alterum alterius auxilio eget. igitur initio reges-nam in terris nomen 2 imperi id primum fuit-divorsi pars ingenium, alii


8 esse uidetur PC uidetur esse C esse is omitted by z

C. S.


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