13. inaequali harundine, 'on his pipe made of reeds of unequal length.' 21. desectas alligat, 'mows down and binds.' 25. venerit insitio, 'when grafting-time comes.' 144 1. sollemne est mihi, 'it is my custom.' 7. confitentessi confessi erant. 9. duci, 'to be executed.' 12. Thus St Paul, because he was a Roman citizen, was sent to Rome for trial. 14. sine auctore, 'anonymously.' 19. male dicerent, 'cursed.' 27. stato die: i.e. every Sunday. 28. carmen, ‘a hymn.' 34. promiscuum, 'ordinary.' By their enemies the Christians were accused of cannibalism, a charge which may have been due to a misconception of the language used about the Sacrament. 36. ministrae, 'deaconesses.' 145 2. ad umbilicos, 'to the end'; the stick, round which the ancient book was rolled, was called the umbilicus, so that a reader who had reached the stick, had finished the book. 3. adhuc, 'further.' 5. quoque, ‘even.' CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS a, ab, and abs, prep. with abl. from, by, after. abdo, 3 v.a. abdidi, abditum, hide. abducō, 3 v.a. lead away. abeō, 4 v.n. depart. abiciō, 3 v.a. throw down. abiectus, a, um, despicable. abiungō, 3 v.a. unharness. abluō, 3 v.a. cleanse. abnegō, 1 v.a. disown. abōminor, 1 v.d. shrink from. abrumpō, 3 v.a. break off. abscēdō, 3 v.n. depart. abscido, 3 v.a. cut off. abscindō, 3 v.a. tear up. absens, entis, absent. absistō, 3 v.n. abstain. abstinens, entis, disinterested. v. a. v. d. v. n. 1, 2, 3, 4 pronoun. singular. substantive. verb. verb active. verb deponent. verb neuter. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th conjugation. marked except in syllables long by position. abstineō, v.n. refrain. absum, v.n. abfui or afui, be distant, be absent. absümō, 3 v.a. destroy. abundē, adv. to the full. abundo, 1 v.n. abound, overflow. ac, conj. and, as. accēdō, 3 v.n. approach, be added. acceptus, a, um, agreeable; acceptum, on the credit side. accessiō, ōnis, f. addition. accidō, 3 v.n. happen. accipio, 3 v.a. receive, hear. accola, ae, m. neighbour. accolo, 3 v.a. dwell by. accommodō, 1 v.a. suit. accusător, ōris, m. accuser. accusō, 1 v.a. accuse. ācer, acris, acre, spirited, fierce. acerbus, a, um, bitter. Achivi, ōrum, Achaeans, Greeks. aciēs, ēi, f. line of battle, eyes. aconitum, i, n. aconite, poison. acquiescō, 3 v.n. find relief. acriter, adv. severely; comp. acrius. actiō, ōnis, f. pleading, lawsuit. acutus, a, um, sharp. ad, prep. with acc. to, at, to wards, till, according to, with a view to, upon, in addition to. adaequō, 1 v.a. make equal. addō, 3 v.a. addidī, additum, add. adducō, 3 v. a. attract, draw up, bring. adeō, 4 v. a. approach. adeō, adv. so far, to such an extent, so much, further, also. adfārī, 1 v.d. to address. adferō, 3 v.a. attuli, adlātum, confer, bring to. adflō, 1 v.a. breathe upon. adhibeō, 2 v.a. apply, invite. adhuc, adv. hitherto, still. adiciō, 3 v.a. adiēcī, apply, add. adigō, 3 v.a. bind, compel. adimō, 3 v.a. take away. adipiscor, 3 v.d. adeptus, gain. aditus, ūs, m. passage, door, access. adiungō, 3 v.a. add. adiutor, ōris, m. helper. adiuvō, 1 v.a. adiūvī, adiutum, help. administrō, 1 v.a. carry on. admirandus, a, um, wonderful. admittō, 3v.a. welcome, admit, commit. admodum, adv. very. admoneō, 2 v.a. remind. admonitiō, ōnis, f. advice. admoveō, 2 v.a. bring close. adnitor, 3 v.d. adnīsus, endeavour, strain. adnō, 1 v.n. swim towards. adnotō, 1 v.n. make a note. adnuō, 3 v.n. consent. adoperiō, 4 v.a. cover. adoptō, 1 v.a. adopt. adorior, 4 v.d. begin. adrideō, 2 v. n. be satisfactory. adsentior, 4 v.d. adsensus, agree. adstō, 1 v.n. adstiti, adstitum, be near. adsuefaciō, 3 v.a. accustom. adsuētus, a, um, accustomed. adsum, v.n. adfui, be present, be near. adsümō, 3 v.a. add. adsurgō, 3 v.n. rise up. adulescens, entis, m. young man. adulescentia, ae, f. youth. adulterium, ii, n. adultery. adultus, a, um, grown, grown up. aduncus, a, um, curved. adveniō, 4 v.n. arrive. adventō, 1 v.n. draw near. adventus, ūs, m. arrival. adversārius, ī, m. opponent. adversor, 1 v.d. oppose. adversus, a, um, opposite, unfavourable. adversus, prep. with acc. against, towards. advesperasco, turn dark. advocatus, i, m. advocate. advocō, 1 v.a. summon. advolutus, a, um, prostrate. aedēs, is, f. temple; pl. aedēs, house. aedificium, ī, n. building. aedificō, 1 v.a. build. aedilis, is, m. aedile. aeger, gra, grum, sick, sorry. aegrōtō, 1 v.n. be ill. aēneus, a, um, of bronze. aequālis, e, equal, of like age. aequitas, ātis, f. justice. aequō, 1 v.a. make level. aequor, oris, n. sea, level. aequoreus, a, um, of the sea. aequus, a, um, fair, easy. āēr, āeris, m. air, lower sky. aerius, a, um, in the sky. aerumna, ae, f. hardship. aes, aeris, n. copper, bronze, money; pl. aera, bronze statues, bronzes. aestās, atis, f. summer. aestimātiō, ōnis, f. reckoning, estimate. aestivus, a, um, in summer. aestuō, 1 v.n. burn. aestus, ūs, m. tide, heat, rage. aetās, atis, f. life, age, lapse of time. aeternitās, ātis, f. eternity. aeternus, a, um, everlasting. aether, eris, m. ether, upper sky. aetherius, a, um, in heaven. aevum, i, age, time. affari: see adfārī. afferō see adferō. afficio, 3 v.a. affect, befriend. africāna, ae, f. panther. age and agite, up! on! well, then. agellus, i, m. small estate. ager, agri, m. field. agger, is, m. mound. aggredior, 3 v.d. aggressus, attack. agitābilis, e, easily moved. agitātiō, ōnis, f. exercise. agitātor, ōris, m. driver. agitō, 1 v.a. move, shake. agmen, inis, n. line of march, course, body. agna, ae, f. lamb. agnoscō, 3 v.a. recognise. agnus, i, m. lamb. agō, 3 v.a. ēgī, actum, do, act, spend, pay, bring, drive. agrestis, e, rustic. agricola, ae, m. farmer. āiō, v. def. say. āla, ae, f. wing. alacer, cris, cre, prompt. albescō, 3 v.n. grow white. albus, a, um, white. alias, adv. at other times. aliēnātiō, ōnīs, f. unfriendli ness. aliēnus, a, um, another's, hostile, strange. ālipēs, edis, swift-footed. aliquamdiu, adv. for some time. aliquando, adv. sometimes, at last. aliquantum, ī, n. some part. aliquis, a, id, someone, some. aliter, adv. otherwise. alius, a, ud, other, another, different. alligō, 1 v.a. bind. alloquor 3 v.a. address. alluō, 3 v.a. bathe. almus, a, um, kindly. alō, 3 v.a. nourish, feed. alter, a, um, one...other, the ambō, ambae, ambo, both. ambulō, 1 v.n. walk. āmens, entis, foolish, mad. amoenitās, ātis, f. pleasant landscape. amoenus, a, um, beautiful. amor, ōris, m. love; pl. amōrēs, loved one. amphitheatrum, ī, n. amphitheatre. amplector, 3 v.d. embrace. amplexus, ūs, m. embrace. amplificō, 1 v.a. increase. ampliō, 1 v.a. increase. amplitūdō, inis, f. distinction. amplius, adv. more. amplus, a, um, abundant, splendid. amputō, 1 v.a. cut off. an, conj. whether, or, can it be that? anchora, ae, f. anchor. ancilla, ae, f, maidservant. angō, 3 v.a. anxi, choke, tor water. Aquilō, ōnis, m. north-wind. arātor, ōris, m. ploughman. arbuscula, ae, f. little tree. arcessō, 3 v.a. arcessīvi, arcessītum, summon. ardea, ae, f. heron. ardens, entis, eager. ardeō, 2 v.n. arsī, burn, ardor, ōris, m. heat, fever. |