Silva Latina: a Latin reading-bookUniversity Press, 1916 - 248 pagine |
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Pagina 39
... friend and contemporary , how he has contrived to combine study with sport . He seems to have bagged his boars with very little exertion . Rīdēbis , et licet rīdeas . Ego ille , quem nôstī , aprōs tres et quidem pulcherrimōs cēpī . Ipse ...
... friend and contemporary , how he has contrived to combine study with sport . He seems to have bagged his boars with very little exertion . Rīdēbis , et licet rīdeas . Ego ille , quem nôstī , aprōs tres et quidem pulcherrimōs cēpī . Ipse ...
Pagina 44
... friend , speaks of the glorious life and death of Scipio . Publius Cornelius Scipio , the younger Africanus , was born about 185 B.C. He was consul in 147 B.c. when only thirty - seven , and again in 134. He took and destroyed Carthage ...
... friend , speaks of the glorious life and death of Scipio . Publius Cornelius Scipio , the younger Africanus , was born about 185 B.C. He was consul in 147 B.c. when only thirty - seven , and again in 134. He took and destroyed Carthage ...
Pagina 46
... friend , who had provided a gladiatorial show at Verona in memory of his wife . The amphitheatre , in which these gladiators fought , is still one of the most striking remains of ancient Italy . Recte fecisti , quod gladiātōrum mūnus ...
... friend , who had provided a gladiatorial show at Verona in memory of his wife . The amphitheatre , in which these gladiators fought , is still one of the most striking remains of ancient Italy . Recte fecisti , quod gladiātōrum mūnus ...
Pagina 52
... friend would give him ease and wealth , such as Maecenas gave to Horace and Virgil . Saepe mihi dicis , Lūci carissime Iūlī , ' Scribe aliquid magnum ; dēsidiōsus homo es . ' Ōtia dā nōbīs , sed qualia fecerat ōlim Maecenas Flaccō ...
... friend would give him ease and wealth , such as Maecenas gave to Horace and Virgil . Saepe mihi dicis , Lūci carissime Iūlī , ' Scribe aliquid magnum ; dēsidiōsus homo es . ' Ōtia dā nōbīs , sed qualia fecerat ōlim Maecenas Flaccō ...
Pagina 81
... friend daily , we see less of him than we should , if he lived further off . Vīcīnus meus est manuque tangī Dē nostrīs Novius potest fenestrīs . Quis non invideat mihi , putetque Hōrīs omnibus esse me beatum , Iuncto cui liceat frui ...
... friend daily , we see less of him than we should , if he lived further off . Vīcīnus meus est manuque tangī Dē nostrīs Novius potest fenestrīs . Quis non invideat mihi , putetque Hōrīs omnibus esse me beatum , Iuncto cui liceat frui ...
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adverb Aeneas Aeneid animō annōs Ars Amatoria ārum ātis back bellō bring carry Catullus Cicero conj consul country dead death deōs Dido earth entis esset famous father friend gods good governed great Greek Hannibal hōc Horace house icis ille illō impers inis irreg Italy king last Letters life LIVY Macedonia made make MARTIAL Metamorphoses mihi multīs name nātūram nēmō neque nōmen nōn nunc omnēs omnibus ōnis ōra ōre ōris ōrum OVID Perseus Philopoemen place Pliny Pluto power prep prīmō prō Propertius quō quōrum quōs rēs Roman Rōmānī Rome Scipio sẽ senate sēsē sīc Sicily sine sōlum speech summā suōs supply take tamen things tibi Tibullus time town turn used vērō Verres vērum VIRGIL vīta vōbīs vōs world years young ΙΟ