Silva Latina: a Latin reading-bookUniversity Press, 1916 - 248 pagine |
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Risultati 1-5 di 26
Pagina ix
... Life , The 127 Haunted House , A 92 Heroic Victim , A 120 Heroine , A 3 Humanity to Slaves 57 Invisible Motion 124 Irrelevant Speaker , An 19 Joys of Country Life , The 10 Last Speech of Crassus , The 65 Lesson in Modesty , A 37 Living ...
... Life , The 127 Haunted House , A 92 Heroic Victim , A 120 Heroine , A 3 Humanity to Slaves 57 Invisible Motion 124 Irrelevant Speaker , An 19 Joys of Country Life , The 10 Last Speech of Crassus , The 65 Lesson in Modesty , A 37 Living ...
Pagina 3
... life also . Aegrōtābat Paetus , marītus eius , aegrōtābat et filius , uterque mortifere , ut vidēbātur ; filius dēcessit , eximia pulchritudine , parī verecundiā , et parentibus non minus ob alia carus quam quod filius erat . Huic illa ...
... life also . Aegrōtābat Paetus , marītus eius , aegrōtābat et filius , uterque mortifere , ut vidēbātur ; filius dēcessit , eximia pulchritudine , parī verecundiā , et parentibus non minus ob alia carus quam quod filius erat . Huic illa ...
Pagina 8
... life . But the death of the young is contrary to the course of nature , whereas the old man dies like ripe fruit falling from the tree . Quod cuique temporis ad vivendum datur , eō debet esse contentus . Breve enim tempus aetatis satis ...
... life . But the death of the young is contrary to the course of nature , whereas the old man dies like ripe fruit falling from the tree . Quod cuique temporis ad vivendum datur , eō debet esse contentus . Breve enim tempus aetatis satis ...
Pagina 9
... life , not one day of which it gives him pain to recall . Iam numerat placido felix Antōnius aevō Quindeciens actas Prīmus Olympiadās , Praeteritōsque dies et tōtōs respicit annōs , 25 Nec metuit Lethēs iam propiōris aquas . Nulla ...
... life , not one day of which it gives him pain to recall . Iam numerat placido felix Antōnius aevō Quindeciens actas Prīmus Olympiadās , Praeteritōsque dies et tōtōs respicit annōs , 25 Nec metuit Lethēs iam propiōris aquas . Nulla ...
Pagina 10
... Life The countryman is free from all the fuss and worry of town life ; his pleasures are simple and natural ; peace and goodness dwell with him . Ō fortūnātōs nimium , sua sī bona norint , Agricolas ! quibus ipsa , procul discordibus ...
... Life The countryman is free from all the fuss and worry of town life ; his pleasures are simple and natural ; peace and goodness dwell with him . Ō fortūnātōs nimium , sua sī bona norint , Agricolas ! quibus ipsa , procul discordibus ...
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adverb Aeneas Aeneid animō annōs Ars Amatoria ārum ātis back bellō bring carry Catullus Cicero conj consul country dead death deōs Dido earth entis esset famous father friend gods good governed great Greek Hannibal hōc Horace house icis ille illō impers inis irreg Italy king last Letters life LIVY Macedonia made make MARTIAL Metamorphoses mihi multīs name nātūram nēmō neque nōmen nōn nunc omnēs omnibus ōnis ōra ōre ōris ōrum OVID Perseus Philopoemen place Pliny Pluto power prep prīmō prō Propertius quō quōrum quōs rēs Roman Rōmānī Rome Scipio sẽ senate sēsē sīc Sicily sine sōlum speech summā suōs supply take tamen things tibi Tibullus time town turn used vērō Verres vērum VIRGIL vīta vōbīs vōs world years young ΙΟ