Silva Latina: a Latin reading-bookUniversity Press, 1916 - 248 pagine |
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Pagina 63
... name was The child itself is supposed to speak . Urbicus ; it died when two and a half years old . Conditus hic ego sum , Bassī dolor , Urbicus infans , Cui genus et nōmen maxima Rōma dedit . Sex mihi de prīmā deerant trieteride menses ...
... name was The child itself is supposed to speak . Urbicus ; it died when two and a half years old . Conditus hic ego sum , Bassī dolor , Urbicus infans , Cui genus et nōmen maxima Rōma dedit . Sex mihi de prīmā deerant trieteride menses ...
Pagina 138
... name of Suetonius . He wrote much ; his chief extant work is his Lives of the Roman emperors . C. PLINIUS BAEBIO HISPANO S. Tranquillus , contubernālis meus , vult emere agellum , quem venditare amicus tuus dicitur . ' O Ruddier than ...
... name of Suetonius . He wrote much ; his chief extant work is his Lives of the Roman emperors . C. PLINIUS BAEBIO HISPANO S. Tranquillus , contubernālis meus , vult emere agellum , quem venditare amicus tuus dicitur . ' O Ruddier than ...
Pagina 148
... name for Corinth . 10. at , ' at least . ' 12. vivi , ' natural . ' Tempe , the name of a valley in Greece , famous for its beauty ; here it = ' fair valleys . ' 14 . ferarum : for hunting . 16 , 17 148 Explanatory Notes.
... name for Corinth . 10. at , ' at least . ' 12. vivi , ' natural . ' Tempe , the name of a valley in Greece , famous for its beauty ; here it = ' fair valleys . ' 14 . ferarum : for hunting . 16 , 17 148 Explanatory Notes.
Pagina 150
... a thing . ' 3. altissime , ' to the skies . ' 4 . Larius is the ancient name of Lake Como . 7. municeps nostra , ' a woman of our town , ' of Comum . 16. Arriae : see 3 and 4 . 8 . 21 manu tota , ' with the whole 150 Explanatory Notes.
... a thing . ' 3. altissime , ' to the skies . ' 4 . Larius is the ancient name of Lake Como . 7. municeps nostra , ' a woman of our town , ' of Comum . 16. Arriae : see 3 and 4 . 8 . 21 manu tota , ' with the whole 150 Explanatory Notes.
Pagina 153
... name of Pluto . 33 3. reddite : voc . masc . of the past participle . 11 . inde , ' next . ' 12 . nostros meos . 13. dicet : subj . of dicare . 14 . ' The dweller in holy Itōnus ' is the goddess Athena , who had a temple in that city ...
... name of Pluto . 33 3. reddite : voc . masc . of the past participle . 11 . inde , ' next . ' 12 . nostros meos . 13. dicet : subj . of dicare . 14 . ' The dweller in holy Itōnus ' is the goddess Athena , who had a temple in that city ...
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adverb Aeneas Aeneid animō annōs Ars Amatoria ārum ātis back bellō bring carry Catullus Cicero conj consul country dead death deōs Dido earth entis esset famous father friend gods good governed great Greek Hannibal hōc Horace house icis ille illō impers inis irreg Italy king last Letters life LIVY Macedonia made make MARTIAL Metamorphoses mihi multīs name nātūram nēmō neque nōmen nōn nunc omnēs omnibus ōnis ōra ōre ōris ōrum OVID Perseus Philopoemen place Pliny Pluto power prep prīmō prō Propertius quō quōrum quōs rēs Roman Rōmānī Rome Scipio sẽ senate sēsē sīc Sicily sine sōlum speech summā suōs supply take tamen things tibi Tibullus time town turn used vērō Verres vērum VIRGIL vīta vōbīs vōs world years young ΙΟ