Silva Latina: a Latin reading-bookUniversity Press, 1916 - 248 pagine |
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Pagina v
... place beside the greatest writers of any age or country . The aim of this book is to remove some of the obstacles which hinder that contact . The passages have been selected mainly from four of the chief masters of the language at its ...
... place beside the greatest writers of any age or country . The aim of this book is to remove some of the obstacles which hinder that contact . The passages have been selected mainly from four of the chief masters of the language at its ...
Pagina 22
... Ars et gratia , lusus et voluptās , Romānī decus et dolor theātrī , Atque omnes Venerēs Cupidinesque Hōc sunt condita , quō Paris , sepulcrō . MARTIAL Xi 13 . 26. Hannibal and Africanus This conversation took place about 193 22 An Epitaph.
... Ars et gratia , lusus et voluptās , Romānī decus et dolor theātrī , Atque omnes Venerēs Cupidinesque Hōc sunt condita , quō Paris , sepulcrō . MARTIAL Xi 13 . 26. Hannibal and Africanus This conversation took place about 193 22 An Epitaph.
Pagina 23
... place about 193 B.C. when Hannibal was an exile at the court of Antiochus and Scipio Africanus came there on an embassy . Hannibal implies that his conqueror , Scipio , is the greatest of all military commanders . Claudius P. Africānum ...
... place about 193 B.C. when Hannibal was an exile at the court of Antiochus and Scipio Africanus came there on an embassy . Hannibal implies that his conqueror , Scipio , is the greatest of all military commanders . Claudius P. Africānum ...
Pagina 30
... place ; Cicero adds that he has a personal reason for loving it , because it is his birthplace . Atticus . Sed visne , quoniam et satis iam am- bulātum est et tibi aliud dicendi initium sumendum est , locum mūtēmus , et in insula , quae ...
... place ; Cicero adds that he has a personal reason for loving it , because it is his birthplace . Atticus . Sed visne , quoniam et satis iam am- bulātum est et tibi aliud dicendi initium sumendum est , locum mūtēmus , et in insula , quae ...
Pagina 108
... place by the river Penēus . Post dies paucos ad constitūtum locum vēnē- runt . Magnus comitatus fuit regius , cum ami- cōrum , tum clientium turbā stīpante . Nōn minōre agmine lēgātī vēnērunt , et ab Larissa multīs 5 prōsequentibus et ...
... place by the river Penēus . Post dies paucos ad constitūtum locum vēnē- runt . Magnus comitatus fuit regius , cum ami- cōrum , tum clientium turbā stīpante . Nōn minōre agmine lēgātī vēnērunt , et ab Larissa multīs 5 prōsequentibus et ...
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adverb Aeneas Aeneid animō annōs Ars Amatoria ārum ātis back bellō bring carry Catullus Cicero conj consul country dead death deōs Dido earth entis esset famous father friend gods good governed great Greek Hannibal hōc Horace house icis ille illō impers inis irreg Italy king last Letters life LIVY Macedonia made make MARTIAL Metamorphoses mihi multīs name nātūram nēmō neque nōmen nōn nunc omnēs omnibus ōnis ōra ōre ōris ōrum OVID Perseus Philopoemen place Pliny Pluto power prep prīmō prō Propertius quō quōrum quōs rēs Roman Rōmānī Rome Scipio sẽ senate sēsē sīc Sicily sine sōlum speech summā suōs supply take tamen things tibi Tibullus time town turn used vērō Verres vērum VIRGIL vīta vōbīs vōs world years young ΙΟ