Silva Latina: a Latin reading-bookUniversity Press, 1916 - 248 pagine |
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Pagina 5
... take Uscăna , a large town in Illyricum ; but his preparations were ill made , and he was beaten off with great loss of 8000 men only 2000 returned to their camp . 20 25 30 Haud procul inde Uscana oppidum erat . Decem mīlia civium ...
... take Uscăna , a large town in Illyricum ; but his preparations were ill made , and he was beaten off with great loss of 8000 men only 2000 returned to their camp . 20 25 30 Haud procul inde Uscana oppidum erat . Decem mīlia civium ...
Pagina 171
... natura animi = the soul . habetur , ' is considered . ' 3. aegri : gen . after nil . 4. He takes one of the most notable events of past Roman history - the Punic wars . 7. fuere : the subject is humani , to be Explanatory Notes 171.
... natura animi = the soul . habetur , ' is considered . ' 3. aegri : gen . after nil . 4. He takes one of the most notable events of past Roman history - the Punic wars . 7. fuere : the subject is humani , to be Explanatory Notes 171.
Pagina 186
... take away . adipiscor , 3 v.d. adeptus , gain . aditus , ūs , m . passage , door , access . adiungō , 3 v.a. add . adiutor , ōris , m . helper . adiuvō , 1 v.a. adiūvī , adiu- tum , help . administrō , 1 v.a. carry on . admirandus , a ...
... take away . adipiscor , 3 v.d. adeptus , gain . aditus , ūs , m . passage , door , access . adiungō , 3 v.a. add . adiutor , ōris , m . helper . adiuvō , 1 v.a. adiūvī , adiu- tum , help . administrō , 1 v.a. carry on . admirandus , a ...
Pagina 190
... sing . cantus , ūs , m . note , song . cānus , a , um , white . capax , acis , able to hold . capella , ae , f . she - goat . capesso , 3 v . def . take up . capillus , i , m . hair . capiō , v . a . cepi , captum , 190 Vocabulary.
... sing . cantus , ūs , m . note , song . cānus , a , um , white . capax , acis , able to hold . capella , ae , f . she - goat . capesso , 3 v . def . take up . capillus , i , m . hair . capiō , v . a . cepi , captum , 190 Vocabulary.
Pagina 191
... take , seize , captivate , put on , catch . Capitolium , ii , n . Capitoline hill . capto , 1 v.a. try to catch . capulus , i , m . handle , hilt . caput , itis , n . head , chief city , person . carbasus , i , f . sail . carcer , is ...
... take , seize , captivate , put on , catch . Capitolium , ii , n . Capitoline hill . capto , 1 v.a. try to catch . capulus , i , m . handle , hilt . caput , itis , n . head , chief city , person . carbasus , i , f . sail . carcer , is ...
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adverb Aeneas Aeneid animō annōs Ars Amatoria ārum ātis back bellō bring carry Catullus Cicero conj consul country dead death deōs Dido earth entis esset famous father friend gods good governed great Greek Hannibal hōc Horace house icis ille illō impers inis irreg Italy king last Letters life LIVY Macedonia made make MARTIAL Metamorphoses mihi multīs name nātūram nēmō neque nōmen nōn nunc omnēs omnibus ōnis ōra ōre ōris ōrum OVID Perseus Philopoemen place Pliny Pluto power prep prīmō prō Propertius quō quōrum quōs rēs Roman Rōmānī Rome Scipio sẽ senate sēsē sīc Sicily sine sōlum speech summā suōs supply take tamen things tibi Tibullus time town turn used vērō Verres vērum VIRGIL vīta vōbīs vōs world years young ΙΟ