Fine Arts. [Boston), 1906. [With an important Historical Introduction and Lists of Silversmiths at end.] Portrait and 29 full-page plates. 8vo, half morocco.. Boston, 1906 This book, containing the valuable historical introduction by Mr. Halsey, is much sought after. It is a most useful hand-book, as it illustrates hundreds of interesting specimens, chronologically arranged. 140. HAYDEN (ARTHUR). Chats on Old Silver. Numerous illustrations of representative pieces of antique silver. Small 8vo, New York, [1915] sewn. 141. HOWARD (MONTAGUE). Old London Silver; Its History, Its Makers and Its Marks. 200 illustrations and over 400 facsimiles of Makers' Marks and Hall Marks. 4to, art roan, gilt, uncut. New York and London, 1903 142. JACKSON (CHAS. J.). An Illustrated History of Eng. lish Plate, Ecclesiastical and Secular, in which the Development of Form and Decoration in the Silver and Gold Work of the British Isles, from the earliest known examples to the latest of the Georgian period, is delineated and described. 77 fine full-page plates and 1,500 other illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt, gilt tops. London, 1911 The most comprehensive and masterly treatise on Antique Silver which has yet appeared. Owing to the unusually large number of illustrations contained and the very full descriptions of the pieces noted, down to the most minute details of form and decoration, the work is absolutely indispensable to students and advanced collectors of American as well as English Silver. 143. JACQUEMART (ALBERT). A History of Furniture (Tapestry, Embroidery, Ivories, Silver, Wrought Iron, Time Pieces, Glass, Ceramics, etc.). Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, n. d. 144. JONES (E. ALFRED). Old English Gold Plate. [Historic Specimens of Wrought Gold, 1507-1828.] Numerous fine fullpage illustrations. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1907 145. The Old Silver of American Churches. 145 large plates reproducing many hundreds of specimens. Folio, buckram, uncut. Letchworth: Privately Printed, 1913 This magnificent work, printed on hand-made paper and profusely illustrated, is one of the great works on American Silver. It contains a scholarly historical introduction on the Silver of the Colonies, and is illustrated with many hundreds of photographic reproductions of important specimens, as well as facsimiles of THE MARKS OF PRACTICALLY ALL THE KNOWN AMERICAN SILVERSMITHS. ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF COPIES WERE PRINTED AND THE TYPE DISTRIBUTED. 146. LOWES (E. L.). Chats on Old Silver. Colored frontispiece and numerous illustrations of beautiful specimens of handwrought silver from the earliest times. Small 8vo, art cloth. New York, [1909] 147. MARKHAM (C. A.). Hand-Book to Foreign Hall Marks ond Gold and Silver Plate. Frontispiece and numerous facsimile marks. 12mo, cloth. London, 1898 148. VEITCH (H. N.). Sheffield Plate, Its History, Manufacture and Art; with Makers' Names and Makers' Marks. Numerous illustrations of important antique specimens. Large 8vo, cloth (library stamp on interior blank margin-clean, crisp copy). London: Bell, 1908 149. WHEATLEY (H. B.) AND DELAMOTTE (P. H.). Art Work in Gold and Silver (16th Century and later). Colored frontispicce and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 150. - Art Work in Gold and Silver. Mediæval. Colored frontispiece and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1882 151. BOSWELL (JAMES. Life of Samuel Johnson, comprehending an account of his Studies, and numerous works, in chronological order and various original pieces of his composition, never before published. Frontispiece portrait by Baker, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 4 vols. 8vo, full russia, gilt backs, gilt corner ornaments. London, 1804 Fine copy from the library of Michael Wodhull, with his autograph in first volume, and arms in gold on sides. 152. BOURGET (PAUL). Un Scruple. Illustrations de Myrbach gravées par L. Rousseau. Small 12mo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back, richly gilt sides, doublures of lavender levant morocco, with inlaid roses conventionally applied and gold-tooled, flys of pale blue moire silk, gilt tops, uncut, by Ringer. A HANDSOME COPY. New York and Paris, 1893 153. BOYDELL. Heads of Illustrious and Celebrated Persons, generally connected with the History of Great Britain, in the Reigns of James I., Charles I., Charles II., and James II. The portraits painted by Van Dyke, Lely, Kneller, Riley, etc., and engraved by John Smith. With Biographical Memoirs by John Watkins. 26 plates only (not quite complete). Folio, half black morocco, uncut. London, 1811 154. BRANTOME (PIERRE DE). Les Vies des Dames Galantes. D'après l'edition original de 1666; et d'une notice sur Brantome par Eugene Vignon. Gravures d'après H. Pille par Champollion. 3 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut (few leaves slightly foxed). Paris, 1879 Limited Edition on Holland paper. 155. BRIDGEWATER TREATISES. 12 vols. 8vo, old calf (worn). London: Pickering, v. d. Bookplate of Marmaduke Prickett. 156. [BROOKES (R.).] The Art of Angling, Rock and SeaFishing: With the Natural History of River, Pond, and Sea-Fish. Illustrated with 133 cuts. 12mo, full sprinkled calf, gilt back, canary edges. London, 1740 FIRST EDITION. 157. BROUGHTON (HUGH). An Advertisement of Corruption in Our Handling of Religion. To the Kings Majestie (James I). Border and vignette of printer's ornaments on title. Small 4to, modern half sheep. [London, no printer's name] 1604 A very rare work, unknown to Hazlitt and Lowndes, by the celebrated author of the Concent of Scripture, who was a noted Hebrew and Rabbinical scholar. 158. [BROWNE (SIR THOMAS).] Religio Medici. The Eighth Edition, Corrected and Amended. With Annotations never before Published, Upon all the obscure passages therein. Also Observations by Sir Kenelm Digby, Now newly added. With engraved frontispiece (backed), separate titles to the Annotations and Digby's Observations. Small 8vo, original calf (worn). London: for R. Scot, T. Basset, J. Wright, R. Chiswell, 1682 159. BROWNE (WILLIAM). Works, containing Britannia's Pastorals, with Notes, &c., by the Rev. W. Thompson, The Shepherd's Pipe, The Inner-Temple Masque, never published before, and other Poems, with Life. Brown levant morocco, gilt backs, inside borders, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London: T. Davies, 1772 A choice and scarce set. 160. [BROWNING (ROBERT).] Signorum Vetervm Icones. Full-page engraved plates by John Episcopius (one or two leaves torn). Folio old vellum (worn). In cloth box. N. p., n. d. ROBERT BROWNING'S COPY, WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH OF TITLE-PAGE. Bound in: "Paradigmata Graphices" by Ioh. Episcopium. N. p., n. d. A HANDSOME SET 161. BURNS (ROBERT). Works of Robert Burns, with a Life by Allan Cunningham. With the beautiful engraved frontispieces and titles, with vignettes. 8 vols. 12mo, superbly bound in full citron levant morocco, gilt backs, with Tudor rose on three compartments, and arms in lower one, sides beautifully gilt panelled, gilt edges, in the style of Hayday, by Nickisson. London, 1834 A MAGNIFICENT SET OF THIS ESTEEMED EDITION, IN A HANDSOME BINDING. 162. BURTON (ROBERT). The Anatomy of Melancholy: What it is, with all the Kindes, Causes, Symptoms, Prognosticks, and Severall Cures of it, in Three Maine Partitions, with their seuerall Sections, Members, and Subsections, Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically opened and cut up, by Democritus Junior, with a Satyricall Preface, conducing to the following Discourse, the Second Edition, corrected and augmented by the Author. Small folio, old half calf. Oxford, Printed by J. Lichfield and J. Short, for H. Cripps, Ao Dom, 1624 THE VERY RARE FIRST FOLIO EDITION of a book that has been constantly pillaged, sometimes imitated, never equalled. The only book that ever took Dr. Johnson out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise. Fine sound coру. 163. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. In Three Parts. Portrait by Vander Gucht and plates by Hogarth. 12mo, half calf. London, 1775 Nice copy. 164. BUTTERFLIES. A Collection o 40 brilliantly colored plates of the Butterflies of Brazil and France, representing hundreds of specimens. No title. Oblong 4to, half red morocco (one leaf repaired). [Paris, n. d.] 165. BYRON (LORD). Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, A Romaunt: and other Poems. 16mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Zaehnsdorf. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. WITH ORIGINAL DRAWINGS Philadelphia, 1812 166. BYRON (LORD). Fugitive Pieces by George Gordon Lord Byron. 4to, parchment boards, uncut. London: Printed for Private circulation, 1886 Facsimile reprint of the suppressed edition of 1806. ILLUSTRATED WITH 39 ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK MARGINAL AND FULL-PAGE DRAWINGS BY DAVID E. CRONIN. But 100 copies of this reprint were issued. 167. Works, with his Letters and Journals, and his Life by Thomas Moore. Edited, and with an Introduction by Richard Henry Stoddard. Illustrations on Japan paper. 16 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut (signature lacking in Vol. 12). Boston: Francis A. Niccols & Co., 1900 Edition de Grand Luxe, one of 250 copies printed. 168.- - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Illustrations by Finden. London, 1841; Miscellaneous Works (Goldsmith), 4 vols. New York, 1854; History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella (Prescott), 3 vols. Boston, 1839; and others. Together 10 vols. 8vo, various bindings. 169. BYRON'S POETICAL WORKS; Drawing Room Scrap Book; Gems from European Picture Galleries, etc. Illustrations. 9 vols. 4to and folio, various bindings. 170. CABINET MAKER and Upholsterer's Drawing Book. A Collection of 190 plates in colors, representing window draperies, Grecian furniture, cabinets, tables, candelabras, girandoles, clocks, fire-screens, etc. 8vo, new half morocco, gilt edges. A RARE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION. London: Ackermann, 1810-1822 171. CALDECOTT (RANDOLPH). Aunt Judy's Magazine for Young People. Edited by H. K. F. Gatty. For October, 1879. With colored frontispiece by R. Caldecott. 8vo, original wrappers. London, 1879 172. CALLIERES (MONS. DE). On the Manner of Negotiating with Princes; on the Uses of Diplomacy; the Choice of Ministers and Envoys; and the Personal Qualities necessary for Success in Missions abroad. Translated from the French by A. F. Whyte. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1919 173. CALVIN (JOHN). Thirteene sermons of Maister John Caluine, Entreating of the Free Election of God in Jacob, and of reprobation in Esau. Translated into Englishe by J. Fielde, for the comfort of all Christians. Title within a border of printer's ornaments (triangular piece torn out of top margin of title). Small 4to, old calf, rebacked. Rare. Imprinted at London for T. Man and Tobie Cooke, 1579 174. CAMPBELL (JAMES DYKES). Samuel Taylor Coleridge. A Narrative of the Events of his Life. Portrait. 8vo, crushed brown levant morocco, gilt back, line tooled, inside dentelles, gilt top, uncut, by The French Binders. London, 1894 FIRST EDITION in a handsome binding. 175. CAMPBELL (THOMAS). Poetical Works. Portrait by Finden, and the beautiful vignettes by Turner, IN PROOF STATE. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Rivière. London: Moxon, 1837 FIRST EDITION with the Turner illustrations. 176. A. L. S. One page, 8vo, Dec'r 21, (no year). A very interesting letter referring to the Poet's editorship of the New Monthly Magazine, in which he says "I shall accept the bill at the date you mention, though it is too long drawn, considering that you expressly told Dr. Beattie that you would give me 200 guineas for two years editorship." 177. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Prussia, called Frederick the Great. vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt backs. History of Friedrich II. of Maps and illustrations. 10 New York and London, 1870-71 178. CAROLINE (QUEEN). Caroline the Illustrious, Queen Consort of George II, and sometime Queen Regent. A Study of Her Life and Times. By W. H. Wilkins. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, three-quarter new crushed brown levant morocco, gilt back, gilt tops, uncut, by Rivière. London, 1901 179. CARREY (EMILE). Le Pérou. Tableau descriptif, Historique et Analytique des etres et des choses de ce Pays. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. Paris, 1875 FIRST EDITION. 180. CARTWRIGHT (JOHN). The Preacher's Travels, Wherein is set downe a true Journall to the confines of the East Indies, through the great Countreyes of Syria, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Media, Hircania and Parthia. Also a true relation of Sir Antonie Sherleys entertainment there: and the estate that his Brother, M. Robert Sherley liued in after his departure for Christendome, with the Description of a Port in the Persian Gulf commodious for our East Indian Merchants; and a briefe rehearsall of some grosse absurdities in the Turkish Alcoran. Title within a border of printer's ornaments (slightly soiled). Small 4to, old half |