254.,- Iniunctions giuen by the Queenes Maiestie. The first yere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lady, Queene Elizabeth, Anno Domini, 1559. Text in Black Letter, title within woodcut border containing several figures. Small 4to (slightly soiled), preserved in a specially made cloth case, leather back, lettered on front cover, silk tie-strings. No imprint, but London: C. Barker, 1591 RARE. 255. Elizabethæ, Angliæ Reginæ Haeresim Calvinianam Propoguantis, Sævissimvm in Catholicos sui Regni edictum, quod in alios quoq; Reipub. Christianæ Principes contumelias continet indignissimas: Promulgatum Londini 29 Novemb. 1591. Cvm Responsione ad singvla Capita: Per D. Andream Philopatrvm (Robert Parsons) presbyterum ac Theologum Romanum, ex Anglis olim oriundum. Small 8vo, name on title, wormholes in lower back margins of pp. 41-77, in places injuring letters of the text, else a fine large copy, original limp vellum, fore-flaps damaged, holes for tie strings. Avgvstæ, cum permisione Superiorum, 1592 THE RARE FIRST EDITION containing R. Parsons, alias N. Doleman, the famous Jesuit's "Responsis" in which the author teaches that the Pope has power to dethrone a monarch, and to release subjects from their oath of fidelity. 256. Capitula sive Constitutiones Ecclesiasticæ per Archiepiscopum, Episcopes, et reliquum Clerum Cantauariensis Prouinciæ in Synods inchoata Londini, 25 Oct., 1597. Small 4to, sewn, preserved in a specially made cloth case, leather back, lettered on front cover, silk tie-strings. Londini: Excudebat Deputati C. Barker, 1599 FINE LARGE COPY. VERY RARE. 257. ELIZABETHAN ENGLISH LAW. Pulton (F.). An Abstract of all the penal Statutes which be general, in force and use, wherein is conteyned the effect of all those Statutes which do threaten to the Offendors thereof the losse of life, member, landes, goods, or other punishment or forfaiture whatsoever, &c. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne, Gentleman. Text chiefly in black letter, long lines (wormhole in back margin of first 2 leaves, and a tiny one through text from folio 222 to end, small tear in margin of 1 leaf, old marginal annotations. Square 8vo, contemporary calf, blind tooled, rebacked with brown morocco, blind tooled in compartments. Imprinted at London by C. Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie, 1579 Oct. 20. Contains a complete account of what a man or woman could or could not do in Shakespeare's time and very strange and curious many of the regulations appear to us at the present day. 258. ELLIS (GEORGE). Specimens of the Early English Poets. Illuminated titles. 3 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops (few pages slightly foxed). London, 1845 Edmund Clarence Stedman's copy with his autograph on each title, and bookplate. 259. ELSTON PRESS. Sonnets from the Portuguese. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Woodcut initials and borders by H. M. O'Kane. 4to, boards, uncut. New Rochelle, 1900 One of 485 copies on hand-made paper. 260. ELTON (CHARLES I.). Origins of English History. Second Edition, revised. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. London, 1890 261. ELZEVIR PRESS. Novum Testamentum (in Greek). Small 12mo, old morocco. Lugd. Batav.: Ex Officina Elzeviriorum, 1633 Compendivm Ethicæ Aristotelicæ. Device on title. 18mo, old calf (covers loose). 262. Lugd. Batavorum: Ex Officina Elseviriana, 1644 263. EMBLEMS. Alciato (A.) Los Emblemas, Traducidos en rhimas Espanolas por B. Daza Pinciano. Woodcut title, every page within ornamental woodcut borders by P. Vingle, with 200 fine woodcuts of emblems by Le Petit Bernard, interleaved throughout (cut close at top, small hole in last leaf, waterstain on first few leaves, paper age discolored), 8vo, old calf (worn). en Lyon por G. Rovillio, 1549 Heber's copy of the rare First Edition in Spanish of this celebrated emblem book. Some copies occur with the name of M. Bonhome in the imprint. The woodcuts are the same as those in the French edition of the same date. 264. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Political Merriment: or, Truths Told to some Tune, (a collection of sprightly and satirical verse, including some pieces which are far from political). 3 parts in one vol., the last with a separate title-page. Small 8vo, original sheep (rebacked). London: Boulter, 1714-'15 265. ETHERIDGE (SIR GEORGE). 'Works. Plays and Poems. Edited, with Critical Notes and Introduction by A. Wilson Verity. 8vo, crushed brown levant morocco, gilt back, line tooled, gilt, uncut. London, 1888 ONE OF 500 COPIES ON LARGE PAPER. 266. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. The Courtyer of Count Baldessar Castilio. Done into Englishe by Thomas Hoby. Woodcut initials. Small 4to, vellum, uncut, with ties. London, 1900 One of 200 copies. 267. FABER (PETER). Agonisticon ... de re athletica ludisque veterum gymnicis, musicis atque Circensibus Spicilegiorum tractatus, tribus libris comprehensi. Device on title. Small folio, old calf. Lugduni: Apud Franciscum Fabrum, 1592 A rare early work on Athletics. With bookplate of T. Gaisford. 268. FANSHAW (SIR R.). La Fida Pastora. Comœdia Pastoralis Autore F. F. Anglo-Britanno adduntur nonnulla varii argumenti Carmina ab eodem. Fine impression of the frontispiece by R. Vaughan, monogram within a wreath on title. Small wormholes in back margin of a number of leaves, injuring a few letters, wants signature C1, else fine large copy. 8vo, original sheep (back slightly broken). Londini: Typis R. Danielis Impensis G. Bedell and T. Collins, 1658 A VERY RARE COMEDY. 269. FAVRE (ABBE DE). Beauty's Day. copperplate engravings from designs by Leclerc. cloth, uncut. Illustrated with Imp. 8vo, boards, London, n. d. 270. FICTION. Ben-Hur (Wallace), 2 vols. N. Y. 1892; Thais (France), London, 1909; The Deemster (Caine), N. Y., n. d.; and others. Together 18 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. 271. Stella Maris (Locke), N. Y., n. d.; The Unknown Isle (Coulevain), London, 1911; Ladies Must Live (Miller), N. Y., 1917; Jean Christopher (Rolland), 3 vols. N. Y. 1915; and others. Together 35 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. 272. FIELD (EUGENE). The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. FIRST EDITION. New York, 1896 273. - Eugene Field: An Auto-Analysis. Initials and ornaments illuminated in gold and colors. Square 16mo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Chicago, 1896 One of 150 copies on Japan paper. 274. A Little Book of Tribune Verse. Collected and edited by Joseph G. Brown. Royal 8vo, half dark blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Denver, 1901 LARGE PAPER COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, containing hitherto uncollected poems. One of 750 copies. 275. FIELD (EUGENE AND ROSWELL M.). Echoes from the Sabine Farm. Illustrated with vignettes. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1893 First Published Edition, limited to 500 copies. 276. FIELDING (HENRY). Works. With an Introduction by Edmund Gosse. Frontispieces, some by George Cruikshank. 12 vols. 8vo, red cloth, uncut. Westminster: Constable & Co., 1898-99 One of 750 copies printed at Chiswick Press. 277. FINE ARTS. Handbook of Painting. The Italian School. Translated from the German of Kugler, edited with notes by Sir Charles L. Eastlake. With more than 100 illustrations from the works of the old masters. 2 vols. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1855 A FINE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY, with many rare and beautiful prints after Michel Angelo, Andrea del Sarto, Giorgione Tintoretto, Jules Romaine, Carracci, Guido Reni, etc., and portraits of painters. 278. Handbook of Painting. The German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools, based on the handbook of Kugler. Enlarged, and for the most part re-written by Dr. Waagen. With illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1860 A FINE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY, with many rare and beautiful prints after Poussin, Carrache, Carraletto, Durer, Aldegrever, Van Dyck, Teniers, Rembrandt, Ostade, etc., and portraits of painters. 279. FLORUS (LUCIUS ANNÆUS). Rerum Romanarum. Libri Quatuor. Engraved title. 12mo, old calf. Genevæ: Apud Samvelem De Tovrnes, 1684 Bookplate and autograph of J. Cramer. 280. FRANCE. The Restorer of the French Estate Discovering the true causes of these warres in France & other countries, and diliuering the right course of restoring peace and quiet to all Christendome. Translated out of French. Ecclesiæ Reipub. D. Printer's device on title (paper slightly age-discolored, lower blank corner torn off title and next leaf). Small 4to, old half calf. Imprinted at London by R. Field dwelling in the Blacke-Friere, 1589 281. FRANKAU (JULIA). William Ward and James Ward, their Lives and Works. With 32 photogravures. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1904 ROYAL RELIC 282. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS, Duke of York and Albany. 1763-1827. Second Son of George III. Translations from Terence. 67 leaves. The whole neatly written on one side of the page, within a double red line border. Small 4to, original vellum. THE ORIGINAL EXERCISE BOOK, ENTIRELY IN THE PRINCE'S HANDWRITING, containing his translation into English of Terence's ''Andrian," Act 1, Scene 1; "The Adelphi," Act 1, Scenes 1-3, and "The Heautontimodoumenos," Act 1, Scene 1. On the fly-leaf is the following inscription in the Prince's autograph "Frederick, This Volume begun January 9th, 1778. Dimidium facti, qui bene coepit, habet." Inserted are three different engraved portraits of the Prince. 283. FRENCH COLORED PLATE. La Prière de Céline. Curious Poem. 12mo, full levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges. Paris, 1807 AN EXTREMELY RARE VOLUME, with a frontispiece printed in colors, of Cupid and Psyche, in the manner of Janinet. 284. FRENCH NOVELS, ETC. Jack (Daudet), 2 vols. Paris, 1886: Le Vicomte de Bragelonne (Dumas), 4 vols. Paris, 1886; Sappho (Daudet), Paris, 1886; Mélanges de Littérature (De Musset), Paris, 1883; and others. Together 30 vols. 12mo, half leather. 285. FRENCH XVIIITH CENTURY ENGRAVINGS. Journée de l'Amour, ou Heures de Cythere. With 4 full-page engravings and 8 tailpieces after the charming designs of Launay. Svo, maroon morocco, plain sides, inside gold borders. Fine tall copy. A Gnide, 1776 286. Marguérite de Navarre. Les Nouvelles de Marguerite, Reine de Navarre. With frontispiece after Dunker, 73 beautiful plates after Freudeberg engraved by de Launay jeune, de Longueil, Le Roy and others, and 144 head and tailpieces after Dunker. 3 vols. 8vo, contemporary French straight-grained red morocco, double fillet enclosing a narrow ornamental flower border in gold on the sides, back gilt in compartments, inside borders, gilt edges. Berne: Chez la Nouvelle Société Typographique, 1792 A very choice copy of this charming book in fine contemporary morocco binding, very fresh and well preserved. Inserted is a portrait of the Queen. 287. GALERIE DE FLORENCE. Tableaux, Statues, bas-reliefs et camées de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti, dessinés par Wicar et gravés sous la direction de Lacombe et Masquelier, avec les explications, par Mongez l'ainé. 73 engraved plates, each with two or more subjects. Imperial folio, old calf, rebacked (a few leaves slightly torn). Paris, 1789 288. GAMES. Academie Universelle des Jeux, contenant Les Regles des Jeux de Quadrille, & Quintelle, de l'Hombre a trois, du Piquet, du Reversis, des Echecs, du Trictrac, & de tous les autres Jeux. Nouvelle edition. 12mo, old calf, gilt back. Paris, 1739 289. GARLAND of Rachel, 1902; Mimes (Schwob), 1901; Story of David Gray (Buchanan), 1900. Together 3 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Portland: T. B. Mosher, v. d. Limited Editions. 290. GAY (JOHN). Polly: an Opera. Being the Second Part of the Beggar's Opera, Written by Mr. Gay. 4to, title printed in red and black, with the scarce 14 leaves of engraved music, tall copy, half calf (slight waterstains). London: Printed for the Author, 1729 FIRST EDITION. RARE. The success of the "Beggar's Opera" induced Gay to at once set about this sequel. But when "Polly" was ready for rehearsal, the Duke of Grafton, then Lord Chamberlain, acting on the express instructions of the King, sent to forbid the representation. SCHOOLBOY RELIC OF KING GEORGE IV 291. GEORGE IV. Original exercise book, 84 11. sm. 4to, entirely in the Prince's handwriting, containing a transcript in Latin entitled "Extract of the First Oration of Cicero against Catiline. Spoken before their Majesties in the Picture Gallery at Windsor Castle on August 12, 1778"; a translation into English of "The Choice of Hercules by Prodicus"; and a translation of "Select Passages from Cicero de natura Deorum. Lib: 2, Cap: 37," the whole neatly written, on one side the page, within double red line borders, original vellum. On the fly-leaf is the following inscription in the Prince's autograph "George P. This volume begun Sept. 24, 1778." At the end are inserted two old engraved portraits of George IV in his Coronation robes, and H. R. H. Prince Octavius. |