Immagini della pagina

and several leaves age-discolored). 8vo, contemporary panelled calf, gilt, gilt edges. London: for Abel Swall, 1697

With a long and interesting presentation inscription by the author on fly-leaf, addressed to Mr. Temple.

383. KILLIGREW (THOMAS). Comedies and Tragedies. With brilliant impression of the very scarce and finely engraved portrait of the author and his dog, and insert portrait of Charles I, by W. Faithorne after the painting by W. Sheppard (portrait cut close and mounted and text beneath cut away), else fine copy. Folio, old calf, rebacked.

London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1664

THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION, with separate titles to all the plays, bearing date of 1663. Forms the companion volume to the folio editions of Shakespeare, Ben Jonson and Beaumont and Fletcher. The last two plays have a fresh set of signatures and pagination, and their titles bear the imprint-“London: Printed by J. M. for H. Herringman, 1664."

384. KINGSTON (ELIZABETH CHUDLEIGH, Duchess of). The Life and Memoirs of Elizabeth Chudleigh, afterwards Mrs. Hervey and Countess of Bristol, commonly called Duchess of Kingston. Written from authentic information and original documents. 4to, title backed and two tears mended, crushed yellow levant morocco, gilt sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. London: R. Randall, n. d. [1788]

VERY SCARCE. Full of curious and interesting details respecting the doings of this extraordinary woman. The Earl of Mexborough's copy with his armorial bookplate.

385. KNIGHT (CHARLES). The Gallery of Portraits, with Memoirs, which were written by eminent Authorities. With over 160 finely engraved portraits of the leading characters in history of all countries from the earliest times. 7 vols. imperial 8vo, threeqquarter maroon levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, other edges uncut, by Walters. London, 1833-1837

386. KUNZ (GEORGE F.) AND STEVENSON (CHARLES H.). The Book of the Pearl, the History, Art, Science, and Industry of the Queen of Gems. Numerous portraits and illustrations, some in colors. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut.

New York, 1908

387. LAFAYETTE. Oration on the Life and Character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette, December 31, 1834. By John Quincy Adams. Portrait of Adams. 8vo, full black roan.

FIRST EDITION on thick paper.

Washington, 1835

388. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Fables Choisies, Mises en Vers. 2 vols. in one. 16mo, calf (writing on title). Paris, 1777

389. LAMB (CHARLES). A Bibliography of the First Editions in Book form of the Writings of Charles and Mary Lamb, published prior to Charles Lamb's death, in 1834. By Luther S. Livingston. Portrait and facsimiles. 8vo, boards, uncut.

One of 100 copies printed at the De Vinne Press. New York, 1903

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The Original License for the marriage of Edward Moxon of Saint George Hanover Square a bachelor and Emma Isola of the town of Cambridge a spinster. Dated 24 July 1833. Signed by J. H. T. Manners Sutton Reg. and with seal of the Faculty Office Doctors Commons. A pencil note on back reads "1/2 past 9 o'clock Tuesday 30 July."

This is the actual license obtained by Moxon and handed to the incumbent and after the lapse of many years turned out of the vestry to be destroyed.

Lamb, at the time living at Enfield, Middlesex, wrote to Edward Moxon July 24th, 1833:

"For God's sake give Emma no more watches; one has turned her head. She loses all her time looking to see 'what the time is'. I overheard her whispering, ‘Just so many hours, minutes, &c., to Tuesday; I think St. George's goes too slow.' This little present of Time!-why'tis Eternity to her!


Lamb to Wordsworth: "I am about to lose my old and only walk-companion, whose mirthful spirits were the 'youth of our house', Emma Isola."

391. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Pericles and Aspasia. 2 vols. 8vo, crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, by Rivière. London: Saunders and Otley


392. LANDRIANI (MARSILIO). Dell' Utilita dei Conduttori Elettrici. Dissertatione. Vignette and plate (latter torn). 8vo, original front wrapper only, uncut.

Milano per il Marelli, 1784

393. LANDSEER (THOMAS). Monkeyana; or, Men in Miniature. Etched title and 24 etched plates. 4to, original cloth, leather label on side, uncut.


London, 1827

394. LANG (ANDREW). Books and Bookmen. Illustrations. 12mo, boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut.


London, 1887

395. LAYARD (GEORGE SOMES). Mrs. Lynn Linton, her Life, Letters and Opinions. 12 illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1901

396. LEE (NATHANIEL). The Princess of Cleve, As it was Acted at the Queens Theatre in Dorset-Garden. Small 4to, sewn. London: Printed in the Year 1689


397. LEECH (JOHN). Mr. Briggs and his Doings. Fishing. 12 colored lithographs. Oblong folio, half morocco (rubbed), original wrappers bound in.

VERY SCARCE. London: Bradbury and Evans, n. d. [1860] 398. 23 etched plates by John Leech to illustrate "Hector O'Halloran." Mounted. Oblong 4to, full roan.

399. LEHMANN (RUDOLF). An Artist's Reminiscences. Portrait. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, uncut.

London, 1894

400. LELAND (JOHN). ΚΥΚΝΕΙΩΝ ΑΣΜΑ. Cygnea cantio. Avtore Ioanne Lelando Antiqvario. FIRST EDITION. Woodcut of swans within a border or title repeated on verso. Small 4to, 17th century panelled calf, rebacked. Londini: [Apud R. Vuolfium] 1545

THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION of this Latin poetical panegyric on King Henry VIII, by the celebrated earliest English antiquary, to whom all later writers are indebted for a foundation. Dedicated to the King. With the "Commentarii in Cygneam Cantionem Indices Britannicæ antiquitatis locupletissimi" often wanting. Some copies have no imprint at all, the other simply "Londini, 1545." The printer was undoubtedly Reynold Wolf. Collation: A 6 leaves, B to E in 4s, and (commentary) A to Pin 4s. The errata to both parts is on P. 4, so that they were evidently printed together.

401. LESTER (C. EDWARDS). Artists of America: A series of Biographical Sketches. Portraits and Designs on Steel. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1846

402. LEVER (CHARLES). Our Mess, comprising: Tom Burke of "Ours," and Jack Hinton the Guardsman. Portrait, and numerous illustrations by "Phiz.” FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 8vo, old half morocco (plates slightly foxed). Dublin, 1843-44 403. Novels. Edited by his Daughter. Illustrations by Phiz, George Cruikshank, and others. 37 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1898


Limited Edition.

404. [LINTON (W. J.).] Golden Apples of Hesperus. 8vo, boards, uncut. One of 225 copies. With a 2 pp. A. L. S. of the author inserted.

Appledore Private Press, 1882

405. European Republicans. Recollections of Mazzini and his Friends. Signed proof portrait of Mazzini by Linton laid in. 8vo, cloth. London, 1893 Inscribed by the Author and with an A. L. s. inserted.

406. England to America, 1876; Ireland for the Irish [1867]; The Religion of Organization, n. d. 3 pieces, 8vo and 12mo, sewn and wrappers.

With autographs of Linton.

407. LIPSIUS (JUSTUS). Opera omnia. Postremum ab ipso aucta et recensita. Engraved title. 4 vols. thick 8vo, full vellum. Vesaliæ, 1675

408. LOCKER (FREDERICK). Patchwork. Square 12mo, full dark green levant morocco, gilt back (rubbed), gilt edges. London, 1879


409. LODGE (EDMUND). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. Engraved from authentic pictures in the galleries of the nobility, etc. With Biographical and Historical Memoirs. Numerous fine engraved portraits. 10 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges (covers somewhat discolored, and several leaves slightly stained). London, 1840

410. LOUDON (J. C.). The Landscape Gardening and Landscape Architecture of the late Humphry Repton. Portrait and woodcuts colored by hand. 8vo, half red morocco.

Scarce with the colored illustrations.

London, 1840

411. LUPTON (THOMAS). Sivquila. Too good to be true:

[blocks in formation]

Herein is shewed by way of Dialogue, the wonderfull maners of the people of Mauqsun (i. e., Nusquam), with other talke not friuolous.

Imprinted at London by Henrie Bynneman, dvvelling in Thames Streete neere vnto Baynardes Castle Anno Domini 1584

A dialogue in imitation of Sir Thomas More's Utopia. The very rare Second Edition, text in black letter, woodcut border to title with figures and armorial bearings (defect in lower back margin of title and next leaf and a number of headlines slightly touched by binder, last cut off). Collation: Title, dedication to Sir C. Hatton and to the Reader, 3 leaves, B to Z1 in 4s.

The Second part and Knitting vp of the Boke entituled Too good to be true. Wherin is continued the discourse of the wonderfull Lawes, commendable customes & strange manners of the people of Mauqsun. Newely penned and published by Thomas Lvpton. Text in black letter, woodcut border to title, large armorial achievement of Lord Burghley on verso, to whom the work is dedicated (lower back margins wormed in places and some headlines just touched by binder)..

The two parts in one volume, small 4to, old tree calf. At London: Printed by Henry Binneman, Anno Domini. 1581. Sept. 6.

The genuine first edition of this second part is excessively rare. There is another issue with the same date "Printed by H. Binneman. Anno Domini 1581' which collates A to Dd 1 in 4s and varies considerably from this edition (which collates A to Ce in 4s) and is certainly of later date. This second part possesses great Shakespearian importance as it contains a story similar to the Plot of Measure for Measure. The Christie-Miller (Britwell Court) copy, with part 1 the third edition of 1587, sold for £91 at Sotheby's last June.

412. McCULLOUGH (HUGH, JR.). The Quest of Hercules and other Poems. Woodcut border to title. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Cambridge: Stone and Kimball, 1894

One of 60 copies on Large Paper.

413. MACKAYE (PERCY). Sanctuary. A. Bird Masque. Illustrations, some in colors. 12mo, cloth. New York, [1914] With slip inscribed by the Author and bookplate of Authors Club.

414. MACLISE (DANIEL). The Story of The Norman Conquest (pictured]. 42 plates engraved by 1. Gruner. Oblong 8vo, cloth (loose). London, 1866

415. MACKAIL (J. W.). William Morris. An Address. 8vo, boards, vellum back. Hammersmith Publishing Society, 1902

416. MAGINN (WILLIAM). Miscellanies: Prose and Verse. Edited by B. W. Montagu. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, 1885

417. MAHAN (D. H.). Descriptive Geometry, 1864; An Elementary Course of Civil Engineering, 1864; An Elementary Course of Military Engineering, 2 vols. 1867. Together 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1864-67

418. MALMESBURY (EARL OF). Letters of, his Family and Friends, from 1745 to 1820. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt.

London, 1870

Includes many details relative to the Pretender and the Riots of Boston, &c., &c.


419. MANUSCRIPT. Officia Varia. A beautiful Italian illuminated manuscript on vellum, executed in the latter half of the XVth century by a skilful Venetian scribe and illuminator, 91 leaves (1 blank), 434 by 3/4 inches, finely written in Latin in gothic letter, long lines, 16 to a full page, headings to 3 of the offices in letters of gold, the others in red, together with the rubrics, decorated with 3 fine large miniature initials, each with an exquisite border of foliage, flowers, rayed gold studs, filigree penwork, etc., 3 remarkably fine ornamental initials of large size with elegant part borders of rayed studs and foliage, and 3 other fine initials of slightly smaller size, the whole beautifully illuminated in gold and colors, also numerous ornamental capitals in red and blue with delicate pen-work attached (the borders are cut close there are a few places very slightly rubbed, a leaf or two appears to be missing, but as a whole in an excellent state of preservation, with wide margins). Modern green leather, antique style, gilt edges. Venice, Sæc. XV [c. 1480]

A remarkably fine example of the best Venetian illuminator's work towards the close of the XVth century. The 3 miniatures represent 1, a black coffin with 3 red Maltese crosses; 2, David praying; 3, a calvary, and one of the larger initials has a representation of the Holy Dove. It contains the Office for the Dead, the 7 penitential psalms, Officium sancte crucis editum a pp. Joan. XXII, Officium Spirit Sancti compositu a papa benedicto quarto, Prefactio de nativitate genitricis dei &c., Sacratissimi hodie festum assumptionis, &c., virginis marie, and Pope Clement's indulgence for 10 years.


Commendatio Animarum ad Usum Sarum. Finely written 15th century Latin Manuscript, executed and illuminated in gold and colors by an English scribe and forming part of a Sarum Hore, gothic letter, 24 leaves, 53/4 by 4 inches, long lines, 13 to a full page. Decorated on the first page with a characteristic English border of heavy foliage and sprays (slightly touched by

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