Immagini della pagina

9. ARNOLD (BENEDICT). Proceedings | of a | General Court Martial ❘ of the line, | held at Raritan, ❘ in the State of | New Jersey, By Order of his Excellency | George Washington, Esq. General and Commander in Chief | Of the Army of | The United States of America, ❘ for the Trial of | Major General Arnold, | June 1, 1779. | Major General Howe, President. | Folio, original back wrapper (small portion of blank margin torn away). In cloth case. Philadelphia, 1780

OF EXCESSIVE RARITY. Fifty copies of this work were printed by resolution of Congress. It was reprinted in 1865 on account of its rarity. No other copy appears to have occurred at auction. This Court-Martial was held for the purpose of inquiring into some alleged irregularities during Arnold's command in Philadelphia in 1778, which were charged against him by President Reed and the Council.


10. BENZONI (GIROLAMO). Novae Novi Orbis Historiae, Jd est, Rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali Hactenus gestarum, & acerbo ilorum in eas gentes dominatu, Libri tres, Vrbani Calvetonis opera industriaque ex Italicis, etc. Small 8vo, full red levant morocco, gilt top, by Trow. Geneva: Evstathium Vignon, 1578

THE RARE FIRST LATIN EDITION OF BENZONI, translated with additions by Urban Chauveton; together with a history of the massacre committed by the Spaniards upon the French in Florida.

The earliest book of travel to America, the author apparently having been the first to come to the New World merely to gratify his curiosity and record his observations.

Has the rare “Mendas” leaf at the end, frequently wanting.

11. BIORCK (TOBIAS ERIC). Dissertatio Gradualis de Plantatione Ecclesiæ Suecanæ in America, quam. d. 14 Jun. An. MDCCXXXI. Map. Small 4to, boards, original wrappers bound in. Upsaliæ: Literis Wernerianis, [1731]

Very fine copy of this extremely rare work, with wide margins. The map, which is seldom found with the book, is here in brilliant impression. It shows Staten Island, New York and parts of Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, etc. The book is the first work written by a native of America and published in Sweden. He gives the history of the establishment of the church in "New Sweden" and notices of the early pastors and an interesting account of the country and the Indian inhabitants. The dedication by the author is in English verse. There is a commendatory epistle, also in English, by Andrew Hessell.

12. BISHOPE (GEORGE). New England Judged. The Second Part. Being, A Relation of the cruel and bloody Sufferings of the People called Quakers, in the Jurisdiction chiefly of the Massachusetts; Beginning with the Sufferings of William Ledra, whom they murthered, and hung upon a Tree at Boston, the 14th of the first month, 1660-1, barely for being such a one as is called a Quaker, etc. Small 4to, full red straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. London, Printed in the Year, 1667

RARE. A work of great historical importance in connection with the Quaker persecutions in New England. The first part was printed in 1661. A very fine copy, unwashed and unmended.


13. BLOME (RICHARD). A Description of the Island of Jamaica; with the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are Related taken from the Notes of Sr. Thomas Linch, Knight, Governour of Jamaica and other Experienced Persons in the said Places. Large folding maps of Jamaica, Carolina, Sea Coast and Rivers of Virginia, Maryland and New England. 16mo, full green crushed levant morocco, rough gilt edges, by The French Binders. London: T. Milbourn, 1672

Tall, sound and clean copy of an uncommon book. It contains "A Description of New York," occupying six pages and saying, "Here is one very considerable Town, first built by the Dutch and called New Amsterdam, which name is now changed to New York. It is well seated both for Trade, Security and Pleasure, in a small Isle called Mahatan," etc.

On the map of the "Sea Coast and Rivers of Virginia, Maryland and New England taken from the latest surveys" is noted Boston, Marblehead, Salem, Hampton, Pascattaway, York and other places, including part of Canada and the Island of Newfoundland. The folding frontispiece shows the arms of Lord Calvert, Proprietor of Maryland.

14. Cosmography and Geography. In Two Parts. Illustrated with numerous folding engraved maps, brilliantly colored. Thick folio, old calf (a little worn).

London: Printed by S. Roycroft for R. Blome, 1682

Several of the maps are of American interest.

15. [-] The Present State of His Majesties Isles and Territories in America. With new maps of every place. Portrait by Van Hove (inner lower corner torn away). 8vo, old calf, re-hinged. London, 1687

THE FIRST EDITION WITH THIS TITLE. Samuel G. Drake's copy, with his autograph on fly-leaf at the end, and MS. notes by him on two pages. There are also contemporary notes on the margins of two pages, and on title. This work contains a description of New York, with a map of New York and New England, by Robert Morden.

16. BOISSARD, IAN. IAC. Icones etc. 4to, half calf, gilt.

Virorum Illustrium,

Theodorum de Bry Leodienciuem francofurti, 1597 The portion containing the famous portrait of Columbus, brilliant impression, also the engraved title and a portrait of the author, etc. With bookplate of C. L. F. Robinson.

17. BONOEIL (JOHN). His Maiesties Graciovs Letter to the Earl of Sovth-Hampton, Treasurer, and to the Councell and Company of Virginia heere: commanding the present setting up of Silke works, and planting of Vines in Virginia. And the Letter of the Treasurer, Councell, and Company, to the Gouernour and Councell of State there, for the strict execution of his Maiesties Royall Commands herein. Also a Treatise of the Art of Making Silke. Set foorth for the benefit of the two renowned and most hopeful Sisters, Virginia, and the Summer-Ilands. Published by Authority. 4 full-page woodcuts. Small 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt, with the Miller arms in gilt on the sides, gilt edges, by F. Bedford (title slightly injured).



London: Printed by Felix Kyngston, 1622

At this period there was great interest in England in the cultivation of silk worms. The subject was taken up by the Virginia Company at home, and on Nov. 9, 1621, the Court recommended the translation and printing of this treatise on making silk written by Bonoeil, the French master of the King's silk-works, that it might be sent to the governor, council, and colonists in Virginia. This is one of the earliest publications relating to the subject.

18. BOSTON MASSACRE. Orations Delivered at the Request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to Commemorate the Evening of the 5th of March, 1770; when a Number of Citizens were killed by a Party of British Troops, quartered among them in a Time of Peace. [Compiled by Peter Edes.) 12mo, original sheep, slight crack at hinges.

Boston: Printed by Peter Edes, [1785]

Includes the Orations for 1771-1783 (the last delivered), inclusive (13); also Morton's Oration on Joseph Warren, 1776, and poem of James Allen, on the Massacre.

FINE COPY: with contemporary autograph, - "R. Saltonstall," and engraved book plate of President John Quincy Adams.


19. BOTERO (GIOV.). An Historicall description of the most famous kingdomes & common-weales in the worlde. Relating their scituations, manners, customes, ciuill gouernment, and other memorable matters. Translated into English (by R. Johnson), and enlarged, with an addition of the relation of the states of Saxony, Geneua, Hungary, and Spaine; in no language euer before printed. Geographical diagram on title-page, woodcut floral initials. 8vo, full brown calf. London: Printed for Iohn Iaggard, 1603


The present edition contains, at the end, a Relation of the State of Spain (and America) written by Fr. Vendramino, Venetian Ambassador in 1595, AND PRINTED FOR THE FIRST TIME.

This work is printed by the Printer of the first Shakespeare folio. Quoted by Hunter in his "New Illustrations of Shakespeare'"'"The Tempest."

There are numerous references to America scattered throughout the text. The author, Giov. Boteros, was Jesuit for a time, but left the order to become secretary to St. Charles Borromeo. He died in Turin in 1617.

Dedicated by Johnson to the Earl of Worcester.

20. BRADFORD IMPRINT. An Ordinance of His Excellency, Edward Viscount Cornbury, Captain General and Gouvernour in Chief in and over the Provinces of New York, New Jersey and Territories depending thereon in America, and Vice-Admiral of the same, &c. in Council. 6 pp. (1 blank), small folio, half calf. [New York: William Bradford, 1704]

This Ordinance revived the High Court of Chancery, which had been suspended by a previous Ordinance (June 13, 1702), and established a table of fees therefor. OF THIS ITEM THERE ARE BUT FOUR OR FIVE COPIES KNOWN OUTSIDE OF CHURCH.

21. [State of the Case in Dispute between the Queen and the late Assemblies.] To all whom these Presents may Concern. 8 pp., folio, stitched, uncut, in cloth case.

New York: William Bradford, 1713

EXCESSIVELY RARE. Fine copy. An anonymous publication, the author of which is unknown, relating to the objections of the inhabitants to being taxed for the support of the English government, and asking the colonists to show more respect for the mother country. It threatens punishment if the revenue is not granted. There seems to have been two issues of this piece, as the copy in the New York Historical Society has only 7 pp.



22. BROWNE (ARTHUR). A Compendious View of the Civil Law. Vol. 1. 8vo, calf. In black morocco case. Dublin, 1797 With PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION FROM THE AUTHOR ON FLY-LEAF: "To His Excellency Gen'l. Washington With the Utmost Respect. This book is humbly presented by the Author, once an American who knew in America his earliest and happiest days." The book is listed on p. 531 of the Washington inventory.

23. BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA. Journal du Voyage fait a la Mer de Sud, avec les Filibustiers de l'Amerique en 1684 et annees suivantes. Par le Sieur Raveneau de Lussan. Small 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt edges by Bedford.


Paris: Jean Baptiste Coignard, 1690

Relates principally to the Fighting of the French and Spanish in the Island of San Domingo, with accounts of the Capture of the Treasure Ships sailing from Acapulco and the Philippines. With the Huth bookplate.


24. BULLOCK (WILLIAM). Virginia Impartially Examined, and left to publick view, to be considered by all Judicious and honest men. Under which Title is comprehended the Degrees from 34 to 39, wherein lyes the rich and healthfull Countries of Roanock, the now Plantations of Virginia and Mary-land. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery (small repairs to blank margins of the title-page).

Lond.: Printed by John Hammond, and are to be sold at his house over against S. Andrews Church in Holborne, 1649


This is a guide for prospective settlers, and abounds with details of the Virginia Colony of the highest highest value and interest, and in this respect, in

deed, is not surpassed by any other contemporary work. With the Hoe bookplate.

25. BYFIELD (NATHANIEL). An Account of the Late Revolution in New England. Together with the Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country adjacent. April 18, 1689. Small 4to, crushed green straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. London: Printed for Ric. Chiswell, 1689

Choice copy of the First London Edition of this very rare pamphlet, relating the narrative of the Revolution in which Gov. Andros was seized and deposed. The "Declaration" was written by Increase Mather. The Lefferts-Halsey copy.

26. CANADA COMPANY. A Map of the Province of Upper Canada, compiled by James G. Chewett, showing the Districts, Counties and Townships in which are situated the Lands purchased from the Crown by the Canada Company, incorporated, 1826. Size 5 ft. 10 inches by 3 ft. 5 inches, mounted on linen, in three sections, in a folio morocco case, bearing the Company's arms. [Also] A Volume of 199 lithographed Diagrams of Townships as marked on the map, with the plots purchased by the Company, colored by hand. Preceded by two MS. Indexed. Together, 2 vols., folio,



27. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE). Les Voyages. 3 folding plates, 8 folding maps, 13 other small maps and plates and a woodcut in the text. 4to, full citron crushed levant morocco, sides and back richly gilt tooled, with scroll and foliage design and other artistic ornaments; doublure of blue morocco with broad gilt-tooled scroll and foliage borders, blue silk ends, gilt edges, by Lortic (in brown morocco case). Paris: Jean Berjon, 1613

FIRST EDITION, with 52 additional pages containing a fourth voyage (1613) not mentioned in the Index. The large folding-map, loose and mounted on linen, gives the coast line of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and New England, with approximate correctness, while the map facing page 160 is the first of that coast in which any attempt was made to lay down astronomical positions, and is rarely found with the work.


Voyages et Descouvertes faites en la Nouvelle France, depuis l'année, 1615, jusques à la fin de l'année 1618. Par le Sieur de Champlain, Cappitaine ordinaire pour le Roy en la Mer du Ponant. Engraved title, two folding plates, and four full-page plates. Small 8vo, red crushed levant morocco, gilt back, and sides in nine compartments, with elaborate tooling, doublure of green crushed levant with dentelles, gilt edges, enclosed in a dark green levant morocco box, with clasps, by Lortic Frères.

A Paris, chez Claude Collet, 1619

THE ORIGINAL EDITION OF CHAMPLAIN'S THIRD WORK, giving the events from 1615 to the date of writing. A fine copy, with brilliant impressions of the plates, and in a most elaborate binding.


Voyages et Descouvertes faites en la Nouvelle France depuis l'année 1615, jusques à la fin de l'année 1618. sont descrits les moeurs, coustumes, habits façons de guerroyer, chasses, dances, festins, & enterrements de divers peuples sauvauges, & de plusieurs choses remarquables qui luy sont arrivées au dit pais, etc. With engraved title, dated 1619, 2 folding and 4 full-page copperplates. 8vo, full old sprinkled calf, blind and gold tooled.

A Paris: Chez Claude Collet, au Palais en la gallerie des Prisonniers, M. D. C. XX.

A VERY FINE CRISP COPY OF THE EXTREMLY RARE FIRST EDITION, with the folding and full-page plates in brilliant state, and the TWO BLANK LEAVES at the end (v. 7 and 8).

A stain in the centre of leaves 96 and 98 is the only defect. The work is sometimes found with the date 1619 on the printed title, which is the only difference between the two issues.

30. Voyages et Descovvertvres faites en la Novvelle France, depuis l'année 1615, jusques à la fin de l'année 1618. Par le Sieur de Champlain, Cappitaine ordinaire pour le Roy en la Mer du Ponant. où sont descrits les mœurs, coustumes, habits façons de guerroyer, chasses, dances, festins, & enterrements de divers peuples Sauuages, & de plusieurs choses remarquables qui luy sont arrivés au dit pais, avec une description de la beauté, fertilité, & temperature d'iceluy. Second Edition. Engraved title, 2 folding plates and 4 full-page plates. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, leather bands, sides beautifully decorated with an interlaced panel and wreath design inlaid in gold, gilt inside borders,

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