I should kick, being kickt; and, being at that país, May anfwer my good will, and your good welcome here. Bal. I hold your dainties cheap, Sir, and your welcome dear. E. Ant. Ah, Signior Balthazar, either at flesh or fish, A table-full of welcome makes fcarce one dainty difh. Bal.. Good meat, Sir, is common ; that every churl affords. E. Ant. And welcome more common; for that's nothing but words." Bal. Small cheer, and great welcome, makes a merry feast. E. Ant. Ay, to a niggardly hoft, and more fparing guest: But tho' my cates be mean, take them in good part; Better cheer may you have, but not with better heart. But, foft; my door is lockt; go bid them let us in. E. Dro. Maud, Bridget, Marian, Cicely, Gillian, Ginn ! S. Dro. [within.] Mome, malt-horfe, capon, coxcomb, idiot, patch! Either get thee from the door, or fit down at the hatch; Doft thou conjure for wenches, that thou call'ft for such ftore, When one is one too many go, get thee from the door. E. Dro. What patch is made our porter? my mafter ftays in the street. S. Dro. Let him walk from whence he came, left he catch cold on's feet. E. Ant. Who talks within there? hoa, open the door. S. Dro. Right, Sir, I'll tell you when, an you'll tell me wherefore. -E. Ant. Wherefore? for my dinner: I have not din'd to day. S. Dro. Nor to day here you must not : come again, when you may. E. Ant. E. Aut. What art thou, that keep'ft me out from the house I owe? S. Dro. The porter for this time, Sir, and my name is E. Dro. O villain, thou haft ftoll'n both mine office The one ne'er got me credit, the other mickle blame. If thou hadst been Dromio to day in a my place, Thou would't have chang'd thy face for a name, or thy name for an afs. Luce. [within] What a coile is there, Dremio who are thofe at the gate? E. Dro. Let my mafter in, Luce. Luce. Faith, no; he comes too late And fo tell your master.. E. Dro. O ford, I muft laugh; Have at you with a Proverb.-Shall I fet in my staff Luce. Have at you with another; that's when, canı you tell ? S. Dro. If thy name be call'd Luce, Luce, thou haft anfwer'd him well. E. Ant. Do you hear, you minion, you'll let us in,, I trow? Luce. I thought to have askt you, S. Dro. And you faid, no. E.Dro. So, come, help, well ftruck; there was blow for blow. E. Ant. Thou baggage, let me in. E. Ant. You'll cry for this, minion, if I beat the door down. Luce. What needs all that, and a pair of ftocks in the town? Adr. [within] Who is that at the door, that keeps all this noife? S. Dre. By my troth, your town is troubled with up ruly boys. E. Ant. Are you there, wife? you might have come before. Adr. Your wife, Sir knave! go, get you from the door. E. Dro. If you went in pain, master, this knave would go fore. Ang. Here is neither cheer, Sir, nor welcome; we would fain have either. Bal. In-debating which was beft, we shall part with neither. E. Dro. They ftand at the door, mafter; bid them welcome hither. E. Ant. There's fomething in the wind, that we cannot get in. E. Dro. You would fay fo, mafter, if your garments were thin. Your cake here is warm within: you ftand here in the cold : It would make a man mad as a buck to be fo bought and t fold. E. Ant. Go fetch me fomething, I'll break ope the gate. S. Dro. Break any thing here, and I'll break your knave's pate. E. Dro. A man may break a word with you, Sir, and words are but wind; Ay, and break it in your face, fo he break it not be S. Dro. It feems thou wanteft breaking; out upon thee, hind! E. Dro. Here's too much, out upon thee! I pray thee, let me in. 3. Dro. Ay, when fowls have no feathers, and fish have no fin. E. Ant. Well, I'll break in; go borrow me a crow. E. Dro. A crow without feather, mafter, mean you fo? For a fish without a fin, there's a fowl without a fea ther: If a crow help us in, firrah, we'll pluck a crow toge E. Ant. E. Ant. Go, get thee gone, fetch me an iron crow. Bal. Have patience, Sir: oh, let it not be fo. Herein you war against your reputation, And draw within the compafs of fufpect Once, this; your long experience of her wisdom, Plead on her part fome caufe to you unknown; For ever hous'd, where it once gets poffeffion. E. Ant. You have prevail'd; I will depart in quiet, Pretty and witty, wild, and, yet too, gentle; (9) And, in Defpight of Mirth,] In defpight of what Mirth? We don't find, that it was any Joke, or matter of Mirth, to be shut out of Doors by his Wife. I make no Doubt therefore, but I have reftor'd the true Reading. Antipholis's Paffion is plain enough all thro' this Scene: and, in the next Act, we find him confeffing how angry He was at this Juncture.And did not I in Rage depart from thence? The Circumstances, I think, fufficiently juftify my Emendation, And And fetch the chain; by this, I know, 'tis made s For there's the houfe: that chain will I bestow, Upon mine hoftefs there. Good Sir, máke haste :: 1 E. Ant. Do fo; this jeft fhall coft me fome expence. [Exeunt SCENE, the House of Antipholis of Ephefus. Enter Luciana, with Antipholis of Syracufe. Luc. AND may it be, that you have quite forgot (10) A husband's office? fhall, Antiphalis, hate, If you did wed my fifter for her wealth, Then for her wealth's fake ufe her with more kindness; Or if you like efwhere, do it by flealth; Muffle your falfe love with fome fhew of blindness; (10) And may it be, that you have quite forgot An Husband's Office Shall, Antipholis, Ev'n in the Spring of Love, thy love-fprings rot & Shall love in buildings grow fo ruinate 2] This Paffage has hitherto labour'd under a double Corruption. Let 1 |