Par. Mort du Vinaigre! is not this Helen? King. Go, call before me all the Lords in court. Sir, my preserver, by thy patient's fide; Enter three or four Lords. Fair maid, fend forth thine eye; this youthful parcel King. Peruse them well: Not one of those, but had a noble father. [She addresses herself to a Lord. Hel. Gentlemen, heaven hath, through me, restor'd The King to health. All. We understand it, and thank heaven for you. That, I proteft, I fimply am a maid.- Who Thuns thy love, shuns all his love in me. 1 Lord. And grant it. Hel. Thanks, Sir; - all the reft is mute. Laf. Laf. I had rather be in this choice, than throw amesace for my life. Hel. The honour, Sir, that flames in your fair eyes, 2 Lord. No better, if you please. Hel. My wish receive, Which great Love grant! and so I take my leave. Laf. Do all they deny her? if they were fons of mine, I'd have them whipt, or I would fend them to the Turk to make eunuchs of. Hel. Be not afraid that I your hand should take, Laf. These boys are boys of ice, they'll none of her: fure, they are baltards to the English, the French ne'er got 'em. Hel. You are too young, too happy, and too good, (12) 4 Lord. Fair One, I think not fo. Laf. There's one Grape yet, I am fure my Father drunk Wine: but if Thou be'est not an Afs, I am a Youth of fourteen : I have known thee already.] Surely, this is most incongruent Stuff. Lafeu is angry with the other Noblemen for giving Helen the Repuise: and is he angry too, and thinks the fourth Nobleman an Ass, because he's for embracing the Match ? The Whole, certainly, can't be the Speech of one Mouth. As I have divided the Speech, I think, Clearness and Humour are restor'd. And if Parolles were not a little pert and impertinent here to Lafeu, why should he say, he had found him out already? Or why should he quarrel with him in the very next scene? 4 Into your guided power: this is the man. [To Bertram. King. Why then, young Bertram, take her, she's thy wife. Ber. My wife, my Liege? I shall beseech your High nefs, In such a business give me leave to use The help of mine own eyes. King. Know'st thou not, Bertram, What the hath done for me? Ber. Yes, my good Lord, But never hope to know why I should marry her. King. Thou know'st, she has rais'd me from my fickly bed. Ber. But follows it, my Lord, to bring me down King. 'l'is only title thou disdain'st in her, the which (13) From lowest place when virtuous things proceed, (13) From lowest Place, whence virtuous Things proceed, The Place is dignified by th' Doer's Deed.] 'Tis strange, that none of the Editors could perceive, that both the Sentiment and Grammar are defective here. The easy Correction, which I have given, was prescribed to me by the ingenious Dr. Thirlby. And And these breed honour: That is honour's scorn, Hel. That you are well restor'd, my lord, I'm glad : Let the rest go. King. (15) My honour's at the stake; which to defend, I must produce my power. Here, take her hand, Proud scornful boy, unworthy this good gift! That doft in vile misprision shackle up My love, and her desert; that canft not dream, We, poizing us in her defective scale, Shall weigh thee to the beam; that wilt not know, It is in us to plant thine honour, where (14) and as oft is dumb, Where Dust and damn'd Oblivion is the Tomb. Of bonour'd Bones, indeed, what should be faid?] This is such pretty Stuff, indeed, as is only worthy of its accurate Editors! The Transposition of an innocent Stop, or two, is a Task above their Diligence: especially, if common Sense is to be the Result of it. The Regulation, I have given, must strike every Reader so at first Glance, that it needs not a Word in Confirmation. (15) My Honour's at the Stake; which to defeat I must produce my Pow'r.) The poor King of France is again made a Man of Gotham, by our unmerciful Editors: What they make him say, is mere mock-reasoning: For he is not to make use of his Authority to defear, but to defend, his Honour, We We please to have it grow. Check thy contempt: Ber. Pardon, my gracious Lord; for I fubmit King. Take her by the hand, Ber. I take her hand.. King. Good fortune, and the favour of the King Manent Parolles and Lafeu. [Exeunt. Laf. Do you hear, Monfieur? a word with you. Laf. Your Lord and Master did well to make his re cantation. Par. Recantation? - my Lord? my Master? Par. A most harsh one, and not to be understood without bloody succeeding. My master? Laf. Are you companion to the Count Roufillon ? Par. |