Re-enter Clown. Clo. O Madam, yonder is heavy news within between two foldiers and my young lady. Count. What is the matter? Clo. Nay, there is fome comfort in the news, fome comfort; your fon will not be kill'd fo foon as I thought he would. Count. Why fhould he be kill'd? Clo. So fay I, Madam, if he run away, as I hear he does; the danger is in ftanding to't; that's the lofs of men, though it be the getting of children. Here they come, will tell you more. For my part, I only hear, your fon was run away. Enter Helena, and two Gentlemen: 1 Gen. Save you, good Madam. Hel. Madam, my Lord is gone, for ever gone. 2 Gen. Do not say so. Count. Think upon patience: 'pray you, gentlemen, I've felt fo many quirks of joy and grief, That the first face of neither, on the start, Can woman me unto't. Where is my fon? 2 Gen. Madam, he's gone to ferve the Duke of Fla rence. We met him thitherward, for thence we came; Hel. Look on this letter, Madam; here's my pafsport. When thou canst get the ring upon my finger, which ne- This is a dreadful fentence. Count. Brought you this letter, gentlemen? 1 Gent. Ay, Madam, and, for the contents' fake, are forry for our pains. Count. I pr'ythee, lady, have a better cheer. If thou engroffest all the griefs as thine, VOL. III. C Thou Thou robb'st me of a moiety: he was my fon, And thou art all my child. Towards Florence is he? 2 Gen. Ay, Madam. Count. And to be a foldier? 2 Gen. Such is his noble purpose; and, believe't, The Duke will lay upon him all the honour That good convenience claims. Count. Return you thither ? 1 Gen. Ay, Madam, with the swifteft wing of speed. Hel. 'Till I have no wife, I have nothing in France. 'Tis bitter. Count. Find you that there? Hel. Yes, Madam. [Reading. 1 Gen. 'Tis but the boldness of his hand, happ'ly, which his heart was not confenting to. 1 Count. Nothing in France, until he have no wife? That twenty fuch rude boys might tend upon, 1 Gen. Ay, my good lady, he. Count. A very tainted fellow, and full of wickedness: My fon corrupts a well-derived nature With his inducement. 1 Gen. Indeed, good lady, the fellow has a deal of that too much, which holds him much to have. my Count. Y'are welcome, gentlemen; I will intreat you, when you fee fon, to tell him, that his fword can never win the honour that he loses: more I'll intreat you written to bear along. 2 Gen. We ferve you, Madam, in that and all your worthieft affairs. Count. Not fo, but as we change our courtefies. Will draw near? [Exeunt Countess and Gentlemen. you Hel. 'Till I have no wife, I have nothing in France. Nothing in France, until he has no wife! Thou Thou shalt have none, Roufillon, none in France; That drive thee from the sportive court, where thou Were mine at once. No, come thou home, Roufillon ; [Exit. SCENE changes to the Duke's Court in Florence. Flourish. Enter the Duke of Florence, Bertram, Drum and Trumpets, Soldiers, Parolles. Duke. T HE General of our Horfe thou art, and THE we, Great in our hope, lay our best love and credence Ber. Sir, it is A charge too heavy for my ftrength; but yet Duke. Then go forth, And fortune play, upon thy profp'rous helm, Ber. This very day, Great Mars, I put my felf into thy file; Make me but like my thoughts, and I shall prove [Exeunt. SCENE changes to Roufillon in France. Enter Countefs and Steward. Count. A Las! and would you take the letter of her? Might you not know, she would do, as she has done, By fending me a letter? Read it again. LETTER. I am St. Jaques' pilgrim, thither gone; 1, bis defpightful Juno, fent him forth Ah, what sharp ftings are in her mildeft words? Stew Stew. Pardon, Madam, If I had given you this at over night She might have been o'er-ta'en; and yet fhe writes, Count. What angel fhall Blefs this unworthy husband? he cannot thrive, [Exeunt. SCENE changes to a Publick Place in Florence. A Tucket afar off. Enter an old Widow of Florence, Diana, Violenta, and Mariana, with other Citizens. Wid. NAY, come. For if they do approach the city, we fhall lofe all the fight. Dia. They fay, the French Count has done most honourable service. Wid. It is reported, that he has ta'en their greatest commander; and that with his own hand he flew the Duke's brother. We have loft our labour, they are gone a contrary way: hark, you may know by their trumpets. C 3 Mar. |