in the defence yet is weak: unfold to us fome warlike refiftance. Par. There is none: man, fetting down before you, will undermine you, and blow you up. Hel. Blefs our poor virginity from underminers and blowers up! Is there no military policy, how virgins might blow up men? Par. Virginity being blown down, man will quicklier be blown up: marry, in blowing him down again, with the breach yourselves made, you lofe your city. It is not politick in the commonwealth of nature, to preferve virginity. Lofs of virginity is rational increase: and there was never virgin got, 'till virginity was first loft. That, you were made of, is metal to make virgins. Virginity, by being once loft, may be ten times found: by being ever kept, it is ever loft; 'tis too cold a companion away with't. Hel. I will ftand for't a little, though therefore I die a virgin. Par. There's little can be faid in't; 'tis againft the rule of nature. To fpeak on the part of virginity, is to accuse your mother; which is most infallible difobedience. He, that hangs himself, is a virgin: virginity murthers itself, and fhould be buried in highways out of all fanctified limit, as a defperate offendrefs against nature. Virginity breeds mites, much like a cheese; confumes itself to the very paring, and fo dies with feeding its own ftomach. Befides, virginity is peevish, proud, idle, made of felf-love, which is the moft prohibited fin in the canon. Keep it not, you cannot chufe but lose by't. Out with't; within ten years it will make itfelf two, which is a goodly increase, and the principal itself not much the worfe. Away with't. Hel. How might one do, Sir, to lose it to her own liking? Par. Let me fee. Marry, ill, to like him that ne'er it likes. 'Tis a commodity will lofe the glofs with lying. The longer kept, the lefs worth off with't, while 'tis vendible. Anfwer the time of requeft. Virginity, like an old courtier, wears her cap out of fashion: richly There shall your matter have a thousand loves, Now fhall he God fend him well! pity———— Hel. That wishing well had not a body in't, Enter Page. Page. Monfieur Parolles, My lord calls for you. [Exit Page. Par. Little Helen, farewel; if I can remember thee, I will think of thee at court. Hel. Monfieur Parolles, you were born under a chasitable ftar. Par. Under Mars, I. Hel. I especially think, under Mars. Par. Par. Why under Mars? Hel. The wars have kept you so under, that you needs be born under Mars. Par. When he was predominant. Hel. When he was retrograde, I think, rather. fo? Hel. You go fo much backward, when you fight. muft Hel. So is running away, when fear propofes fafety: but the compofition, that your valour and fear makes in you, is a virtue of a good wing, and I like the wear well. Par. I am fo full of businesses, as I cannot answer thee acutely I will return perfect courtier; in the which, my instruction fhall ferve to naturalize thee, fo thou wilt be capable of courtier's counfel, and understand what advice fhall thruft upon thee; elfe thou diest in thine unthankfulness, and thine ignorance makes thee away; farewel. When thou haft leifure, fay thy prayers; when thou haft none, remember thy friends: get thee a good husband, and use him as he ufes thee: fo farewel. Hel. Our remedies oft in ourfelves do lie, The King's disease my project may deceive me, [Exit [Exit SCENE SCENE changes to the Court of France. Flourish Cornets. Enter the King of France with letters, and divers Attendants. King. T HE Florentines and Senoys are by th' ears; Have fought with equal fortune, and continue A braving war. 1 Lord. So 'tis reported, Sir. King. Nay, 'tis moft credible; we here receive it, 1 Lord. His love and wisdom, Approv'd fo to your Majefty, may plead For ample credence. King. He hath arm'd our answer ; 2 Lord. It may well ferve A nursery to our gentry, who are fick King. What's he comes here? Enter Bertram, Lafeu, and Parolles. 1 Lord. It is the count Roufillon, my good lord, young Bertram. 1 King. Youth, thou bear'ft thy father's face. Frank nature, rather curious than in halle, Hath well compos'd thee. Thy father's moral parts May'ft thou inherit too! Welcome to Paris. Ber. My thanks and duty are your Majefty's. King. I would I had that corporal foundness now, As when thy father and myself in friendship First try'd our foldiership: he did look far He had the wit, which I can well obferve In their poor praise he humbled: Such a man Might be a copy to thefe younger times; Which, follow'd well, would now demonftrate them But goers backward. Ber. His good remembrance, Sir, Lies richer in your thoughts, than on his tomb; As in your royal speech. King. 'Would, I were with him! he would always fay, (3) So like a Courtier, no Contempt or Bitterness Were in his Pride or Sharpness; if they were, His Equal bad awak'd them.] This Paffage feems fo very incorrectly pointed, that the Author's Meaning is loft in the Carelessness. As the Text and Stops are reform'd, these are most beautiful Lines, and the Senfe this"He had no Contempt or Bitterness; if he had any thing that look'd like "Pride or Sharpness, (of which Qualities Contempt and Bit"ternefs are the Exceffes,) his Equal had awak'd them, not "his Inferior; to whom he scorn'd to discover any thing that bore the Shadow of Pride or Sharpness." Mr. Warburton. (Methinks, |