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A. Tullus reigned two-and-thirty years. I remained four days in the country. The girl was ill for six months. This city he besieged for ten successive summers. He remained at home three years. I am whole days with Marcus and often part of the night. Numa is now in the eighteenth year of his reign. During the day we do not discern stars. No letter came from you during the summer.

B. Frater meus decimo ætatis anno Roma abiit. Hora sexta servus discessit. Consul Romæ Idibus Martiis magistratum inibit. Eadem nocte templum Dianæ Ephesiæ deflagravit. Vere diffugiunt nives. Quinto quoque anno terra requiescit. Ea res accidit ducentesimo duodevicesimo anno ab interitu Cæsaris. Id bellum ego perfeci quindecim diebus. Brevi tempore respublica peribit. Agamemnon vix decem annis urbem unam cepit. Adventu Cæsaris in Galliam tu regnum obtinebas. Primo silentio noctis Latini Romam venerunt. Ex capite Servii Tullii in pueritia flamma emicuit. Lucilius in hora sæpe

ducentos versus dictabat.

B. At the third hour the soldier departed from Naples. In the tenth month he returned home. In the forty-third year of her age Tullia married Otho. In the thirty-second year of his age Otho married Tullia. The next night Cæsar moved his camp. In the fifteenth year the Romans took the city. In the third watch Cæsar left the camp. At the beginning of summer the consul crossed into Greece. At sunset Ariovistus led back his forces to the camp. In three days I will finish the work. Roscius has not come to Rome these thirty years. I did those same things in my youth. You must stir these broths with a stick thrice in the day. No one in these thirty years has declared war on the republic.

C. Ab hora quinta ad decimam pugnabamus. Mihi magna cum Balbo jam usque a pueritia fuit semper familiaritas.

C. That friendship will last to the last day of my life. From that day for five successive days Cæsar led forth his forces in front of the camp. There we struggled from morning to evening.

S. a. Pugnavimus continenter horis quinque. Quadraginta annis Alba stetit.

b. Eam ædem voverat annis undecim ante L. tatum multis ante diebus Viennam præmiserat. dederam Mucio literas ad te. Comitia jam consules habuerunt.

Æmilius. Galba equiPerpaucis ante diebus abhinc triginta diebus

c. Paucis post diebus tabellarius venit. Interim paucis post diebus nuntius in castra venit. Paucis mensibus ante Harudum millia viginti quatuor ad Ariovistum venerant. Cæsar castra movet, diebusque circiter quindecim ad fines Belgarum pervenit. Triduo servus miserrime peribit. Paucis diebus ad te veniam. Caius testamentum fecit, atque his paucis diebus obiit.



A. Servus puerum portabat. Puer a servo portabatur. Agricolæ agros arant. Agri ab agricolis arantur. Ego te laudo.

Tu a me laudaris. Librum mihi dedisti. Liber mihi a te datus est. Bellum Latinis a Turno illatum est. Ego a te molliar. Tu a matre tuo regeris. Puer a patre sepelietur. Roma a Romulo condita est. Monstrum ingens a virgine domitum est. Tu ab illo sævissimo homine vulneratus es. Nos, omnium miserrimæ puellarum, a servo verberatæ sumus. Servus a Valerio vulneratus est gladio. Mundus a Deo regitur. Dei providentia mundus regitur. Puer a magistro docetur.

We are

A. I am praised, you are warned, the boy is loved. warned, you are praised, the girls are feared. Songs are heard by the girls. You, oh girls, are soothed by the songs. Sheep are dragged by the lion into the cave. A stranger was preferred by Lavinia to Turnus. You, oh boy, will be loved, warned, ruled, soothed by your dearest mother. The monsters will be tamed and bound by the girl. The sailor was conquered and bound by the soldier. At that hour twelve letters had been written by me. Before the end of the year all those books will have been read through by the philosopher. Letters must be daily written to your father. You, O dearest girls, were warned by your mother. Let the boy be scourged by the slaves.

(Passively) The girls were writing letters. The father was teaching the boy. The slaves were finishing the business. Brutus killed Cæsar. The philosopher had read through all those books. Marcus discovered the plan. The wisdom of Cato discovered the plan. He distinguished you, O girls, with the highest honours.

B. Ab oppidanis concurritur. Diu a Gallis acerrime pugnabatur. A nobis satis ambulatum. Ab auxiliis contra hostem procurritur. Tres ferme horas pugnatum est, et ubique atrociter. Negligentia ceremoniarum peccatum a consule est. Á fautoribus utriusque poetæ diu disputatum est. Loco iniquo non hosti cessum est.

Mihi invidetur. Tibi resistitur. Domino paretur. Nobis paretur. Vobis placetur. Servis ignoscetur. Nobis diu resistebatur. Vobis a servis mox resistetur. Mendacibus non creditur. Philosophiæ vituperatoribus satis responsum est. Nec labori nec periculo a nobis parcetur. Legionibus ab equitatu succurritur. Optimo illo viro a pessimis hominibus maledictum est.

a. Omnibus locis acriter pugnabatur. Sic itur ad astra. Totis trepidatum est castris. Satis ambulatur. Undique ad portas concursum est. Albæ feliciter regnabitur. Ad sepulcrum venimus; fletur. Conclamatum celeriter ad arma est. Reditum inde in provinciam.

B. A rush is made to the gates from all quarters by the citizens. The Gauls maintained the battle from morning to evening. A sudden rush was made by the soldiers against the citizens. Migrations were constantly made by the neighbours to Rome. Through the whole day there was no yielding to the enemy. I am spared. Thou art obeyed. The king is pleased. We are indulged. Ye are pardoned. The girls are envied. The husbands were opposed by their very wives. Your glory is envied. Neither boys nor girls are spared. The temples of the gods were spared. The authority of the senate will be obeyed by all good citizens. The cavalry will be helped by the legions.

a. A triumph was celebrated over the Romans. Men seldom live happily. Nor indeed is silence kept about that murder. In those parts men do not dwell outside the walls. A long dispute was maintained with the king's ambassadors about the land. A call to arms was quickly made. Men raged bitterly against us.

S. a. Quare miles armatus est? Hostes in nostris castris versantur. Festis diebus matrona movetur. Miles fido accingitur ense. Sternimur

optatæ gremio telluris ad urbem.

Vertit se quisque miles ad dissonos clamores. Jam verterat fortuna. Omnia in unius hominis potestate ac moderatione vertentur. Pueri hunc in locum revertuntur. Huc revertimini. Legati ad Cæsarem


b. Miles clipeum et loricam induitur. Stat Venus, obscuro faciem circumdata nimbo. Dormit puer, viridi membra sub arbuto stratus. Priamus inutile ferrum cingitur. Hæc recinunt juvenes, lævo suspensi loculos tabulamque lacerto. Filia prima manu flavos Lavinia crines et roseas laniata genas furit.



A. a. (Ambulo.) Hostes in agris palabantur. Haud equidem ita reor. Templa Deum dilabuntur. Vir bonus non mentitur. Morare diu Romæ. Gladiator, morere fortiter.

b. (Cedo.) Canis amicis sæpe irascitur. Sæpissime tibi senatus maximis est de rebus assensus. Multi consules plebi adulati sunt.

c. (Pareo.) Dolori dentium medeor. Galli huic urbi minitantur. Duræ supplex blandire puellæ. Mihi neque populus neque senatus auxiliatur.

d. (Porto.) Miror negligentiam hominis. Romani veteres peregrinum regem aspernabantur. Nil aliud nisi aquam cælumque tuemur. Nox ruit et terram amplectitur. Germani Gallorum agros populabantur.

e. (Do.) Legatus militibus frumentum metietur. Amico meo pecuniam largiar.

f. (Genitive.) Romani, miseremini sociorum. Milites, reminiscimini veteris famæ. Non unquam obliviscar noctis illius.

g. (Ablative.) Mettius hospitio Ariovisti usus erat. Marcus populari munere fungitur. Plurimis maritimis rebus fruimur atque utimur. Romani sine ullo vulnere victoria petiti sunt.

A. My father died at Brundisium. Winged time glides by secretly. From the country we shall soon set out for Rome. My father lingers at home. Good men are never angry with fortune. We all assented to Cato's opinion. My sister fawned on the rich old man. That excellent consul will heal the unhappy state. The sailor threatened the soldier with a sword. The boy often coaxed his mother. Your excellent father will aid the wretched sailors. The consul openly flattered the senate. I admired Cæsar's beautiful gardens. I will purchase gardens and fine houses. The girl is following her mother with slow foot. The messenger catches Piso. Cæsar pursued the enemy with the utmost speed. The general bestowed lands on the soldiers. The lord will measure out wine to the slaves. Pity me, pity my brother. Remember, soldiers, the ancient valour of the Helvetians. I quite forgot myself. You, O Romans, make a bad use of your riches. I will take Cæsar's advice.



A. Mirum somniavi somnium. Vicimus, O socii, et magnam pugnavimus pugnam. Tu usque a puero servitutem serviisti. Currit iter tutum æquore classis. Illi homines similem errorem insaniunt, Filius meus mea solide gaudebit gaudia. Scelestissimam cœnam Thyestes cœnavit. Fortuna ludum insolentem ludit. Moestissimam vixi vitam.

A. We are now running the same course. Afterwards we shall live a safer life. The Romans fought a fierce battle with the Gauls. We will go together our last journey. On that night the boy dreamed a dreadful dream. For twenty years I served a cruel slavery. You are playing a dangerous game.

B. Philosophus me docuit literas. Dedocebo te istos mores. Pacem te poscimus omnes. Nunquam divitias deos rogavi. Latini regem auxilium orabant. Parthos signa nostra reposcimus. Nec potentem amicum largiora dona flagito. Puer vitia patrem celaverat. Hoc me pater monuit. Illud me admonuisti. Pacem a te petimus. Abs te literas posco. Virgo motus docetur Ionicos. Ego non rogatus sum sententiam. Gravida posceris exta bovis. Illud puer sæpe admonitus erat. Hæc a natura monemur. Hæc a consule interrogatus tum.

B. Catiline taught the Roman youth many crimes. The Gauls demanded peace of the Romans. I asked Gaius his opinion. The slave had often begged his master for liberty. The Thebans demand back ten talents from the Romans. The beggar importuned the boy for money. The slave conceals the route from the lord. Of that my mother warned me. Of this you will often remind me. The

The young man was taught all the arts of war under Cæsar. consul was asked his opinion first. They demand of me my money.


C. Hannibal copias Iberum trajecerat. Cæsar omnem equitatum pontem transduxit. Balbus exercitum Rhenum transportavit. num, puer, circumduce hasce ædes.

Belga Rhenum transducuntur. Milites cito agmine forum prætervecti sunt.

C. I threw the army across the Rhone. The general carried his legions over the river. Cæsar led three parts of his forces across the Rhine.

The army was thrown across the Rhine.

S. Hannibal tacita cura animum incensus in castra rediit. Tremis ossa pavore. Virgo suffunditur ora rubore. Rex magno animum labefactus amore jussa Deum exsequitur. Restitit Æneas, os humerosque Deo similis. Nude brachia et pedes virgines saltant.

T. a. Da, pater, augurium, atque animis illabere nostris. Voluptas sensim illabitur in animos. Servus igni ligna imposuit. Servus ligna in ignem imposuit. Edui Belgarum finibus appropinquabant. Tempestas Bastarnas ad juga montium appropinquantes oppressit. Inde Tarquinius Latinis bellum fecit. Romulus ad regem impetum facit. Milites in hostes impetum fecerunt. incutit Pœnis. Papirius sciponem Decius se in medios hostes injecit. injecit. Tum genu ad terram dabo. Corpora dantur in altos rogos.

Extemplo improvisa res pavorem eburneum in Galli caput incussit. Numa civium animis deorum metum Rex præceps ad terram datus est.

b. Rusticus me ab latrone eripuit. Valerius ereptus e manibus hostium Cæsari restitutus est. Classem Cæsari eripiam. Cinyras nitidum vagina deripit ensem. Tegimen derepta leoni pellis erat. Consules pecuniam de ærario auferre jubentur. Mors bellum mihi passerem abstulit. Ea res omnem mihi spem abstulit. Nulla dies nobis moerorem e pectore demet. Patris tui adventus mihi omnem molestiam demit.

c. Tyrannus eorum concioni satellites armatos circumdedit. Aer omnibus est rebus circumdatus. Deus animum circumdedit corpore. Turnus in arma viros, armis circumdatus ipse, suscitat. Tigris urbi circumfunditur. Terram crassissimus circumfundit aer. Donavi puero quæ voluit, quæ postulavit. Rex scribam suam annulo aureo donavit. Clarissimo viro nonnullam laudatione tua labeculam aspersisti.


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