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A WRITER under the signature of V. in the Spectator for February and March, seems to think that Walker's Dictionary is good authority for pronunciation, but not for orthography. On this subject there is error or deception in public opinion, more extensively mischievous to the language and literature of this country, than any that has prevailed within the memory of man. I have therefore thought it a duty to seek for correct information on the subject, and to lay it before the public. From three gentlemen of education, who have visited England, within three years 'past, and who have been particular in their inquiries and observations, relative to a standard of pronunciation, I have obtained the following information.

Some gentlemen in England when asked whether Walker is their standard, have replied in the affirmative, but they acknowledge they do not follow him in some part of his notation. Other gentlemen when asked the question, have expressly denied that Walker is their standard-and others speak of Walker's Dictionary with pointed disapprobation. All gentlemen agree, that the only standard of pronunciation generally admitted, is the usage of respectable people, which is to be learned in good society. All the American gentlemen I have conversed with on the subject, say that Walker's pronunciation differs in many points, from the usage. Even Sheridan's chu or tshu, in such words as nature, virtue, is now considered as vulgar: elegant speakers having frittered it away, or softened it down to natyur, virtyu—and a large proportion of the stage cant in Walker's notation is wholly neglected.

Perhaps a better view of the facts

cannot be presented to the reader than the following, which is taken from the Dictionary of Stephen Jones, of London, author of the New Biographical Dictionary, the History of Poland, &c. This gentleman published a Dictionary a few years after Walker's appeared, evidently with a view to correct his errors. A gentleman who has compared the two works by numbering the differences of notation, and what are considered errors, in a great number of pages, and taking the average as the basis of the estimate, finds that Jones considers as errors and rejects about seven thousand of Walker's notations of vowels in four classes of words only; and the whole number including unaccented vowels, not reducible to any class, amounts probably to sen thousand. In most of these instances of correction, Jones' notation accords with the general usage of respectable men in England, and gives almost precisely the pronunciation in which the children of this country have been instruct ed ever since the revolution. This statement may be relied on as substantially correct.

From these facts it appears, that if Walker's scheme of pronunciation was correct when first published, forty years ago, which it probably was not, yet it does not now exhi bit the usage of the respectable part of the English nation; and the use of it in this country is certainly corrupting the pronunciation to an immense extent. That scheme carried to its full extent would be a greater inroad upon the genuine pu. rity of our language than any which has taken place since the Norman conquest. It would not only corrupt the language by multiplying its anomalies, already frightfully numerous, but would introduce a most

inconvenient and mischievous difference between the language of this country and of England.

I have only to add, that these facts show most prominently how

liable the people of this country are to be imposed on by foreign writers, reviewers, and booksellers.




THERE is a fashion in the reading, as in the other pursuits of men. Books are sought because they are read; or are neglected because they have ceased to be the subjects of familiar reference and remark. Thus it often happens that new and inferior productions are bought off by dozens to gratify a curious public, while the better treatises of a former day, on the same subjects, lie unthought of upon the shelf. The mines which our fathers wrought are abandoned, not because they have been exhausted, nor because richer ones have been opened, but only because the multitude are not seen as formerly thronging about them. This, it is apprehended, is beginning to be the fact, in regard to some of the best treatises of our immortal Edwards, and particularly his "Thoughts on the Revival in New-England." In these "times of refreshing," it is no doubt a primary duty of the church and particularly of her ministers to be intimately acquainted with the truth of God on a subject so unutterably important, and concerning which, as all acknowledge, errors abound. Various are the publications of the day, which have this for their object; and many of them are useful; but I have found scarcely a valuable thought in them all which is not contained in the treatise of President Edwards, and which is not hers elucidated with the precision

and force for which his writings are distinguished. Memorable was the occasion of this treatise. The revival had been in progress about eight years, and was now prevalent in every considerable section of New-England. It had been preceded by a general and long continued declension, and having commenced, it soon became rapid, powerful. and extensive, beyond example in this or almost any country. From the influence of both these causes the minds of men were not, in general, prepared duly to estimate it. In some, it excited only wonder, doubt, and opposition; while the zeal of others was mingled with ignorance, pride, censoriousness, wild extravagance, and a self-willed spirit of separatism. Not only men of sceptical views and dissolute habits, but respected ministers of the gospel, and revered civil magistrates were arrayed on the side of the opposition; and opposition, served only to embitter the zeal, and confirm the errors of the misguided, among its advocates. It was in these circumstances, that President Edwards appeared before the public in the work which has been named. The occasion demanded all the wisdom, piety and experience, for which he was even then renowned; and is enriched with them all. The occasion is past; but the "Thoughts" which it produced remain; and, though too little known, they must survive while the history of revivals

shall be traced. Especially pertinent as they were to the day in which they were written, they are yet in general applicable to scenes of revival now, and are even more interesting on account of their reference to a state of things then existing, than they could be in a form of more abstract discussion.

The work is divided into five parts-errors in judging of the revival-obligations on all to acknowledge and promote it-particulars in which the subjects and promoters of it have been injuriously blamed-what things should be corrected or avoided in promoting it-and what should be done to promote it. It is not my design to give a more particular analysis of the work. To those who own it, this would be needless, and to others, it would be unsatisfying. My wish is to recal it to the attention of Christians-and particularly to recommend it to the careful perusal of Christian ministers. There are, however, a few particulars,concerning which, it may not be impertinent to permit it to speak directly, through the medium of these pages, to readers who have not the work at hand.

effects on the bodily frame of some of the subjects, or by a comparison of other circumstances of the work, with those which history or observation had connected with fanaticism; or, more generally, they neglected to distinguish the good from the bad, and rejected the work on account of things which were merely accidental to it. In such errors of a former day, it is not difficult to trace the thoughts of many who discredit the revivals of the present time. The last especially, I apprehend, is unhappily common not only among avowed unbelievers, but also among serious hearers of the gospel. They have witnessed the scenes of revival-they have found the goodness of many like the morning cloud soon vanishing away-they have observed the fervor of accredited professors of religion gradually declining into spiritual indifference and worldly conformity;--they have every year found new evidence of self-delusion which originated in a state of prevalent religious excitement; and in view of these results, the desire for a recurrence of such an excitement, if it struggle for a doubtful existence in their bosoms, has no practical energy there. Would such persons candidly consider the unquestionable "fruits of right eousness," which remain; would they distinguish the good from the bad; would they compare the char acter of churches blessed with revivals at this day, with the mingled features of the church as drawn in the scriptures, under the first outpouring of the Spirit, instead of being "shut up in unbelief," they might be found "waiting for the

1. President Edwards insisted that the Scriptures be made the standard in judging of revivals. Some erred, in forming their judgment a priori, without reference to the Scriptures as their rule; and because the effects which they saw, or the manner in which those effects appeared to be produced, or the instruments and means employed, did not accord with their preconceived opinions, they condemned the work as a false pretence, or a fanatical delusion.-promise of the Father." Pertinent They set up a "rational scheme" to such persons is the appeal of of religion as their standard, and President Edwards, when, having so found nothing "sober and solid" described the change in the moral in the revival;" nothing but flash aspect of New-England, he says, and noise," "transports of zeal and flights of passion;"-or their judgment was decided merely by the

"Is it not strange that in a Christian, orthodox country, and such a land

of light as this is, there should be many at a loss whose work this is, whether the work of God, or the work of the Devil? Is it not a shame to New-England, that such a work should be much doubted of here? Need we look over the histories of all past times, to see if there be not some circumstances and external appearances that attend this work, that have been formerly found among enthusiasts ? Whether the Montanists had not great transports of joy, and whether the French Protestants had not agitations of body? Blessed be God, he does not put us to the toil of such enquiries. We need not say, who shall ascend into heaven, to bring us down something whereby to judge of this work. Nor does God send us beyond the seas, nor into past ages, to obtain a rule that shall determine and satisfy us. But we have a rule near at hand, a sacred book, that God himself has put into our hands, with clear and infallible marks, sufficient to resolve us, in things of this nature; which book, I think, we must reject, not only in some particular passages, but in the substance of it, if we reject such a work as has now been described, as not being the work of God. The whole tenor of the gospel proves it; all the notion of religion, that the Scripture gives us, confirms it."

It was the hope of President Edwards, that the revival in his day, was only the commencement of a new and permanently happy state of the church; and that the evidences of human weakness which then appeared, were designed, in the wisdom of God, as needful and salutary admonitions to his servants, in the continuance and progress of his work. This hope is found to have been not entirely vain. The irregularities of that day have undoubtedly served to promote the wise conduct and happy results of revivals since yet probably human weakness can never be entirely separated from God's most gracious operations. Were this duly considered, it would render us slow to discredit the genuineness of a revival, or the piety of those who have instrumentally promoted it, merely VOL. I.-No. VI.


because, in our view, it has been attended with indiscretions-while it would also render us cautious, in circumstances of strong excitement, lest our indiscretions should hinder or dishonour what we believe to be God's work.

"It surely cannot be wondered at, by considerate persons," says our author, "that at a time when multitudes all over the land have their affections greatly moved, numbers should run into many errors and mistakes with respect to their duty, and consequently into many acts and practices that are imprudent and irregular. I question whether there is a man in New-Esgland, of the strongest reason and greatest learning, but what would be put to it, to keep master of himself, thoroughly to weigh his words and consider all the consequences of his behaviour, so as to conduct himself in all respects prudently, if he were so strongly impressed with divine and eternal things, and his affections so exceedingly moved, as has been frequent of late among the common people. How little do they consider human nature, who look upon it so insuperable a stumbling block, when such multitudes of all kind of capacities, natural tempers, education, customs, and manners of life, are so greatly and variously affected, that imprudencies and irregularities of conduct should abound; especially in a state of things so uncommon, and when the degree, extent, swiftness, and power of the operation, are so very extraordinary, and so new that there has not been time and experience enough to give birth to rules for people's conduct, and so unusual, in times past, that the writings of divines do not afford rules to direct us in such a state of things."

2. President Edwards urged the importance of a clear elucidation and a bold and pungent application of evangelical doctrine in revivals of religion. There is a growing apprehension, in some of the enlightened friends of evangelical religion, that there is a defect of solid instruction in some of the revivals of the present day. The doctrinal

preaching under which revivals twenty years ago were so happily conducted, and by which they have resulted in substantial fruit, it is Said, is now scarcely to be endured. Something more heart-stirring is demanded. How extensively there is cause for this complaint I am by no means competent to decide. That there may be a religious excitement prevalent among a people, without a distinct and deep impression in their minds, of those doctrines which are most essential to the system of evangelical truth cannot be doubted. Let their attention be frequently summoned to glowing descriptions of a state of religious excitement in their vicinity; let them be made to regard this as the most important of blessings; let strong appeals be made to their hopes and fears concerning their experience of it; when individuals receive the impression let every advantage be taken of human sympathies to extend the feeling; when the alarm is spread let the conditions of acceptance with God be announced in the most general and undefined terms, and be urged by every motive that can be brought to bear upon the selfishness of the heart, and at the same time let those truths concerning the character and government of God, and the nature of evangelical obedience to which the selfishness of the heart is repugnant, be kept out of sight or slightly considered, and it is natural to suppose that, if some are truly converted, the greater part, though excited, interested, and in some respects changed, are yet not renewed in knowledge after the image of God.

Their fears have been awakened; their consciences have been burdened; a peaceful transition at the knowledge of a compassionate Deliverer has been felt; a flow of gratitude and joy has succeeded, and a hope of salvation has been conceived, while that same selfishness which, from the dawn of life,

has been the germ, the essence, the pervading principle, of their sin, remains in full strength to urge them onward, when the first transports of false affection are over, in a course of more decent, perhaps, but more dangerous, because less suspected, apostasy from God. When sinners are born again, it is "with the word of truth." Holy feeling is never an unaccountable effect without the mind's perceiving an adequate object. Its foundation is enlightened principle. Not only the general character, but the particular shape and form, in every feature and line of God's image,is received from the impression of God's word. the letter of recommendation, written by the Spirit of the living God, and by the instrumentality of the messengers of his truth, upon the fleshly table of the heart. Whether the truth be ministered clearly, powerfully, and in its native symmetry and connexion, or partially, feebly, and incoherently, such will be" the image and superscription;" or if the mass be only melted and agitated with no impression of truth, but only of sectarian prejudices, airy visions, or doctrines of men in hostility to the government of God, such also will be the character of the man.

There is, however, a kind of preaching called doctrinal, which though evangelical truth be the subject, is little calculated to promote a revival. It is clear, and correct, and learned; but it wants application, and warmth, and life. If philosophical speculation; or curious disquisition; or elaborate discussion of acknowleged truths; or mere discussion of any kind, be meant by doctrinal preaching, there is no congregation in a season of spiritual revival that would welcome it. Both their consciences and their condition at such a time most solemnly demand that the preaching be plain, pungent and affectionate-that the doctrines of

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