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It is hoped that a volume of Extracts from Cicero, bringing together from all parts of his writings specimens of his simple narrative style, will be useful for the middle forms of schools, and help to supply the want that is felt of a good construing book, interesting in itself and fairly easy, to succeed Cornelius Nepos and Caesar, while at the same time it will furnish a good model of style for translation into Latin of such passages of English as are usually set to beginners. The Editor has also found the shorter Anecdotes useful in teaching the rules of the Latin moods, by making boys turn those that are in Oratio Recta into Oratio Obliqua, and vice-versa. They are also well adapted for translation and re-translation.

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In consequence of the wish for short and cheap Textbooks expressed by some of the leading Masters of Schools, it has been published in three separate parts, as well as in one complete work. Each part is followed by short notes on the passages given, in which the Editor has endeavoured to avoid inserting anything which may be readily found in a Classical Dictionary or Dictionary of Antiquities, or other common book of reference, but has sought to give such assistance as may help boys in making out their author, and point out to them the usages and idioms and points of grammar which it is important for them to attend to, as a foundation on which higher matters of scholarship may be built afterwards.

The Editor is unwilling to allow the complete work to appear without adding a few words of acknowledgment and thanks. He has derived help from the notes of Mr. Long on the passages from the Verrine Orations, and on Cicero's letter to Quintus, and also from the Oxford edition of the Tusculan Disputations; and for several illustrations of passages from the De Officiis he is indebted to the elaborate edition of Mr. H. A. Holden. The translations of sentences and passages were in all cases made previously to any reference to other editions.

His special thanks are due to his friend, the Rev. Dr. Mitchinson, Head Master of the King's School, Canterbury, for valuable suggestions and contributions to the notes on various points of Physiology and Natural History in the 'Beauties of Nature.'

It may, perhaps, be well to mention that the selection of passages is entirely original, and not in any degree borrowed from any other work.


Nov. 27, 1869.

The work has now been carefully revised throughout, and the errors which have been discovered corrected: the punctuation has also, it is hoped, been improved.


Νου. 4, 1873.







1. The Nature of God.

ROGES me quid aut quale sit deus, auctore utar Simonide, de quo quum quaesivisset hoc idem tyrannus Hiero, deliberandi sibi unum diem postulavit. Cum idem ex eo postridie quaereret, biduum petivit. Quum saepius du5 plicaret numerum dierum, admiransque Hiero requireret cur ita faceret; Quia, quanto,' inquit, 'diutius considero, tanto mihi res videtur obscurior.' Sed Simonidem arbitror, (non enim poeta solum suavis, verum etiam ceteroqui doctus sapiensque traditur), quia multa venirent in mentem acuta 10 atque subtilia, dubitantem quid eorum esset verissimum, desperasse omnem veritatem.

2. Friendship not to be bought.

Praeclare epistola quadam Alexandrum filium Philippus accusat quod largitione benevolentiam Macedonum consectetur: Quae te, malum,' inquit, 'ratio in istam spem induxit, ut eos tibi fideles putares fore, quos pecunia corrupisses? An 5 tu id agis ut Macedones non te regem suum, sed ministrum

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