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Thomas Barnes.

Peter Butler.

Isaac Browne. John Bennet. John Namum. Wm. Beeder. Josiah Burrows. John Bassett.

Joel Beers.

John Beers. Sam'l Blackman. David Blackman. Charles Bulkley, Ebenezer Bradley. Daniel Brewer. Daniel Bostwie. Amherst Bartlett. Hosea Birge. John Burrows. Timothy Bevins. Dan'] Butterfield. Joseph Bently. Daniel Bushnell. Sam'l Brooks. Noah Bamum.

Richard Bacon.

John Burnham.
Asa Butler.
Jacob Browne.
John Barnes.
Willm. Browne-10
Chas. Churchill.
Caleb Curtis.

Felix Curtis.

Samuel Cole. James Chadwick. Willm. Chapman. John Chapman. Jesse Chalker.

Azariah Grant.
John Graves.

John Gayles.

Joseph Gilbert.
Theodore Gilbert.
Josiah Gaylor.
Solomon Goodrich.
Alexander Graham.
Simon Griffen.
James Goodrich.
Gurdor Geer.
Daniel Gilman.
John Goodrich.
Samuel Grant.
Joseph Goldsmith.
Simeon Holmes.
Jonathan Hand.

Thomas Holmes.
Moses Hatch.
Joseph Hand.
Aumna Hackley.
Eliphalet Hills.
Wm. Hooker.
Samuel Hanson.
Timothy Hulburt.
Ebenezer Hoadley.
Prosper Hosmer.
Sam❜l Hull.
Hiland Hull.
Roderic Hopkins.
George Hopkins.
Joshua Howe.
Timothy Higgins.
Titus Hubbard.
Daniel Hamlin.
Elisha Hubbard.
John Hopkins.
Joel Hoyt.
Sam'l Holmes.

Samuel Norton. Epaphras Nott. Thomas Norton. Jabez Norton. Nounan Newell. Francis Nichollson. Riveisus Newell. Timothy Olmsted. Guambiel Olmsted. George O'Bryan. John F. Ockerman. William Oaks. Francis Olmsted. Wyman Parker. John Parker. Richard Price. George Price.

Amos Porter.

Moses Porter.
Elijah Porter.
David Pratt.
Peter Phillips.
Willm. Patterson.
Samuel Phillips.
Richard Perry.

Samuel Parker.

Samuel Pufford.

Zera Page.

Daniel Pufford.

William Prior. John Phillips. Simeon Puffer.

William Predox.

William Powell.

James Pratt. Isaac Payne. Robert Patterson. Thomas Quigley. Asher Russel.

Benj. Cirecum.

Cotton Chittendon.

Adam Cramer.

Wm. Circum.
Phineas Chapin.
Phineas Cadwell.
Will Chadwick.
David Covil.
Levi Crowell.

Gideon Chittendon.
Timothy Cole.

Robert Colefax.

John Circum.
Amaziah Chappell.
Brewster Chappell.
Moses Clarke.

James Clarke.

Joshua Cone.

Thomas Case.

Joshua Carpenter.
Willm. Clarke.
James Christie.
Mathew Cadwell.

Reuben Cadwell.
David Chapin.
Joel Couch.
Curtis Crane.
Elisha Cole.
Timothy Chapin.
Thomas Colvin.
Joel Clarke.
David Curtis.
James Charleton.
Benjamin Dix.
Zebulon Dudley.
Westbrook Day.
Joseph Day.

Stephen Dormant.

Asa Hull.

George Hayward. Walter Harris. Will'm Hall. Icabud Hawley. Stephen Hulburt. George Hills.

Alexander Hay. Bazaleel Hamlin.

Edward Harrington.
John Harrison.
James Hiskett.
John Hull.
Stephen Ingham.
Sam❜l Ingham.
Eppa Jones.

Frederick Jackson.

Richard Jones.

Wm. Jefson.

Aaron Jones.

Wm. Jones.

Thomas Johnson.
Ebenezer Judkins.
Jonathan Johnson.
Stephen Kellogg.
Seth Kellogg.
James Kirtland.
Ony King.
Isaac Kellogg.
Christopher Kilby.
George King.
Joseph Lamb.

Thomas Loveland. Levi Latimer. Israel Loomis. Jeremiah Lord. David Lounsbury. Fitch Lamppere. William Lewis.

Sam'l Roberts.
Amos Raymond.
Moses Ritter.
Stephen Risley.
James Ready.
Joseph Reed.
Joseph Robbins.
Elijah Roberts.
Daniel Roberts.
Joseph Rowlandson.
Stephen Robert.
Josiah Robbins.
Agwell Rockwell.

Noah Roberts.

Roswell Richardson.

Amos Rose.

David Roberts.

Thomas Raymore.

Ephriam Robertson.

Daniel Syzer.

Daniel Stoddard.

Samuel Spencer.
Thomas Scott.

Asaph Smith.
John Steel.
John Swaddle.
Bela Scovil.
Ely Simons.

Joseph Simons.
James Spencer.
Stephen Scovil.
Thomas Stone.
Phineas Shepard.
Elias Seymour.
Aaron Stevens.
Jehosaphat Starr.
Amy Sperry.
Israel Starks.
Joseph Sharps.

Martin Dibble.

David Day.

Zacheriah Seymour.
David Scribner.

Ebenezer Sawyer.
John Sweet.

Jessy Starr.

Barnabus Stevins.

Seth Staynard. Samuel Sperry. Thomas Stanley. Elihu Stowe. William Sutton. William Syles. George Smith. John Scroder. Joseph Treat. Ezra Tyron. John Treat. Phillip Tabor. John Turner.

Phillip Lewis.
Michael Loma.
Josiah Treadway.
Jacob Teal.
William Thrawl.

Matthew Thompson.
John Taylor.

Thomas Turner.
David Vibbard.

John Vibbard.
Jesse Vibbard (3).
Samuel Weaver.
Daniel Ward.
Daniel Williams.
William Warner.
Ralph Williams.
William Whiting.
David Wood.
Jonathan Wood.
Thomas Welch.
Alvah West.

[blocks in formation]

Samuel Smith.
Prentice Stoors.
Prosper Wetmore.
James Whayland.
Jonathan White.
Gideon Welles.
Jonathan Waterman.
Darius Waterman.
William Winnans.
Amos West.

Thomas Wattles.
Joel Welton.
Jesse Wilkinson.
John Wright.
Ezekel Winchell.

Joshua Welles.
Elihu Waters.
George Warden.
Valentine Wilmot.
Rayoliel Washburn.
Benjamin Weston.
Thomas Warner.
John White.

Thomas Woodward.

[blocks in formation]

I do hereby certify that the above-named 414 men were enlisted into my regiment in the year 1777, and that they all received their full bounty.


Col. of 3d Conn't Reg't.

I, Amnah Hackley, have this day voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the Army of the United States of America, in the Regiment commanded by Colonel Samuel M. Webb, to serve during the war, unless sooner discharged. And I do bind myself to conform in all instances to such rules and regulations as are, or shall be published for the government of said Army.

Witness my hand, the 9th day of December, 1777.


Extract from the Orders of his Excellency.


Jan'y 10th, 1782.

As it is expected that in the course of the present winter, many of the officers and men belonging to the Army of the United States, will be indulged with leave of absence from their corps for a limited time; and it is absolutely necessary that the strictest punctuality should be observed in returning at the expiration of the time to which their furloughs are granted; the commander-inchief has thought proper thus early in the season to signify his first determination to all concerned, that every officer or soldier who shall absent himself beyond the limitation of his furlough, unless he shall be prevented from returning by some inevitable misfortune or other casualty which shall be deemed a sufficient reason for his detention, shall, for such conduct, be brought to trial before a court martial. Upon the return of any officer, who may have violated this order, by absenting himself beyond the time of his furlough, report is immediately to be made thereof to the Adj't General or deputy Adj't General, who is to represent the same to the General or Commanding officer, that the necessary steps may be taken without delay.

The mode of proceeding against officers as pointed out by a resolution of Congress is to be invariably pursued.

Soldiers are also to be tried and punished in the most summary manner, if they will be guilty of crimes so injurious to the public service as well as to the interest and feelings of their brother soldiers who may, in consequence of the absence of such delinquents, be unavoidably debarred the gratification of visiting their friends before the opening of the campaign.

The General, however, cannot but hope by the taking the precaution of causing this public notice of his intention to be given to the army, the disagreeable consequences will be prevented which might otherways take place, for he is pursuaded who ever will give himself the trouble to reflect, will find that as great indulgences as are consistent with the public good and justice to individuals are granted in the first instance; that as a certain number of officers must be constantly kept in Camp-every trespass upon those indulgencies is an act of injustice to the individual who is detained, in consequence of it; probably in the issue to the public the

mest pointed exactness is indispensably requisite in all military affairs, events unknown frequently of the greatest magnitnde, depending upon it, and that those men who have attached themselves to the service of their country, should consider that the public has a constant claim upon their services, which can only be dispensed with under certain circumstances, and for definite periods, of which those interested with the regulations of the army, must be supposed to be the competent judges. No officer or soldier is to be permitted to be absent on furlough, after the 10th day of April next, on any occasion whatever.


Adj't General.

Names & Rank of Officers in the 3d Connecticut Regiment.

[blocks in formation]
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