Tenure rights and obligations: Towards a more holistic approach to land governanceFood & Agriculture Org., 13 lug 2021 - 54 pagine This study explores the limits to rights – and the interplay of rights and obligations – in land and natural resource governance. Drawing on legal developments from diverse thematic and geographic contexts, it aims to provide conceptual foundations for legal interventions to support the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT). Three clarifications are in order. First, an obligation can have both moral and legal dimensions; this study is primarily concerned with legal obligations. Second, the study takes a holistic approach to natural resource governance but focuses on land and surface resources. Third, while the study engages with the text of the VGGT, it also examines selected developments in national law – including constitutional, property, and natural resource law – and international law, particularly on human rights, the environment, and foreign investment. The study does not aim to provide a comprehensive discussion of these issues. Instead, it aims to outline the issues and encourage readers’ further reflection and debate. |
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Acquisition action activities actors affect affirm Africa agrarian reform agreements Agriculture applicable approach to land areas arrangements bundle collective communities concept concerns connection conservation consider Constitution context Convention Cotula countries Court customary decisions Depending diverse economic Environment Environment and Development environmental establish example expropriation Food forest groups guidance holistic approach human rights Illustrative impact implementation Indigenous international law investment investment treaties investors involve issues Journal land and resource land governance Land Reform legislation limitations and obligations measures natural resource Organization ownership particularly parties political practice Principle processes productive promote protection public authorities public interest public purpose recognize reflect regulations relations relevant requirements resource governance resource rights respect responsibilities Review rights and obligations rules rural Security social function specific sustainable tenure right holders territorial treaties typically United Nations University vary VGGT