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B. Traduisez en français:


(Écrivez tous les nombres en toutes lettres)

July 30, 1925 Here we are, my brother and I, in the Alps. We left Paris last month and, after passing a few weeks in Switzerland, we came to Chamonix, a pretty village, at the foot of the mountains, where we are having a fine time. We are here because we wanted to climb to the top (sommet, m.) of Mont Blanc. That is not easy to do. You can reach the top only when it is fine weather and you need several guides. One morning we set out early to make the ascent (ascension). We walked for three hours and then suddenly we saw some black clouds above a mountain. Instead of disappearing the clouds came toward us and it began to rain. Soon it was snowing and we had to return to the hotel. However, a few days later we succeeded in reaching the top. We did not come down from the mountain as fast as your old friend Tartarin; you will remember that he came down on his back much faster than he went up. I am sorry you cannot be with us here, but we shall see you again as soon as we arrive in New York.

Cordially yours,


C. Écrivez une composition d'environ cent mots sur un des sujets suivants: 1. La nuit dans une grande ville et la nuit à la campagne.

2. Une région intéressante à visiter aux États-Unis.

3. Une lettre à un jeune Français qui vous demande des renseignements sur votre école.

D. Traduisez en français: (1) If they find the books, they will give them to him. (2) Let him give you some money; you will need some. (3) Has she been a long time in Paris? She has been there two weeks and she is leaving today. (4) That man is six feet tall.

E. Écrivez les phrases suivantes en mettant au temps et au mode convenables les verbes laissés à l'infinitif: (1) Dès que le jour (apparaître) nous nous mettrons en route afin qu'il ne (craindre) pas d'arriver en retard. (2) Nous ne devons pas faire aux autres ce que nous ne (vouloir) pas qu'ils nous (faire). (3) L'honneur commande que nous (tenir) nos engagements bien que cela (pouvoir) nous déranger de temps en temps. (4) Celui qui rit des autres (devoir) craindre qu'on ne (rire) de lui. (5) Quoique nous (savoir) déjà tant de choses, il y en a infiniment plus que nous (ignorer).



Saturday, June 20

Answer ten questions.

9 a.m. Two hours

Answer one question from Group I, one question from Group II, two questions from Group III, three questions from Group IV, and three additional questions selected from any of the groups.

No extra credit will be given for more than ten answers.


(Answer at least one question from this group)

1. a) Give three different proofs that the earth's surface is curved.

b) Give two proofs that the earth is a sphere.

2. Explain what is meant by magnetic declination and illustrate by a diagram. 3. a) What is meant by the "inclination of the earth's axis"?

b) What effects are produced by this inclination?


(Answer at least one question from this group)

4. Explain the origin of shore currents and describe the effects produced by them. 5. Account for high and low tides and explain what is meant by spring and neap tides.

6. Compare the ocean floor with the land surface as to topography and material.


(Answer at least two questions from this group)

7. Explain the lag of the seasons.

8. Make a diagram showing, by means of isobars, a low and a high pressure area in the North Temperate zone, and indicate the direction of the winds and the area of probable precipitation. Sketch on the diagram two isotherms showing how the temperature will be influenced by these centers.

9. Give reasons why a body of water warms less quickly than do lands in the same region. How does the fact that water both warms and cools less quickly than land affect the climate of regions across which winds blow prevailingly from off a large body of water?

10. Mention five important functions of the air or of its constituents and explain how each function affects your daily life.



(Answer at least three questions from this group)

11. Make a contour map of a hill 200 feet high, having a narrow valley on one side; contour interval to be 20 feet. What are the advantages of a contour map as compared with other maps?

12. Describe the topography of a flood-plain and tell how these features originated.

13. Where were the centers located from which the continental glaciers of the Ice Age in North America started? How far south did the ice extend in North America? Cite four different conditions or things which are evidence that the glacial ice did cover what are now temperate lands in North America.

14. Describe and explain a laboratory exercise in physical geography (on a subject not covered by any of your other answers) performed by you under the direction of your teacher.

15. Define five of the following: atoll, pothole, geographic cycle, igneous rock, feldspar, water table, stalactite, monsoon, geyser, loam.




(The examination in Third Year or Intermediate German (German B) is printed on a separate sheet.)

Friday, June 19

2-5 p.m.

Read carefully the following directions before answering any of the questions. NOTICE IN REGARD TO TWO-YEAR (OR ELEMENTARY) GERMAN: Candidates offering Two-Year or Elementary German (German Cp.2 or German A) will take Parts I and II.

Candidates wishing to offer Two-Year or Elementary German (German Cp.2 or German A) and Third Year or Intermediate German (German B) will be expected to offer them not separately but together as Three-Year German (German Cp.3) and will take Parts II and III.

NOTICE IN REGARD TO THREE-YEAR (NOT THIRD YEAR) GERMAN: Candidates offering Three-Year German (German Cp.3) will take Parts II and III. Candidates who have already obtained credit for Two-Year or Elementary German (German Cp.2 or German A) and wish now to obtain credit for Third Year or Intermediate German (German B) will find the examination printed on a separate sheet.


Candidates offering Four-Year or Intermediate and Advanced German (German Cp.4 or German BC) will take Parts III and IV.

Candidates who have already obtained credit for Two-Year or Elementary German (German Cp.2 or German A) and now wish to obtain credit for Four-Year or Intermediate and Advanced German (German Cp.4 or German BC) will take Parts III and IV.

Take care to number and letter your answers exactly in accordance with this question


Read each passage through before beginning to write. In translation the use of clear and idiomatic English is required.


1. Translate into English:

Im Schlosse angekommen, lief Otto allein dem zurückkehrenden Vater entgegen. „Wo ist Leonie?" sagte dieser, sich nach ihr umsehend, und jetzt erst wurde das kleine Mädchen vermißt. Man rief und suchte, und die ganze Dienerschaft geriet in Aufregung. Der Graf runzelte die Stirn und ging mit gekreuzten Armen ungeduldig im Hofe auf und ab. „Das Fräulein ist gern im Pfarrhause, vielleicht behielt die Pfarrerin sie über Nacht," sagte der Verwalter zu ihm. „Man soll hingehen und sie zurückbringen, wenn sie dort ist," befahl der Graf. Da kam der Pfarrer selbst daher, (THIS EXAMINATION IS CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)

um seinen Gutsherrn bei der Rückkehr zu begrüßen. Das Kind sei nicht bei ihm, versicherte er. Alle sahen sich ängstlich an.

„Sie streift gern herum," meinte der Pfarrer besorgt; „sie hat sich wohl verirrt." „So müssen wir sie suchen!" rief der Graf und schritt selbst nach dem Stalle, aus welchem schon sein Pferd vorgeführt wurde. Alles lief hin und her, Otto wollte mit, und der Pfarrer hielt ihn nur mit Mühe zurück. In dieser Unruhe trat plötzlich Leonie, erhitzt und atemlos, unter das Tor des Hofes.

2. a) Give, in German, the nominative singular, genitive singular, nominative plural, and dative plural, of: (1) our good soldier, (2) that new book, (3) their beautiful child, (4) young gentleman, (5) the right hand.

b) Give the principal parts and the third person singular present indicative and subjunctive of the German for: burn, do, continue, visit, bring back, work, fly, ride, break, think.

c) Give a synopsis of bitten in the third person plural of the indicative, active and passive.

1. Translate into English:


Vor dem Postgebäude fand ich einen von außen nicht sehr einladenden Wagen bereits auf mich wartend und neben demselben den Professor H., meinen würdigen Lehrer, dessen gütiger Empfehlung ich die Hauslehrerstelle verdankte, der ich entgegen fah. Ein letzter Händedruck, einige gerührte Dankes- und Abschiedsworte von meiner, einige mehr geflüsterte als gesprochene Warnungen von seiner Seite; das war alles, was der Augenblick gestattete; ich stieg―stürzte vielmehr in den Wagen, das Posthorn tönte, und fort rollten wir.

Neben mir saß ein Herr mit einem blaßen Gesichte. Ihm gegenüber saß ein junges Mädchen, deren Gesicht ein liebliches Gemisch von Seelenreinheit und Verstand ausdrückte. Sie trug einen Hut von schwarzer Seide und war in einen einfachen braunen Mantel gehüllt. Neben ihr befand sich ein junger Geselle, der von Gesundheit strotte. Seine Kleider bestanden trotz des kalten Schneewetters aus grauer Leinwand, und er schien so wenig von dem Einfluß der Witterung zu leiden, daß er eine Art Rock, den er darüber trug, nicht einmal zuknöpfte. Seine Hände waren groß und mäßig rein. Das war meine Reisegesellschaft.

2. a) Translate into German:

1. After we had waited half an hour for the carriage, it suddenly drove through the open gate.

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2. When it arrived in front of the inn we were all ready to get in.

3. If we had only known that we had so much time we could have stayed at home until half past ten.


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