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[blocks in formation]

reum facere, with the genit., 446
reus, with the genit., 446, note.
rhythm, of speech, 818; of verse,

-rimus, -ritis, termination, 165.
rite, 280.

rivers, names of, in us, used as
adjectives, 257.

rogare, with two accusatives,
393; with ut, 615.
rudis, with the genit., 436.
rursus, used pleonastically, 747,
in fin.

rus, construed like the names of
towns, 400.

itive, 436; the same principle
applied to other adjectives, 437. Saepe, 267, note 1; its degrees
relative clauses, in the construc- of comparison, 294.
tion of the accusat. with the saltem, meaning of, 274.
infinit., 603; in relation to two sapere, with the accusat., 383.
different sentences, 804.
Sapphic verse, 862, 865.
relative construction, changed sat, satis, with the genit., 432;
into the demonstrative one, satis esse, with the dative of
the gerund, 664; satis habeo,
relative pronouns, used instead and satis mihi est, with the in-
of demonstrative ones with et, finit. perfect, 590.
803; joined with conjunctions, satrapes, declension of, 46.
545, 547; in quoting the senti-satus, with the ablat. alone, 451.
ments of another person, 549; sciens, with the genit., 438, note.
used for ut, 556, 560, 567; in scilicet, 345, note.
general expressions, 561; used scito for sci, 164.
for quum, 564; after dignus,
&c., 568; to express a repeat-
ed action, 569.
relinquitur ut, 621.

reliqua, "for the rest," 459.
reliquum est ut, 621.

reminisci, construction of, 439.
remunerari, 461.
repente, 272.

reperire, with two accusat., 394.
reperiuntur qui, with the subjunct.,
repetundarum, 763.
reponere, 490.

reposcere, with two accusatives,

repugnare, with quominus and ne,


res, used in circumlocutions, 678.
resipere, construction of, 383.
restat ut, 621.

se and suus, in explanatory sen-
tences with the accusat. with
the infinit., 604; se in the ac-
cus. with the infinit., after the
verbs of promising and hoping,

se, the inseparable preposition,

secundum, meaning of, 303.
secus, adverb, 283; a substan-

tive for sexus, 84, 89, 428.
secutum and sequutum, 159, in fin.
sed and autem, 348, note; sed, sed
tamen, in the sense of "I say,'
739; ellipsis of sed, 781; sed
et, 335; sed is, 699.
semideponents, 148.
semis, 87, 103.

seorsus and seorsum, 290.
sequor and sector, with the accu
sative, 388.

revertor, as a deponent, 209, in fin. sequitur ut, 621, 622.

sereno, 646.

serere, in two significations, 200,
in fin.

servitutem servire, 384.
sestertius, sestertium, 873.
seu, 336; seu-seu, with the plu-
ral of the predicate, 374.
· sexcenti, sexcenties, in a general
and indefinite sense, 692.
short vowels, 16; in certain
words, 17.

si, for num, 354, in fin.; differs
from quum, 579, note; ellipsis
of, 780; si quid and aliquid,
708; si and nisi, with the im-
perfect subjunct. instead of the
pluperfect, 525; si minus, 343;
si nihil aliud, 771; si quisquam,
sibi, used pleonastically with suo,

sic, 281; used pleonastically, 748,

has different accents, 33, note.
sicut, meaning of, 282; with the
subjunct., 572.

siqua and siquae, 137, note.
siqui, siquis, 136, 708, 740.
similis, with the genit. and dative,

411,704; similiter ac, 340, note.
simul, with the ablat., 321; simul
-simul, 723.

simulac and simulatque, with the
perfect indicat., 506; with the
pluperfect, 507.

sin, 342; sin minus, sin aliter,
343, 731.

sine ullo, &c., 709.

singular, the, has a collective
meaning in the names of dif
ferent fruits, 92; is used for
the plural, 364, 373, note 1.
singuli, 119.
siquidem, 346.

sis, for si vis, 360.

sive, meaning of, 336 ; swe—sive,
339, 374, 522.

sodes, 360.

solere, for saepe, 720.
solum, 274.

solus, for solum, tantum, modo, 687.
spoliare, with the ablat., 460.
sponte, 90.

stare, with the genit., 444; with

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the ablat., 452; stat per me,
construction of, 543; stare ab
aliquo, 304, b.
statim, 272.

statuere, construction of, 489;
with the infinit. and ut, 611.
sterilis, with the genit., 436.
strophe, 931.

studere, with the dative, 412;
with the infinit. or ut, 610,
614; with the dative of the
gerund, 664.

studiosus, with the genit., 436.
suadeo, 615.

sub, meaning of, 319.
subject and predicate, 362, foll.
subjunctive, of the future, 496,
497; subjunctive in Latin and
English, 512; in hypothetical
sentences, 524; in interroga-
tive sentences, 552, 553; after
relative pronouns, 555, foll. ;
in explanatory clauses, 545,
foll.; the subjunctive of the
present and perfect, instead of
the indicat. of the future, 527;
subjunctivus concessivus, 529;
in doubtful questions, 530; the
subjunctive without ut, 625 ;
subjunct. of the present, used
as an imperative, 386, 529;
subjunct. perfect the same as
the subjunct. of the future per-
fect, 497, 524; the subjunct.
perfect, a softened indicative,
527; subjunct. perfect, instead
of the subjunct. present, 528;
instead of the indicat., 551;
subjunctive denoting repeated
actions, 569.

subito, meaning of, 272.
sublime, an adverb, 267.
substance and origin of things,
expressed by a termination,
250, 252.

substantives, verbal, used only
in the ablat. sing., 90, in fin. ;
substantiva mobilia, used as
adjectives, 102; comp. 41,
365; verbal substantives, con-
strued like their verbs, 681;
substantives expressed by a
participle. 637; used instead

of participles, 644; used as ad-
jectives, 257, foll.; instead of
adjectives, 102, 672; in cir-
cumlocutions, 678; pleonas-
tically, 773; substantives, par-
aphrased by qui with a verb,
714; two substantives con-
nected by a preposition and
extended into a proposition,
715; two substantives joined
together, the latter of which
defines the former, 741.
subter, 320, in fin., 489.
succensere, construction of, 412,

sufficere, with the dative of the
gerund, 660.

sui, sibi, se, 125, note; in paren-
thetical clauses, 550; sui for
se, with the genit. of the ge-
rund, 660.

summe and maxime, 106.

summum, 271.

[blocks in formation]

tamquam, an adverb, 282; a con-
junction, 572.
tandem, meaning of, 287.
tanti est, 444, note 1.
lantisper, 276.

tanto, with comparatives, 487.
tantum, "only," 274; with the
genit., 432; tantum abest ut-
ut, 779; tantum non, 729; tan-
tum ut, 726.

tantus, followed by qui, and ellip-
sis of, 556, 557; tantus-quan-
lus, 704.

taxare, construction of, 444.
-te, the suffix, 131.

temere, 280.

sunt qui, with the subjunct., 563; temperare, construction of, 414.

sunt, ellipsis of, 776.

super, meaning of, 320.
superare, with the ablat 488.
superesse, construction of, 415.
superest ut, 621.

superlative, its formation, 104,
3, 105, 109, foll.; strengthened,
108; with the genit., 429.
supersedere, construction of, 416.
superstes, construction of, 411.
supine, 153, note; 668, foll.
supplicare, with the dative, 406.
supra, meaning of, 303.
sus, declension of, 69.
suscipere, with the participle fut.
pass., 653.

sustuli, not derived from sufferre,

suus, instead of ejus, 550; oppo-
sed to alienus, 125, 550; suus
sibi, 746.

syllables, division of words into,
14, 2; doubtful syllables, 829.
synaeresis, 11.
synesis, constructio ad synesim,

syncope, in verbs, 160.

Taedet, construction of, 390, 441.

templum, ellipsis of, 762.
tempore and in tempore, 475.
tempori, "in good time," 63, note.
tempus est abire and abeundi, 659;
ellipsis of tempus, 763.
tempus impendere, with the dative
of the gerund, 664.
tenax, with the genit., 436.
teneri, with the participle perf.
pass., 592.

tenses, of the verb, 493, foll. ;
tenses of the subjunct., 524;
tenses used in the epistolary
style, 503.

tentare, with the infin. and ut, 614.
tenus, meaning of, 313.
--ter, 264.

Teos, declension of, 52, 3.
terra marique, 481.

Thales, declension of, 71, in fin.
Thebaicus and Thebanus, differ-
ence between, 256, in fin.
thesis, 827.

-ti, pronunciation of, 6.
ti or ci, orthography of, 6, note 1.
time, particles expressing time,
270; expressions of time in
the accusat., 395; in the ablat..

timens, with the genit., 438.
timere, construction of, 414.
titles, where they are placed with
names, 796.

-tor, trix, 102, 236.

toto, tota, ablat. without in, 482.
towns, names of in e, in the ablat.
e, 63, b. ; construction of names
of towns, 398.
tradere, with the participle fut.
pass., 653.

traditur, construction of, 507.
tranquillo, 646.

transjectus and transmissus, con-
struction of, 392.

tribuere, with the dative, 422.
trochaic verse, 832.

-tudo, the termination, 247.
tui, feminine, with the particip.
fut. pass. in the masc. gender,
tum and tunc, difference between,

285; tum maxime, 270; tum-
tum, 723; tum temporis, 434.
tu, in questions expressive of in-
dignation, 693.

U, instead of e, 2.

v, softened down into u, 3, note.
u, hardened into v, 3, note, 11.
vacare, 406.


with the ablat., 462, 468.
vae, construction of, 403.
valde, 107, 266.

valeo, construction of, 460, 463.
vapulo, 148.

ubi, with the genit., 434; with
the perfect indicat., 506; ubi
ubi, 128.

-ve, 330, in fin., 336, 337.
vehementer, 264, note 1.
vehi, construction of, 455.
vel and aut, difference between,
336; vel-vel, 339; vel, strength-
ening, 734; with superlatives,
108; in the sense of "for ex-
ample," 734.

velim, with the subjunct., 527,

velle, construction of, 424; with
the infinit. pass., 611.
vellem, meaning of, 528.

and velut si, with the subjunct.,

vendere, with the genit. or ablat.,

444; its passive veneo, 187.
venire, with the dative, 422; with
the genit. and ablat., 444.
venit in mentem, construction of,
439, foll.

verbs, neuter passives, 148; neu-
ter verbs joined with an accu-
sat., 144, 385; used imperson-
ally in the third person passive,
144; transitive verbs, used as
neuters, 143, 145; verbs with
a relative pronoun instead of
a substantive, 714; verbs re-
peated, 716, 717; their posi-
tion, 787, foll. ; ellipsis of verbs,
774; verbs compounded with
prepositions, 415; with trans,
392; passive verbs with the
dative, 419; with the accusat.,
according to the Greek fashion,

vere and vero, 266, note 1.
verisimile est, followed by the ac-
cusat. with the infinit., 600; by
ut, 623.
veritum est, used impersonally,


vero, meaning of, 266, 348; use
of in answers, 716; in the ap-
odosis, 716; ellipsis of, 781.
verses, feet of, 826.
versus, the preposition, 303.
vertere, in a reflective sense, 145;
with the dative, 422.
verum, verumtamen, 348, note,
739; verum enimvero, 349.
verum est, followed by the accu-
sat. with the infinit., 600; by
ut, 623.

vesci, construction of, 465, 466.
vestri and vestrum, difference be-
tween, 431.

vetare, construction of, 607, 617;

with quominus and ne, 543, 544.
vi and per vim, difference between,
455, note.

via, ablat. without in, 482.
vicem, instead of vice, 453.
vicinus, construction of, 411.

velut, "for example," 282; veiut, videlicet, 345, note.

videre ut, 614; construed like the
verbs of fearing, 534.
videres, cerneres, meaning of, 528,
in fin.

videri, construction of, 380; used
pleonastically, 751.

viri, compounded with numerals,


vitam vivere, and similar expres-

sions, 383, in fin.

vitio creati magistratus, 472, note.
ullus, 129, 709.

ultra, meaning of, 303; adverb,


ultro, 289.

ultum ire, for ulcisci, 669.
-ulum, the termination, 239.
-um, instead of arum, 45; in-
stead of orum, 51; in distribu-
tive numerals, 119, note 1.
-um, the genit. plur. for ium, 51.
unde, 344; with the genit., 434.
-unde, 344, note.
undecunque, 288.

-undus, instead of endus, 167.
uni, unae, una, 115, note.
unquam, 284, comp. 709, a.
unus, for solum, tantum, modo,
687; unus, with a superlative
and excellere, 691.
unusquisque, declension of, 138;
meaning of, 710.
rocare, with two accusatives, 394.
vocative, its position, 492; with
interjections, 403.

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usu venu už, 621.

usus est, used impersonally, 464.
ut, an adverb of similitude, 282,
531, note; a conjunction with
the subjunctive, 531, 613, foll. ;
in questions expressive of in-
dignation, 609; with the per-
fect indicat., 506; its place,
356; ellipsis of, 777; ut after
adjective expressions, instead
of the accusat. with the infinit.,
623; ut in the sense of "even
if," and in negative sentences,
ut non, 573; ut, equivalent to
"because," 726; ut-ita (sic),
726; ut ne, 347, note, 535; ut
non, 347, note, 532, 573; ut non
for quin, 539; ut primum, with
the perfect indicat., 506; ut
qui, 565.

utcunque, with the indicat., 521.
uter, its difference from quis, 431.
uterque, 141, note 2; with the

plural of the verb, 367; with
a genit., 430.

uti, construction of, 465, 466.
utile, est ut, 623.

utilis, construction of, 409; with
the dative of the gerund, 664;
utilis fuit, 518.

utinam, utinam ne, utinam non,
with the subjunct., 571.

utique, 282.

utpote qui, 565.

utrique, use of, 141, note 2.

volam, the future, use of, 509. utrum, 352.

volo, with the nominat. or the ac-utrumne, in double questions, 554.
cusat. with the infinit., 610;utut, 128; with the indicat., 521.
with the infinit. or the partici--uus, the termination, 249

ple perfect pass., 611; with uxor, ellipsis of, 761.

ut, 613; with the subjunctive
alone, 624; si voluero, 510.
voti and votorum damnari, 447.
urbs, used in apposition to names
of towns, 399.

urinor, 207.

-us, the termination, 237.

uspiam, 284.

Words, their accent, in reference
to rhythm, 828; formation of
words, 231, foll.; arrangement
of words in the formation of
sentences in prose, 786, foll. ;
in poetical compositions, 795

usquam, 284; with the genit., 434. Y, in Greek words, 1.

usque, 286, 322.

usquequaque, 289, in fin.

Zeugma, 775.


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