Ferment in Education: A Look Abroad

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John J. Lane
University of Chicago Press, 5 nov 1995 - 204 pagine
These eleven essays are a timely response by an international set of authorities to the deepening interest in research comparing educational systems from countries around the world.

The contributors chronicle the substantial growth and changing focus of comparative education, offer criticism of this type of research, and describe recent developments in education worldwide. Topics include a profile of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement and a summary of the organization’s key findings; the impact of international agencies like the World Bank on the reconstruction of schooling in Africa; the effects of social upheaval on education in Russia; the expansion of secondary education and independent schools in the new Czech Republic; the removal of vestiges of Communism from civic education in Romania; new forms of teacher training in Israel and China; and reforms in the entrance examination process in Japan.

The contributors are scholars at universities in Australia, China, Europe, Israel, and the United States, a Romanian school inspector, and a research pyschologist from the United States.


Nedelcu 60
Ariav and Aaron Seidenberg
Torsten Husén
The Dim Shinings of International Comparisons Gerald W Bracey

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