A POEM; IN SIX CANTOS; WITH NOTES AND A PREFACE; INCLUDING STRICTURES ON THE STATE OF THE ARTS, CRITICISM, PATRONAGE, PRINTED FOR WILLIAM MILLER, ALBEMARLE-STREET, BY W. BULMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, ST. JAMES'S. 1809. THE following pages contain, in six cantos, the three remaining books of a poem, which was printed some time since, under the title of "Rhymes on Art. " Why the present publication has been so long deferred, after the indulgent reception of that little essay, may perhaps, be thought to require some explanation; though it seems rather unnecessary, to account for the late appearance of that, the non-appearance of which at all, would probably, be as little remarked as regretted. The Author however, owes it to those who have honoured him by enquiring for his work, as well as to his own feelings of gratitude for the liberality which he has experienced, to say a few words on the subject: particularly, as the delay seemed to strengthen an impression, which |