C. Crispi Sallustii Belli Catilinari et Jugurthini historiaeTypis T. et J. Swords, 1808 - 196 pagine |
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... necessary for schools . In very concise notes , the peculiar style of Sallust is illustrated , grammatical difficulties resolved , geographical and historical aid given , orthographical archaisms noted , and the different readings of ...
... necessary for schools . In very concise notes , the peculiar style of Sallust is illustrated , grammatical difficulties resolved , geographical and historical aid given , orthographical archaisms noted , and the different readings of ...
Pagina 17
... necessary to the sense . c Qua . Conjuratione being understood . Other editions have quo , referring to the whole sentence , as an antecedent . d P. Autronius & P. Sulla . After these words in other edi- tions are inserted designati ...
... necessary to the sense . c Qua . Conjuratione being understood . Other editions have quo , referring to the whole sentence , as an antecedent . d P. Autronius & P. Sulla . After these words in other edi- tions are inserted designati ...
Pagina 18
... necessary for the priests , who had the charge of the Calendar , to have the first day of the month publicly proclaimed to the people . The nones were so called because there were nine days , counting inclusively , be- tween them and ...
... necessary for the priests , who had the charge of the Calendar , to have the first day of the month publicly proclaimed to the people . The nones were so called because there were nine days , counting inclusively , be- tween them and ...
Pagina 22
... necessary to the sense , are constantly and elegantly omitted . 1 Res Property . m Quid ubique . Sallust both here and elsewhere uses ubique for et ubi . n Tabulas novas . An abolition or remission of debts . The Romans kept their ...
... necessary to the sense , are constantly and elegantly omitted . 1 Res Property . m Quid ubique . Sallust both here and elsewhere uses ubique for et ubi . n Tabulas novas . An abolition or remission of debts . The Romans kept their ...
Pagina 43
... necessary . Permittit . This verb is omitted in some editions ; and it seems more elegantly understood . Letabatur . In some editions intelligens is inserted after le- tabatur , which appears superfluous . wx Perdunde reipublice . Cause ...
... necessary . Permittit . This verb is omitted in some editions ; and it seems more elegantly understood . Letabatur . In some editions intelligens is inserted after le- tabatur , which appears superfluous . wx Perdunde reipublice . Cause ...
Parole e frasi comuni
advorsum Africa alia alii amicitiam animus appears archaism arma armis authors avaritia being understood belli bello bellum Bocchus called Carthaginienses case castra castris Catilina caussa ceterum Cirta city consul copia cujus cuncta editions we find elegantly equites erant exercitum expressed expression facere first fore foret found frequently fuere haud hostibus hostis hostium hujuscemodi Igitur illi imperio imperium Italy jubet Jugur Jugurtha legatos less lubido magis magna Marius maxume meaning Metellus metu milites name necessary neque nobilitas Numidae Numidarum Numidia omitted omnibus omnis Patres conscripti paullo people person place plebis plural populi Romani postquam postremo praelio praeterea preposition public quć Quirites quisque quoniam quos read reading regis regnum rempublicam Romae Romam Romulus saepe Sallust same seems senati senatus sense sentence sese sicuti signifies simul sine soldiers some editions it sometimes state Sulla Sullae taken tamen their three Umbria understood used verb virtutem were word words
Brani popolari
Pagina 62 - Non divitiis cum divite, neque factione cum factioso, sed cum strenuo virtute, cum modesto pudore, cum innocente abstinentia certabat ; esse quam videri bonus malebat ; ita quo minus petebat gloriam, eo ilium magis sequebantur.
Pagina 61 - Igitur his genus, aetas, eloquentia prope aequalia fuere, magnitudo animi par, item gloria, sed alia alii. Caesar beneficiis ac munificentia magnus habebatur, integritate vitae Cato. ille mansuetudine et misericordia clarus factus, huic severitas dignitatem addiderat. Caesar dando, sublevando, ignoscendo, Cato nihil largiundo gloriam adeptus est.
Pagina 59 - Pro his nos habemus luxuriam atque avaritiam, publice egestatem, privatim opulentiam ; laudamus divitias, sequimur inertiam ; inter bonos et malos discrimen nullum ; omnia virtutis praemia ambitio possidet. Neque mirum, ubi vos separatim sibi quisque consilium capitis, ubi domi voluptatibus, hie pecuniae aut gratiae servitis ; eo fit, ut impetus fiat in vacuam rempublicam.
Pagina 53 - De poena possum equidem dicere, id quod res habet, in luctu atque miseriis mortem aerumnarum requiem, non cruciatum esse; eam cuncta mortalium mala dissolvere; ultra neque curae neque gaudio locum esse.
Pagina 4 - ... et invidia dicta putant, ubi de magna virtute atque gloria bonorum memores, quae sibi quisque facilia factu putat aequo animo accipit, supra ea veluti ficta pro falsis ducit.
Pagina 21 - ... viri? nonne emori per virtutem praestat quam vitam miseram atque inhonestam, ubi alienae superbiae ludibrio fueris, per dedecus amittere?
Pagina 50 - OMNIS homines, Patres conscripti, qui de rebus dubiis consultant, ab odio, amicitia, ira atque misericordia, vacuos esse decet.
Pagina 3 - Sed in magna copia rerum aliud alii natura iter ostendit. 3. Pulcrum est bene facere rei publicae; etiam bene dicere haud absurdum est;- vel pace vel bello clarum fieri licet; et qui fecere et qui facta aliorum scripsere, multi laudantur.
Pagina 5 - ... regressus, statui res gestas populi Romani carptim, ut quaeque memoria digna videbantur, perscribere; eo magis quod mihi a spe, metu, partibus rei publicae animus liber erat. Igitur de Catilinae coniuratione quam verissume potero paucis absolvam; nam id facinus in primis ego memorabile existumo sceleris atque periculi novitate.