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"Clean washed away by a wave of genuine Helicon, your only Spa for these hypochondries."

(c) "Auto da fé."


"And be revenged on them all

For brave Lord Percy's sake.

This vow full well the king performed."

(e) "I am none of her minions. I hold with the Persian."

(f) "Virgil's simile of a top."

7. Explain the meaning and the allusions in the following passages:

(a). ""Tis now become a history little known That once we called the pastoral house our


Short-lived possession."

(b) "Those fenceless fields the sons of wealth divide."

(c) "Down where yon anch'ring vessel spreads


the sail."

"Parent of sweet and solemn-breathing airs Enchanting shell."

(e) "In climes beyond the solar road."

(f) "The dauntless child."

8. (a) Give some account of Addison.

[blocks in formation]

(c) What is the story about Turnus and Æneas?

(d) "Which Tully tells us."

Who was Tully?

9. Name four of the principal figures of speech, say what purpose each. serves in composition, and give an example of each.

10. Write a short essay upon-Forests.


The Board of Examiners.

(Candidates are to select any two, but not more, of the four following periods.)

I.-1. In what parts of the British Islands and at what period were the chief Danish, settlements made?

2. What were the claims to the throne put forward by Stephen and by Matilda respectively?

3. Give some account of Thomas Cromwell, of the Protector Somerset, and of Sir William Temple.

4. Shew how on both sides James the First was descended from Henry the Seventh.

5. What was the Irish rebellion of 1641? How, if at all, did it affect the civil war in England?

6. Who were the members of the Cabal administration? What were the causes of its downfall?

II. 1. Give the locality of each of the following places-Anxur: Casilinum: Corinth: Lilybaeum Ostia: Sardis.


2. To what extent, if at all, do you consider the history of the early Kings of Rome legendary? Give reasons.

3. Trace briefly the history of agrarian legislation at Rome.

4. Mention the chief events in the life of Cato the Censor.

5. At what time, and under what circumstances, was the Roman conquest of Numantia effected?

6. Give the date and the chief events of the war with Jugurtha.

III.-1. Give some account of the colonies settled (1) by the Ionic race, (2) by the Doric race.

2. Give some account of the Amphictyonic Council.

3. What were the causes which led to the political legislation of Solon at Athens ?

4. Give the date and some account of the career of Alcibiades.

5. What is meant by "the Retreat of the Ten Thousand"?

6. Trace the progress of the power of Philip of Macedon.

IV.—1. Explain the effect upon the Roman Empire of the coronation of Charlemagne.


2. Explain the effect upon the Saracen power of the division of the Caliphate.

3. Trace the growth of the Papal power to the thirteenth century inclusive.

4. Trace the effect upon civilization in Europe of the revival of learning in Italy.

5. Give a short narrative of the career of William the Silent.

6. Where are the following places, and with what historical events are they respectively associated-Austerlitz: Corsica: Jassy: Milan?

1. Translate


The Board of Examiners.

(1) Ceux qui n'ont pas assisté au développement graduel des progrès à la Nouvelle-Galles, mais qui se bornent à considérer la colonie dans son état actuel de progrès, ne peuvent se faire qu'une faible idée des changements opérés. Il arrive encore souvent de rencontrer des gens qui, en racontant les vieilles aventures de la colonie, montrent l'endroit où ils venaient tirer des perroquets, dans la grande rue qui était alors un bois épais, et désignent le lieu ils abattaient des arbres sur l'emplacement même des plus belles


(2) Quel changement dans l'état des choses depuis vingt ans! Alors un anglais distingué fut obligé

d'aller à pied à Parramatta pour rendre ses devoirs au gouverneur, et comme ses bottes de kangarou lui avaient manqué en chemin, il lui fallut paraître au lever de Son Excellence, n'ayant pas d'autre chaussure que ses bas; car il eût été impossible d'acheter ou d'emprunter dans toute la ville de Parramatta, qui n'était alors qu'une collection de chétives huttes, une paire de souliers. (3) Nous arrivâmes à midi, après une marche de sept heures, au milieu de la plaine de Tyr, à un endroit nommé les Puits de Salomon; tous les voyageurs les ont décrits; ce sont trois réservoirs d'eau limpide et courante qui sort, comme par enchantement, d'une terre basse, sèche et aride, à deux milles de Tyr; chacun de ces réservoirs, élevé artificiellement d'une vingtaine de pieds audessus du niveau de la plaine, est rempli jusqu'au bord et déborde sans cesse; le cours des eaux fait aller des roues de moulins; les eaux vont à Tyr par des aquéducs moitié antiques, moitié modernes, d'un très bel effet à l'horizon. On dit que Salomon fit construire ces trois puits pour récompenser Tyr et son roi Hiram des services qu'il avait reçus de sa marine et de ses artistes dans la construction du Temple.

2. Translate into French

Edward, commonly called the Confessor, had resided many years in Normandy, and upon his return to England in 1043, he brought over with him a number of Normans. Under the influence of the King and of his foreign favourites, the whole nation began to imitate the manners of the French; and if we consider that the King himself, the principal officers of the state, and the

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