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Tout respire en Esther l'innocence et la paix.
Du chagrin le plus noir elle écarte les ombres,
Et fait des jours sereins de mes jours les plus


Que dis-je! sur ce trône assis auprès de vous,
Des astres ennemis j'en crains moins le courroux,
Et crois que votre front prête à mon diadême
Un éclat qui le rend respectable aux dieux même.

2. Translate into French

(1) An event was now impending which was to shake Europe to its foundations. To all outward appearance France was in a most prosperous condition. She was at peace with all Europe; she had achieved a triumph over England, her. ancient rival, by helping to emancipate her rebellious colonies; yet she was herself on the brink of a terrible convulsion. The French had been regarded in England as the slaves of an absolute monarch, and the first efforts of the revolution were looked upon by a large number of persons in this country as the first steps towards a system of constitutional freedom. The taking of the Bastille was almost as much applauded in London as in Paris.-Hume.

(2) It happened that Foote was at Paris at the same time with Dr. Johnson, and his description of my friend was abundantly ludicrous. He told me that the French were quite astonished at his appearance and manners, and at his dress which he wore exactly as in London: his brown clothes, black stockings, and plain shirt. He mentioned that an Irish gentleman said to Johnson, "Sir, you have not seen the best players." Johnson: Players, sir! I look on them as no better

than creatures set upon tables to make faces and produce laughter, like dancing dogs." "But, sir, you will allow that some players are better than others?" Johnson: "Yes, sir, as some dogs dance better than others."-Boswell.

3. Translate

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De quoi vous mêlez-vous ?
Ce chapeau lui va mal.
Il ne s'en tirera jamais.

Cela m'est tombé dans l'esprit.
N'êtes-vous pas de mon avis?

Le succès a dépassé mes espérances.

Cette découverte lui a valu la croix d'honneur.

Les assiégeants faillirent surprendre le garnison.

4. (1) Write down the plural of the following compound substantives :-Petit-maître, choufleur, chef-d'œuvre, tête-à-tête, arrière-saison. (2) When is quelque written in one word, and when in two words, quel que? Give examples of each case.

(3) Translate the following:

This prince is beloved by all his subjects.
Mexico was conquered by the Spaniards.

5. (1) How do French words derived from popular
Latin differ from words of learned origin
as regards the position of the tonic accent?
(2) From which Latin letters, either initial, medial,
or final, come the letters s and ss occurring
in modern French words?

(3) Trace the derivation of the following old infinitives:-Ouïr, quérir, frire, seoir, choir.

ROBT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer, Melbourne.


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