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its nature, but also in its duration; or, in other words, that it should have a due length in it, as well as what we properly call greatness.

3. Give the derivations of the following words :

[blocks in formation]

4. Write out the ten lines from Johnson's Vanity of Human Wishes which commence with the words "The festal blazes."

5. In the following sentences distinguish between the direct object and the adverbial adjunct or indirect object:

(a) He bought himself a horse.

(b) They made them coats.

(c) The sailor told him a tale.
(d) We sent him a journey.
(e) He struck the dog a blow.
(f) We brought him food.

(g) He continued a year travelling.

6. Explain the references in the following passages:

(a) Every man hath two birthdays.

(b) The lesson which the steward read upon Rash Judgment.

(c) Verrio and others.

(d) Hide, blushing glory, hide Pultowa's day.

(e) Fall in the gen'ral massacre of gold. (f) Marked out by dangerous parts he meets the shock.

(g) Where'er he turns he meets a stranger's eye.

7. Give a brief account of Cowper, and a list of his best known works.

8. (a) What are the functions of the infinitive ? (b) Where adverbs and prepositions are identical in form, how can you discriminate between them in the syntax of a sentence?

9. (a) What, according to Addison, are the chief evils induced by party spirit, and in what

does it culminate ?

(b) What is the homage which hypocrisy pays to virtue ?

(c) In what words does Cowper refer to his constitutional want of foresight?

10. Write a short essay upon-The Wind.


The Board of Examiners.

[Candidates are to select any two, but not more, of the four following periods.]

I.-1. What portion of the British Islands did the Romans occupy, and during what period?

2. What was the Feudal system? When and how was it introduced into England?

3. What was the Reformation? When and how was it completed in England?

4. What was the Restoration? When and how was it accomplished?

5. Where are the following places, and with what historical events are they respectively connected:-Cressy: Falkirk: Kenilworth: Maldon: Naseby: Shrewsbury?

6. Give some account of each of the following. persons:-Emma of Normandy: Philippa of Hainault Margaret of Anjou.

: :

II.—1. Give a short description of the Servian Constitution.

2. State the precise question at issue between Patricians and Plebeians. What event marks the final settlement of the dispute?

3. What were Spolia Opima? When, by whom, and under what circumstances were they gained?

4. Describe the concluding events of the Second Punic War and the terms upon which peace was made.

5. In what year and under what circumstances did Marius for the second time become Consul?


6. Where are the following places, and with what historical events are they respectively identified :-Clusium: Pergamus: Saguntum : Sentinum Ticinus: Tusculum?


III.-1. Give a geographical description of the region known in ancient times as Hellas. When did the name Greece come into use?

2. Describe each of the three great social classes in Sparta.

3. Describe each of the three great social classes in Attica.

4. Explain the origin and the object of the institution known as Ostracism.

5. Describe very briefly the leading events in Grecian history between the Persian and the Peloponnesian wars.

6. How and when was the Corinthian war terminated? What foreign power was a party to it?

IV.-1. Give a short geographical sketch of the dominions of Charlemagne.

2. Give a short account of the Franconian Emperors.

3. Give some account of each of the following persons-Bajazet: Hildebrand: John Huss: Manfred, King of Sicily: Michael Romanoff: John de Witt.

4. What was the origin of the League of the Swiss Cantons ?

5. Describe shortly the career of Frederick the Second of Prussia.

6. Give the leading causes of the wars of the French Revolution.

1. Translate


The Board of Examiners.

(a) Ce fut une surprise extrême pour toute l'Europe, attentive à la fortune de Charles XII, quand, au lieu de défendre son pays menacé par tant de princes, il passa en Norwége, au mois de mars 1716, avec vingt mille hommes. Depuis Annibal, on n'avait point encore vu de général qui, ne pouvant se soutenir chez lui-même contre ses ennemis, fût allé leur faire la guerre au cœur de leurs états. Le prince de Hesse, son beaufrère, l'accompagna dans cette expédition. On ne peut aller de Suède en Norwége que par des défilés assez dangereux, et quand on les a passés, on rencontre, de distance en distance, des flaques d'eau que la mer y forme entre des rochers; il fallait faire des ponts chaque jour. Un petit

nombre de Danois aurait pu arrêter l'armée suédoise; mais on n'avait pas prévu cette invasion subite. L'Europe fut encore plus étonnée que le czar demeurât tranquille au milieu de ces

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