Immagini della pagina
[blocks in formation]

amiable, 75.

amid, 38.
among, 526.
amphibious, 190.
an (numeral and ar-
ticle), 32, 38, 168,
226, 483, 495, 498,
an-(Greek prefix), 510.
AN, 166.

an- (Saxon), 606 a.
-an (adj.), 411, 419.
-AN (inf.), 305, 580 a.
-AN (lural form), 379.
analysis, 369.

analytic, 420.

anarchic, 420.
anathema, 369.

anathematize, 310.

anatomize, 310.

Anglian, 17.

Angle, 23.

anglisce, 49.

Anglo-Saxon, 17.
anguish, 75, 329.
animosity, 357.
animus, 363.


anis once, 515.
Annamese, 408.

anneal, 190.

anodyne, 510.

anomaly, 510.
anonymous, 510.
another, 498.
answer, 190, 606 a.
answerable, 404.
-ant, 401, 405.
antagonistic, 420.
antarctic, 420.
ante-, 606 c.

antecedent, 606 c.

[blocks in formation]

antechapel, 606 c.

Araby, 329.

[blocks in formation]

ancienter, 422.

antipodes, 606 d.

antiquity, 349.

antitype, 606 d.

anvil, III.

-ance, 355.

ancient, 218.

arbiter, 363.
arbitress, 384.
arcana, 363.
archæological, 418.
archæology, 190.
archaic, 420.
archaism, 365.
archangel, 190.
archbishop, 114.
architect, 140, 190,
architectress, 384.
Arctic, 420,

[blocks in formation]

array, 75.

arrearage, 56.

arrow, 316.

arrow-wounded, 607.
arsenal, 353.
arson, 332.

art (verb), 281.

art, 75.
-art, 342.

Artegall his, 572.
article, 234.

artificial, 75.
artistic, 406.

-ary, 411, 414, 419.
AS (Sanskrit), 252, 277,

as, 221, 471, 535, 536,

-AS (plural), 110, 378.
as... so, so, 536.

ascend, 560.

ascendant, 75.

ascetick, 161.

[blocks in formation]

-asm, 367.
aspect, 155.

aspen, 20.
asphalt, 190.

ass, III.
assay, 75.
assays, 181.
assemble, 75.
assent, 75.
assize, 75.

associative, 412.
-ASSUS, 320.
-ast, 367.
astern, 606 b.
asthma, 369.
-astic, 420.

astir, 606 b.

astony, 75.

asumere, 254.
asunder, 495.

at, 103, 113, 226, 254,
521, 606 a.
at all, 517.
at best, 448.

-A (of Saxon verb),263.
at intervals, 448.

at large, 448.

at last, 448.

at least, 448.

at leastwise, 518.

at length, 448.

at most, 448.

at next, 517.
at no hand, 518.
at once, 517.
at random, 448.
at worst, 448.

ate (preterite), 182,

-ate, 309, 361, 411,

atheism, 365.

atheist, 366.

athletic, 420.

ash, 20, 112, 315, 617. athwart, 606 b.

ash-house, 617.

-ation, 321, 358, 372.

Atlantic, 420.
atmosphere, 190.
atom, 364.
atomic, 420.
-ator, 359.

-atory, 411, 415.
attain, 75.

attainder, 330.
atte, 254.

attempted, 557.
attempting, 580 g.
.attercop, 372.
Attila, 377.
attitude, 362.

au (diphthong), 175,

au (French), 254.]
auctioneer, 340.
audible, 403.

audience, 75.

auditor, 75.

aught, 168, 479.
augrim, 353.
august (adj.), 157.
August, 157.
aulnage, 336.
aulne, 336.
aulneger, 336.
aunt, 175, 329.
auntie, 377.
auricular, 418.

auspicious, 190.
authentic, 75, 420.
authoritative, 412.
authority, 75.
authorship, 327.
auto-, 606 d.

autobiography, 606 d.
autocrat, 606 d.
autograph, 190, 606 d.
automatic, 606 d.
autonomous, 606 d.
autopsy, 606 d.
autumn, 190.
available, 403.
avarice, 345.

avaunt, 75.
aventure, 155.

average, 335.
avert, 606 c.

[blocks in formation]

ay, 102, 104, 179, 181,

182, 183, 184.

aye, 202.

[blocks in formation]

barbaresque, 407.
barbaric, 420.
bard, 20.
Bardic, 405.
bare, 267, 388.
barm, 316.

barn, 274.

barn-door, 226.
barony, 329.

barricade, 352.

barren, 75.

barrier, 339.

barrow, 316.

Bartholomew, 175.

basin, 343.

basis, 369.
basket, 20.
bastard, 342.
baste beast, 184.
bat, 103, 260.
bate, 267, 268.
bate, 103.
bath, 112, 113.
bathos, 369.
battery, 331.

battle, 75, 329.
battlement, 333.
Bavaria, 329.
Baxter, 385.

be-, 306, 559, 606 a.
be (verb), 5, 178, 255,
277, 278, 279, 281,
284, 291, 559, 578,
579, 581.
be off, 524.
beacon, 316.
beadledom, 323.
beadsman, 607.
ВЕАН, 267, 274.
beah-gifa, 603.
BEALH, 267.
beam, 20, 316.
bean, 20.

bear, 5, 11, 187, 267,


beast, 75, 179.

beat, beaten, 181, 267.
beatify, 308.

beating (Yarmouth),82.
beatitude, 362.
Beauchamp, 184.

beautify, 308.
beauty, 75.
BÊC, 381.

because, 534, 548, 606.
bechance, 306.
become, 267, 306, 559,
585, 606 a.

bed, 12, 315.

bee, 104, 178, 315.
beech, 5, 20.

beef, 41.
bee hive, 566.

been, 267, 278, 281.

befal, 306.
befit, 306.

before, 158, 220.
befriend, 306.
began, 124, 267, 296.
beget, 267, 306.
begin, 117, 124, 267,

beginning, 32.

begnaw, 306.

begrime, 306.

beguile, 306.

begun, 124, 267.

behalf, 234, 606 a.

behave, 306.

behead, 306.

behest, 606 a.

behold, 199, 267, 306.
behoof, 606 a.

behove, 306.

behowl, 306.

being, 280, 545, 580 e.
beleeue, 146, 184.
beleeued, 184.

BELGAN, 267.

belie, 306.

belief, 606 a.

belieffulness, 321.

believe, 184, 262, 303,

believed, 303.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

bestride, 306, 650.

betake, 306.

beteem, 306.

bethink, 306.

Bethlehemite, 363.

bethump, 306.

betide, 306.

betoken, 306.

betoss, 306.

betray, 79, 306.

betrim, 3o6.

betroth, 306.
better, 422.

between, betwixt,

606 a.
beuk, 267, 268.

bewail, 306.
beweep, 306.
bewet, 306.
bewitch, 306.
bewray, 79, 306.
BHU, 277.
bible, 75, 329.

bid, bidden, 117, 159,
267, 268.

[blocks in formation]

blanc-mange, 75.

blank, 400.

blatant, 405.

Blaunche, 175.

bleed, bled, 288.
blemish, 74.

blessing, 318.
blew, 267.

blight, 105, 317.
blind, 117.

blindness, 320.
bliss, 315.

blood, 12.

bloodthirsty, 604.
bloody, 394.
bloom, 20.
bloomy, 395.
blossom, 20.
blow, blown, 267.
board, 41.
Board School, 565.
boar-pig, 384.
boast, 75, 187.
boat, III, 315.
boatswain, 597, 601.
Bob, 373.

BOC, 274, 381.
bodie, 377.

bodkin, 317, 377.

body, 477, 640.

BOGEN, 274.
boisterous, 409.
bold, 388.
BOLGEN, 267.
bombastic, 406.
bond, 123.

[blocks in formation]

bravado, 352.

brave, 390, 400.
bravery, 331.

brazen, 391.

BREAC, 274.

bread, 12, 179, 315.
bread-and-cheese, 599.
breadloaf, 599.
breadth, 317.

break, 11, 181, 184,

breaking (inf.), 580 a.
breaking up, 501.
break-up, 501.

break-water, 597.

breast, 315.
breath, 260.



BRÊC, 381.
breeches, 20.

bred, 288.

BREDE, 274.

breed, 288.

BREGDE, 274.

[blocks in formation]

bring, 288.
brisk, 431.
Brittany, 329.
brittle, 389.
broad, III.
broaden, 305.
broad-shouldered, 607.
BROC, 381.

BROCEN, 274.

BRODEN, 274.
broided, 274.
broke, 267.

broken, 267.

brooked, 274.

brooklet, 377.

broomstick, 612.


brother, 5, 11, 316.

bride, 315.
bridegoom bride-
groom, 187.
bridge by bridge, 450.
bridle, 117.
brigade, 352.
bright, 117, 132, 388.
brighten, 305.


braggart, 342.

BRIHT, 132.

braided, 274.

[blocks in formation]

brotherhood, 326.
brought, 288.
brownie, 377.
BRUCE, 274.
bruze (Sp.), 346.
bubble, 316, 377.
buccaneer, 340.

buck, 119, 315.
budget, 334.

buds' nesens (Norfolk),
buffoon, 342.

BUGE, 274.

build, 301.
builded, 301.
buildress, 384.
built, 301.
Bulgaria, 329.
bull, 118, 191.
bullock, 317.
bumpkin, 377.
bumptious, 411.
bundle, 316.
buoyant, 405.
burden, 316.

burdie, 377.

burgage, 335.
burgess, 348.
burgh, 153.
Burgundy, 329.
burh, 153.

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