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sketch of a book on the subject. For the romantic period see Alfred Michiels, Histoire des idées littéraires en France au XIX® siècle, et de leurs origines dans les siècles antérieures, 4th ed., Paris, 1863. For Italy see G. A. Borgese, op. cit.

§ 3. For the early history of the distinction and classification of the arts see the literature quoted above in relation to Lessing, and his Laokoon, with notes by Blümner. For subsequent history, H. Lotze, Geschichte, cit., bk. iii.: Max Schasler, Das System der Künste auf einem neuen, im Wesen der Kunst begründeten Gliederungsprincip, 2nd ed., Leipzig-Berlin, 1881, introd.: Ed. v. Hartmann, Deutsche Asth. s. Kant, bk. ii. part ii. especially PP. 524-580: V. Basch, Essai sur l'esth. de Kant, pp. 483-496.

§ 4. For the doctrine of styles in antiquity see Volkmann, op. cit. pp. 532-566. The history of grammar and parts of speech is treated fully so far as Græco-Roman antiquity is concerned in Laur. Lersch, Die Sprachphilosophie der Alten, Bonn, 1838-1841: better still by Steinthal, Geschichte, cit. vol. ii. For Apollonius Dyscolus see Egger, Apollon Dyscole, Paris, 1854. For the history of grammar in the Middle Ages see Ch. Thurot, Extraits de divers manuscrits latins pour servir à l'histoire des doctrines grammaticales au moyen âge, Paris, 1869. For modern times, C. Trabalza, Storia della grammatica italiana, Milan, 1908. For the history of Criticism several books mentioned under § 2 may be consulted: in addition to these, B. Croce, Per la storia della critica e storiografia letteraria, containing Italian examples (Probl. d. est. pp. 419-448): for the theories of recent French criticism see Ém. Hennequin, La Critique scientifique, Paris, 1888, and Ernest Tissot, Les Évolutions de la critique française, Paris, 1890. On the concept of romanticism see G. Muoni, Note per una poetica storica del romanticismo, Milan, 1906: cf. B. Croce, Le definizioni del romanticismo, in Critica, iv. pp. 241-245 (reprinted in Probl. di estetica, pp. 285-294).


[blocks in formation]

Advocatus diaboli, 56

[blocks in formation]

Applied knowledge, 55
A priori synthesis, 41
Arabic art, 138
Archæology, 126
Archimedes, 20
Architecture, 101

theory of, 113

Aretino, P., 442

Ariosto, L., 136, 191, 196, 363, 473
Aristarchus, 464

Aristophanes, 160, 411, 421, 436
Aristotelians, 180

Aristotle, 41, 43, 92, 161, 165, 168,

169, 170, 173, 176, 178, 182,
184, 186, 187, 193, 217, 218,

220, 223, 227, 229, 236, 238,
257, 267, 315, 343, 421, 423,
427, 429, 430, 436, 437, 438,
Aristoxenus, 450

Armida, 102

Arnaud, 488

Arnauld, A., 210, 229
Arnold, D. E., 218
Arréat, L., 487
Ars Poetica, 228, 257
Art and intuition, 12

and science, 25
for art's sake, 52
Arteaga, S., 241, 269
Artificial beauty, 98
Arts, the various :

classifications of, 114, 449 seqq.
limits of, 114, 449 seqq.

no separate aesthetics of, 114
theories of, 113

Ascetic view of art, 85

Asiatic style, 463

Association, æsthetic, 7, 104

linguistic, 144

Ast, F., 300, 345, 346

Astrology of æsthetic, 110
Atoms, 30

Attic style, 463

Attractive, the, 87

Aubignac, d', 257, 439

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Blümner, 489

Bobrik, H., 338

Boccaccio, 57, 177

Bode, W., 483

Bodmer, J. J., 195, 199, 211

Boeri, A., 480

Boileau, N., 204, 211, 257, 343, 439, 445

Bonacci, G., 353

Bonald, L. G. A. de, 352

Bonatelli, 486

Bonghi, R., 435

Bonstetten, C., 350

Borgese, G. A., 482

Borgia, 57

Borinski, K., 184, 191, 192 n., 197 n.,

211 m., 480, 481, 483

Bos, J. B. du, 196, 197 m., 203, 218,
236, 251, 445, 449

Bosanquet, B., 418, 476-477
Bossu, le, 183, 228, 257

Bouhours, 190, 193, 199, 200, 208, 445
Bouterweck, F., 354

Braitmaier, F., 247 n., 481
Bratranek, F. T., 342, 459

Breitinger, J. J., 195, 211, 218, 231,
Brenning, 479
Brocense, 209

Brognoligo, G., 482

Brosses, C. de, 255

Brunetière, F., 449, 481, 488

Bruno, G., 442

Bruyère, la, 192, 343

Bryson, 173

Bücher, C., 401

Bucolics, 463

Bülffinger, J. B., 211, 217, 230
Bulk as a quality of art, 108
Buonafede, A., 446
Buonmattei, 358

Burke, E., 259, 260, 287, 343
Butcher, S. H., 479

Byzantine art, 127, 138

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dacianus, 181

Dacier, A., 257, 439

Dacier, Mme., 198

Danckelmann, E. von, 482

Dante, 18, 53, 93, 117, 121, 124, 137,
177, 178, 222, 252, 411, 440,

Danzel, T. W., 244 n., 284 n., 289 n.,

290 n., 299 n., 338-339, 481,
482, 483, 484

Decorative art, 36, 101

Decorous, the, 87

Deduction, 42

Defect, error of, 156
Defence of Poetry, 352 n.
Definition, 42

Degeneracy, 401
Degrees, relation of, 26

of expression, 67
of ugliness, 79
Delfico, M., 353, 464
Delminio, G. C., 430 n.

Demetrius Phalereus, 427

Descartes, R., 204-211, 217 n.

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